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Today's Medical Assistant - E-Book

Today's Medical Assistant - E-Book

Kathy Bonewit-West | Sue Hunt | Edith Applegate


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Book Details


Bringing together the clinical know-how of Kathy Bonewit-West, the administrative expertise of Sue Hunt, and the anatomy and physiology knowledge of Edith Applegate, this unique, hands-on text guides you through the medical knowledge and skills you need to succeed in today's fast-paced medical office. The latest standards and competencies for the medical assistant have been incorporated into this new edition, along with expanded coverage on important topics such as nutrition, the electronic medical record, ICD-10, emergency preparedness and disaster planning, time management, and computerized prescription refills.

  • Consistent, meticulous coverage throughout the main text, IRM, SG, DVDs, Evolve, and more provide reliable content and unparalleled accuracy.
  • Over 90 procedural videos on DVD and online provide a visual representation of important procedures.
  • Expanded Student Evolve site contains all animations, games (such as Quiz Show and Road to Recovery), drag-and-drop exercises, Apply your Knowledge exercises, Prepare for Certification exercises, matching exercises, and other helpful activities such as blood pressure readings, determining height and weight, and drawing up medication.
  • What Would You Do? What Would You Not Do? boxes and responses offer applications of real-life case studies.
  • Clear and concise Anatomy and Physiology coverage covers the basics of A&P and eliminates the need for a separate A&P text.
  • Content updates reflect the latest competencies for medical assistants and ensure you have the most current information on the newest trends and updates in the medical assisting world.
  • 8th grade reading level makes material approachable and easy to understand.
  • New chapter on Emergency Preparedness offers a well-rounded perspective on what to do in specific emergency situations.
  • New OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens video improves your understanding of personal safety following the OSHA standards.
  • Pronunciation section in the Terminology Review gives you confidence with pronunciation and medical knowledge.
  • Application to EMR where appropriate prepares you for the real world by dealing with electronic medical records.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover cover
End sheet II FM2
Procedures FM3
Ch 17 Medical Asepsis and the OSHA Standard FM3
Ch 18 Sterilization and Disinfection FM3
Ch 19 Vital Signs FM3
Ch 20 The Physical Examination FM3
Ch 21 Eye and Ear Assessment and Procedures FM3
Ch 22 Physical Agents to Promote Tissue Healing FM3
Ch 23 The Gynecologic Examination and Prenatal Care FM3
Ch 24 The Pediatric Examination FM3
Ch 25 Minor Office Surgery FM3
Ch 26 Administration of Medication and Intravenous Therapy FM3
Ch 27 Cardiopulmonary Procedures FM3
Ch 28 Specialty Examinations and Procedures: Colon Procedures, Male Reproductive Health, and Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging FM3
Ch 30 Urinalysis FM3
Ch 31 Phlebotomy FM3
Ch 32 Hematology FM3
Ch 33 Blood Chemistry and Immunology FM3
Ch 34 Medical Microbiology FM3
Ch 36 The Medical Record FM3
Ch 37 Patient Reception FM3
Ch 39 Telephone Techniques FM3
Ch 40 Scheduling Appointments FM3
Ch 41 Medical Records Management FM3
Ch 42 Written Communications FM3
Ch 43 Mail FM3
Ch 44 Managing Practice Finances FM3
Ch 45 Medical Coding FM3
Ch 46 Medical Insurance FM3
Ch 47 Billing and Collections FM3
Ch 48 The Medical Assistant as Office Manager FM3
