Study Guide for Kinn's The Administrative Medical Assistant - E-Book
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Get more practice with medical assisting competencies and test your critical thinking skills! Designed to support Kinn's The Administrative Medical Assistant: An Applied Learning Approach, 7th Edition by Alexandra P. Young-Adams, this study guide offers a complete review of content and a wide range of exercises to help you master CAAHEP and ABHES competencies.
- A variety of exercises test your knowledge and critical thinking skills, including vocabulary review, multiple choice, fill in the blank, and true/false questions.
- The most current content and competencies associated with CAAHEP and ABHES are included, such as emergency preparedness, patient education, and documentation.
- Procedure checklists allow you to tear out each sheet and provide to your instructor for evaluation.
- Exercises are cross-referenced to the Connections themes in your textbook.
- Additional exercises enhance the learning experience with skills and concepts, word puzzles, case studies, work applications, and Internet activities.
- English-Spanish terms help bilingual students master the content.
- Work products may be submitted to your instructor and to accrediting organizations as documentation that a competency has been completed.
- Expanded coverage of the Electronic Medical Record includes Practice Partner EMR activities for extra practice with this key competency.
- A companion Evolve website includes A&P exercises with medical animations.