Ch 49 Emergency Protective Practices for the Medical Office FM3
Half title page i
Evolve page ii
Today's Medical Assistant, 2/e iii
Copyright page iv
Dedication v
Reviewers vii
Preface ix
Features in this Textbook ix
Important Features Include the Following: ix
Standard Pedagogical Features in this Textbook ix
Extensive Supplemental Resources xii
Student DVDs xii
Evolve Resources xii
Study Guide xii
Medical Assisting Online xii
Acknowledgments xv
Clinical Procedure Icons xvii
Table of Contents xix
1 Introduction to Medical Assisting 1
1 The Health Care System 1
Chapter Outline 1
Learning Objectives 1
Key Terms 1
Introduction to Health and the Health Care System 2
Shift From Hospital-Based to Community-Based Health Care 2
Managed Care Versus Patient Care: Competing Forces Facing the Medical Office in the Twenty-First Century 2
Fee-for-Service Insurance Plans 2
Government Insurance Plans 3
Managed Care 6
Health Care Reform 6
Ambulatory Care 6
Flow of Activity in Ambulatory Care 7
The Health Care Team 8
Members of the Health Care Team 8
Physicians and Other Health Care Providers 8
Effective Teamwork 9
Parts of the Medical Office 10
Reception Area and Waiting Room 11
Examination Rooms and Laboratory 11
Medical Records Storage and Business Office 11
Additional Areas Found in Many Offices 12
Medical Specialties 12
Primary Care 12
Osteopathy 13
Podiatry 14
Chiropractic 14
Practice Types 14
Solo Practice 14
Group Practice 14
Clinic 15
Complementary and Alternative Medicine 15
2 The Professional Medical Assistant 18
Chapter Outline 18
Learning Objectives 18
Key Terms 18
Introduction to Professional Medical Assisting 19
Educational Programs for Medical Assistants 19
Characteristics of Medical Assistants 20
Character Traits 20
Personality Traits 20
Appearance 21
Initiative and Behavioral Skills 22
Professionalism 23
Professionalism for Physicians 23
Professionalism for Medical Assistants 23
Credentials of Medical Assistants 25
Certified Medical Assistant 25
Registered Medical Assistant 25
Obtaining Additional Credentials 25
Professional Organizations 25
Peer Support 26
Continuing Education 26
Legislative Advocacy 26
Publications, Newsletters, and Websites 26
Role of the Medical Assistant 26
Administrative Responsibilities 26
Clinical Responsibilities 27
Managing the Medical Office 28
Patient Education 28
Employment Opportunities 28
3 Ethics and Law for the Medical Office 32
Chapter Outline 33
Key Terms 33
Introduction to Medical Ethics 33
Reasons to Study Ethics 34
Ethics and Health Care 34
Ethical Concepts 34
Rights 34
Right to Life 34
Right to Privacy 34
Right to Autonomy 34
Right to the Means to Sustain Life 35
Duties 35
Do No Harm 35
Do the Best Possible 35
Be Faithful to Reasonable Expectations 35
Be a Patient Advocate 35
Tell the Truth 36
Give Each Person a Fair Share 36
Ethical Conflict 36
Reproductive Issues 36
Stem Cell Research 36
Genetic Engineering and Cloning 37
Refusing or Withholding Treatment and Physician-Assisted Suicide 37
Advance Directives 37
Personal and Professional Ethics 38
Process Used to Make Ethical Decisions 39
Gathering Information 39
Identifying Conflicting Values 39
Determining Relative Importance of Conflicting Claims 39
Exploring Alternatives 39
Choosing and Justifying One Alternative 39
Implementing the Decision 40
Introduction to Law 40
Difference between Public Law and Private Law 40
Lawsuits 40
Specialized Areas of Public Law 40
Creation of Laws 40
Criminal Law 40
Nonviolent Crimes 41
Civil Law 41
Law and Professional Liability 41
Physician-Patient Relationship 41
The Physician 42
The Patient 42
Terminating the Physician-Patient Relationship 42
Personal and Professional Liability 43
Standard of Care 43
Informed Consent 44
Professional Negligence 45
Requirements to Prove Professional Negligence 45
Professional Liability Insurance 45
Malpractice Litigation 46
Initiating a Lawsuit 46
Response to a Possible Lawsuit 46
Alternative Dispute Resolution 46
Tort Defenses 46
Privilege 46
Consent 46
Self-Defense or the Defense of Others 47
Expiration of the Statute of Limitations 47
Contributory or Comparative Negligence 47
Assumption of Risk 47
Federal and State Laws Affecting the Medical Office 47
Controlled Substances and Prescriptions 47
Controlled Substances 47
Prescriptions 48
Federal and State Laws Protecting Employees 48
Hiring and Firing 48
Preemployment Testing 48
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 49
Family and Medical Leave Act 49
Sexual Harassment 49
Minimum Wage and Overtime 49
Employee Retirement Income Security Act 49
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 49
Health Insurance Availability and Coverage 49
Privacy Rule 49
Transaction and Code Set Rule 50
Security Rule 50
Other Provisions 50
Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act 50
Mandatory Reporting 50
State Regulation of Health Occupations 51
Revoking or Suspending a Physician’s License 51
Facility Licensing and Accreditation 51
State Requirements 51
Federal Requirements 51
Voluntary Accreditation 51
4 Interacting with Patients 56
Chapter Outline 56
Key Terms 57
Introduction to Communication 57
Communicating with Patients 57
Verbal and Nonverbal Communication 57
Interference with Communication 57
Listening Skills 58
Nonverbal Measures to Facilitate Communication 59
Interviewing Techniques 60
Closed Questions 60
Open Questions 60
Keeping the Conversation Going 60
Drawing Patients Out 60
Avoiding Responses That Inhibit Communication 60
Barriers to Effective Communication 61
Impaired Level of Understanding 61
Sight Impaired 62
Hearing Impaired 62
Language Barriers 63
Understanding and Meeting the Needs of Patients 63
Patient Expectations of Health Care 63
How Basic Needs Affect the Behavior of Patients 64
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 64
Effects of Unmet Needs during Illness 64
Establishing Caring Relationships 64
Empathy 64
Expression of Caring 65
Value of Effective Relationships with Patients 65
Personal Boundaries 65
Emotional Responses to Illness 66
Guilt 66
Loss of Control 66
Anxiety 66
Anger 67
The Grieving Process 67
Cultural Influences Affecting Health Care 69
Causes of Illness 69
Treatments and Traditional Practices 69
Behavioral Requirements 70
2 Anatomy and Physiology 73
5 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology 73
Chapter Outline 73
Key Terms 74
A Brief Summary of Medical History 74
The Human Body 75
Anatomy and Physiology 75
Levels of Organization 75
Chemical Level 75
Cells 75
Tissues 75
Organs 75
Body Systems 75
Total Organism 75
Organ Systems 75
Integumentary System 75
Skeletal System 75
Muscular System 76
Nervous System 76
Endocrine System 76
Cardiovascular System 76
Lymphatic System 77
Digestive System 78
Respiratory System 78
Urinary System 79
Reproductive System 79
Homeostasis 79
Negative and Positive Feedback 79
Anatomic Terms 79
Anatomic Position 79
Directions in the Body 79
Planes and Sections of the Body 80
Body Cavities 80
Regions of the Body 81
Cell Structure and Function 82
Structure of the Generalized Cell 82
Plasma Membrane 83
Cytoplasm 83
Nucleus 83
Cytoplasmic Organelles 85
Mitochondria 85
Ribosomes 85
Endoplasmic Reticulum 85
Golgi Apparatus 85
Lysosomes 85
Filamentous Protein Organelles 85
Cytoskeleton 85
Centrioles 86
Cilia 86
Flagella 86
Cell Functions 86
Movement of Substances across the Cell Membrane 86
Diffusion 86
Osmosis 86
Filtration 88
Active Transport 88
Endocytosis 88
Exocytosis 89
Cell Division 89
Mitosis 89
Interphase 89
Prophase 90
Metaphase 90
Anaphase 90
Telophase 90
Meiosis 90
DNA Replication and Protein Synthesis 90
Tissues and Membranes 90
Body Tissues 90
Epithelial Tissue 90
Simple Squamous Epithelium 91
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium 91
Simple Columnar Epithelium 91
Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium 93
Stratified Squamous Epithelium 93
Transitional Epithelium 93
Glandular Epithelium 93
Connective Tissue 94
Loose Connective Tissue 94
Adipose Tissue 94
Dense Fibrous Connective Tissue 94
Elastic Connective Tissue 94
Cartilage 94
Bone 95
Blood 95
Muscle Tissue 95
Skeletal Muscle 95
Smooth Muscle 96
Cardiac Muscle 96
Nervous Tissue 96
Body Membranes 97
Mucous Membranes 97
Serous Membranes 97
Synovial Membranes 98
Meninges 98
6 Integumentary System 100
Chapter Outline 100
Key Terms 100
Introduction to the Integumentary System 101
Structure of the Skin 101
Epidermis 101
Dermis 101
Subcutaneous Layer 102
Skin Color 102
Epidermal Derivatives 102
Hair and Hair Follicles 102
Nails 103
Glands 103
Sebaceous Glands 103
Sweat (Sudoriferous) Glands 103
Ceruminous Glands 103
Functions of the Skin 103
Protection 103
Sensory Reception 103
Regulation of Body Temperature 104
Synthesis of Vitamin D 104
Aging of the Integumentary System 104
7 Skeletal System 106
Chapter Outline 106
Key Terms 107
Introduction to the Skeletal System 107
Overview of the Skeletal System 107
Functions of the Skeletal System 107
Support 107
Protection 107
Movement 107
Storage 107
Blood Cell Formation 107
Structure of Bone Tissue 107
Compact Bone 107
Spongy (Cancellous) Bone 107
Classification of Bones 109
General Features of a Long Bone 109
Bone Development and Growth 110
Bone Growth in Length 110
Divisions of the Skeleton 110
Bones of the Axial Skeleton 110
Skull 110
Cranium 111
Frontal Bone 111
Parietal Bones 111
Occipital Bone 111
Temporal Bones 111
Sphenoid Bone 112
Ethmoid Bone 112
Facial Bones 112
Maxillary Bones 112
Palatine Bones 112
Nasal Bones 112
Lacrimal Bones 112
Zygomatic Bones 112
Inferior Nasal Conchae 112
Vomer 112
Mandible 114
Auditory Ossicles 114
Hyoid Bone 114
Vertebral Column 114
General Structure of Vertebrae 114
Composition of the Vertebral Column 114
Thoracic Cage 115
Sternum 115
Ribs 115
Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton 115
Pectoral Girdle 115
Upper Extremity 116
Arm 116
Forearm 116
Hand 117
Pelvic Girdle 117
Lower Extremity 117
Thigh 117
Leg 118
Foot 118
Patella 119
Articulations 119
Synarthroses 119
Amphiarthroses 119
Diarthroses 121
Aging of the Skeletal System 121
8 Muscular System 123
Chapter Outline 123
Key Terms 123
Introduction to the Muscular System 124
Characteristics and Functions of the Muscular System 124
Structure of Skeletal Muscle 124
Whole Skeletal Muscle 124
Skeletal Muscle Fibers 124
Nerve and Blood Supply 125
Skeletal Muscle Attachments 125
Contraction of Skeletal Muscle 125
Stimulus for Contraction 125
Energy Sources and Oxygen Debt 126
Movements 127
Skeletal Muscle Groups 127
Naming Muscles 127
Muscles of the Head and Neck 130
Muscles of Facial Expression 130
Muscles of Mastication 130
Neck Muscles 130
Muscles of the Trunk 130
Vertebral Column Muscles 130
Thoracic Wall Muscles 130
Abdominal Wall Muscles 131
Pelvic Floor Muscles 131
Muscles of the Upper Extremity 131
Muscles That Move the Shoulder and Arm 131
Muscles That Move the Forearm and Hand 134
Muscles of the Lower Extremity 134
Muscles That Move the Thigh 134
Muscles That Move the Leg 134
Muscles That Move the Ankle and Foot 134
Aging of the Muscular System 134
9 Nervous System 136
Chapter Outline 136
Key Terms 137
Introduction to the Nervous System 137
Functions of the Nervous System 137
Organization of the Nervous System 137
Central Nervous System 137
Peripheral Nervous System 137
Nerve Tissue 139
Neurons 139
Neuroglia 139
Nerve Impulses 139
Resting Membrane 141
Stimulation of a Neuron 141
Conduction along a Neuron 141
Saltatory Conduction 141
Refractory Period 141
All-or-None Principle 142
Conduction across a Synapse 142
Reflex Arcs 143
Central Nervous System 144
Meninges 144
Brain 144
Cerebrum 144
Diencephalon 146
Brain Stem 146
Cerebellum 147
Ventricles and Cerebrospinal Fluid 148
Spinal Cord 148
Peripheral Nervous System 149
Structure of a Nerve 149
Cranial Nerves 150
Spinal Nerves 150
Autonomic Nervous System 151
General Features 151
Sympathetic Division 151
Parasympathetic Division 151
Aging of the Nervous System 153
10 The Senses 155
Chapter Outline 155
Key Terms 155
Introduction to the Senses 156
Receptors and Sensations 156
General Senses 156
Touch and Pressure 156
Proprioception 156
Temperature 156
Pain 157
Gustatory Sense 157
Olfactory Sense 158
Visual Sense 158
Protective Features and Accessory Structures of the Eye 158
Structure of the Eyeball 159
Pathway of Light and Refraction 160
Photoreceptors 160
Visual Pathway 161
Auditory Sense 161
Structure of the Ear 161
External Ear 162
Middle Ear 162
Inner Ear 162
Physiology of Hearing 163
Initiation of Impulses 163
Pitch and Loudness 163
Sense of Equilibrium 163
Static Equilibrium 163
Dynamic Equilibrium 163
Aging of the Senses 164
11 Endocrine System 166
Chapter Outline 166
Key Terms 166
Introduction to the Endocrine System 167
Comparison of the Endocrine and Nervous Systems 167
Comparison of Exocrine and Endocrine Glands 167
Characteristics of Hormones 167
Chemical Nature of Hormones 167
Mechanism of Hormone Action 167
Endocrine Glands and their Hormones 167
Pituitary Gland 167
Hormones of the Anterior Lobe (Adenohypophysis) 168
Growth Hormone 168
Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone 168
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone 168
Gonadotropic Hormones 170
Prolactin 171
Hormones of the Posterior Lobe (Neurohypophysis) 171
Antidiuretic Hormone 171
Oxytocin 171
Thyroid Gland 171
Thyroxine and Triiodothyronine 171
Calcitonin 171
Parathyroid Glands 171
Adrenal (Suprarenal) Glands 172
Hormones of the Adrenal Cortex 172
Hormones of the Adrenal Medulla 172
Pancreas—Islets of Langerhans 172
Glucagon 173
Insulin 173
Gonads (Test+12es and Ovaries) 173
Testes 173
Ovaries 173
Pineal Gland 173
Thymus Gland 174
Aging of the Endocrine System 174
12 Circulatory System 175
Chapter Outline 175
Key Terms 175
Introduction to the Circulatory System 176
Heart 176
Overview of the Heart 176
Form, Size, and Location of the Heart 176
Coverings of the Heart 176
Structure of the Heart 176
Layers of the Heart Wall 176
Chambers of the Heart 177
Valves of the Heart 180
Atrioventricular Valves 180
Semilunar Valves 180
Pathway of Blood through the Heart 180
Blood Supply to the Myocardium 181
Physiology of the Heart 181
Conduction System 181
Components of the Conduction System 181
Sinoatrial Node 181
Atrioventricular Node 182
Atrioventricular Bundle, Bundle Branches, and Conduction Myofibers 182
Cardiac Cycle 182
Heart Sounds 182
Blood 183
Functions and Characteristics of Blood 183
Composition of Blood 183
Plasma 183
Plasma Proteins 183
Other Solutes 184
Formed Elements 184
Erythrocytes 184
Characteristics and Functions 184
Production of Erythrocytes 184
Destruction of Erythrocytes 184
Leukocytes 186
Characteristics and Functions 186
Types of Leukocytes 186
Thrombocytes 186
Hemostasis 187
Vascular Constriction 187
Platelet Plug Formation 187
Coagulation 187
Blood Types 188
ABO Blood Groups 188
Rh Blood Groups 188
Blood Vessels 188
Classification and Structure of Blood Vessels 188
Arteries 188
Capillaries 189
Veins 189
Circulatory Pathways 190
Pulmonary Circuit 190
Systemic Circuit 190
Aging of the Circulatory System 190
13 Respiratory System 194
Chapter Outline 194
Key Terms 194
Introduction to the Respiratory System 195
Functions and Overview of Respiration 195
Ventilation 195
Conducting Passages 195
Nose and Nasal Cavities 195
Pharynx 196
Larynx 196
Trachea 198
Bronchi and Bronchial Tree 198
Lungs 199
Mechanics of Ventilation 199
Inhalation 199
Exhalation 199
Respiration 199
External Respiration 199
Internal Respiration 199
Regulation of Respiration 200
Respiratory Center 200
Factors That Influence Breathing 200
Chemoreceptors 200
Stimulus from Higher Brain Centers 200
Temperature 200
Nonrespiratory Air Movements 200
Aging of the Respiratory System 200
14 Digestive System 202
Chapter Outline 202
Key Terms 202
Introduction to the Digestive System 203
Functions of the Digestive System 203
General Structure of the Digestive Tract 203
Mucosa 204
Submucosa 204
Muscular Layer 204
Serosa or Adventitia 204
Components of the Digestive Tract 204
Mouth 204
Lips and Cheeks 204
Palate 204
Tongue 206
Teeth 206
Salivary Glands 207
Pharynx 208
Esophagus 208
Stomach 208
Structure 208
Gastric Secretions 208
Regulation of Gastric Secretions 209
Stomach Emptying 209
Small Intestine 209
Structure 209
Secretions of the Small Intestine 210
Large Intestine 211
Characteristics 211
Regions of the Large Intestine 211
Functions of the Large Intestine 211
Accessory Organs of Digestion 212
Liver 212
Structure of the Liver 212
Blood Supply to the Liver 212
Functions of the Liver 213
Bile 213
Gallbladder 213
Pancreas 214
Chemical Digestion 214
Carbohydrate Digestion 214
Protein Digestion 214
Lipid Digestion 214
Absorption 215
Aging of the Digestive System 215
15 Urinary System 217
Chapter Outline 217
Key Terms 217
Introduction to the Urinary System 218
Components of the Urinary System 218
Kidneys 218
Location 218
Macroscopic Structure 218
Nephrons 219
Collecting Ducts 221
Juxtaglomerular Apparatus 221
Blood Flow through the Kidney 221
Ureters 221
Urinary Bladder 222
Urethra 222
Urine Formation 222
Glomerular Filtration 222
Tubular Reabsorption 223
Tubular Secretion 223
Regulation of Urine Concentration and Volume 223
Micturition 223
Aging of the Urinary System 224
16 Reproductive System 225
Chapter Outline 225
Key Terms 225
Introduction to the Reproductive System 226
Male Reproductive System 226
Testes 226
Structure 226
Spermatogenesis 227
Duct System 229
Epididymis 229
Ductus Deferens 229
Ejaculatory Duct 229
Urethra 229
Accessory Glands 229
Seminal Vesicles 229
Prostate 229
Bulbourethral Glands 229
Seminal Fluid 230
Penis 230
Male Sexual Response 230
Hormonal Control 230
Female Reproductive System 231
Ovaries 231
Structure 231
Oogenesis 231
Ovarian Follicle Development 233
Ovulation 233
Genital Tract 233
Uterine Tubes 233
Uterus 234
Vagina 234
External Genitalia 234
Female Sexual Response 235
Hormonal Control 235
Ovarian Cycle 236
Uterine (Menstrual) Cycle 236
Menopause 236
Mammary Glands 237
Aging of the Reproductive System 237
3 Clinical Component 239
17 Medical Asepsis and the OSHA Standard 239
Chapter Outline 240
Key Terms 240
Introduction to Medical Asepsis and the OSHA Standard 240
Microorganisms and Medical Asepsis 240
Growth Requirements for Microorganisms 240
Infection Process Cycle 241
Protective Mechanisms of the Body 241
Medical Asepsis in the Medical Office 241
Hand Hygiene 241
Resident and Transient Flora 242
Handwashing 242
Antiseptic Handwashing 243
Alcohol-Based Hand Rubs 243
Infection Control 243
Gloves 243
Types of Gloves 248
Glove Guidelines 248
OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard 249
Purpose of the Standard 249
Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act 249
OSHA Terminology 249
Components of the OSHA Standard 250
Exposure Control Plan 250
Labeling Requirements 250
Communicating Hazards to Employees 251
Record-Keeping 252
Control Measures 252
Engineering Controls 252
Safer Medical Devices 252
Work Practice Controls 252
Personal Protective Equipment 254
Personal Protective Equipment Guidelines 254
Housekeeping 255
Hepatitis B Vaccination 255
Universal Precautions 257
Regulated Medical Waste 257
Handling Regulated Medical Waste 257
Disposal of Regulated Medical Waste 259
Bloodborne Diseases 259
Hepatitis B 260
Postexposure Prophylaxis 260
Hepatitis C 260
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 260
18 Sterilization and Disinfection 267
Chapter Outline 268
Key Terms 268
Introduction to Sterilization and Disinfection 268
Definitions of Terms 268
Hazard Communication Standard 269
Hazard Communication Program 269
Inventory of Hazardous Chemicals 269
Labeling of Hazardous Chemicals 269
Container Label Requirements 270
Material Safety Data Sheets 270
Material Safety Data Sheet Requirements 270
Employee Information and Training 272
Sanitization 273
Sanitizing Instruments 273
Cleaning Instruments 273
Manual Method 273
Ultrasound Method 273
Guidelines for Sanitizing Instruments 274
Disinfection 279
Levels of Disinfection 279
High-Level Disinfection 279
Intermediate-Level Disinfection 280
Low-Level Disinfection 280
Sterilization 280
Sterilization Methods 280
Autoclave 280
Monitoring Program 281
Sterilization Indicators 281
Chemical Indicators 282
Autoclave Tape. 282
Sterilization Strips. 282
Biologic Indicators 282
Wrapping Articles 284
Sterilization Paper 284
Sterilization Pouches 284
Muslin 284
Operating the Autoclave 287
Guidelines for Autoclave Operation 287
Location of the Autoclave 287
Filling the Water Reservoir 287
Loading the Autoclave 288
Timing the Load 289
Drying the Load 289
Handling and Storing Packs 290
Maintaining the Autoclave 290
Daily Maintenance 290
Weekly Maintenance 290
Monthly Maintenance 290
Other Sterilization Methods 290
Dry Heat Oven 290
Ethylene Oxide Gas Sterilization 291
Cold Sterilization 291
Radiation 291
19 Vital Signs 297
Chapter Outline 298
Key Terms 298
Introduction to Vital Signs 298
Temperature 299
Regulation of Body Temperature 299
Heat Production 299
Heat Loss 299
Body Temperature Range 300
Alterations in Body Temperature 300
Variations in Body Temperature 300
Fever 301
Stages of a Fever 301
Assessment of Body Temperature 301
Assessment Sites 301
Oral Temperature 302
Axillary Temperature 302
Rectal Temperature 302
Aural Temperature 302
Forehead Temperature 303
Types of Thermometers 303
Electronic Thermometer 303
Tympanic Membrane Thermometer 303
Temporal Artery Thermometer 304
Earlobe Temperature Measurement 304
Care and Maintenance 304
Chemical Thermometers 305
Disposable Chemical Single-Use Thermometers 305
Temperature-Sensitive Strips 305
Pulse 316
Mechanism of the Pulse 316
Factors Affecting Pulse Rate 316
Pulse Sites 316
Radial 316
Apical 316
Brachial 316
Ulnar 316
Temporal 317
Carotid 317
Femoral 317
Popliteal 317
Posterior Tibial 317
Dorsalis Pedis 317
Assessment of Pulse 317
Pulse Rate 318
Pulse Rhythm and Volume 318
Respiration 318
Mechanism of Respiration 318
Control of Respiration 319
Assessment of Respiration 319
Respiratory Rate 319
Rhythm and Depth of Respiration 321
Color of the Patient 321
Respiratory Abnormalities 321
Breath Sounds 321
Pulse Oximetry 322
Assessment of Oxygen Saturation 322
Mechanism of Action 322
Interpretation of Results 323
Purpose of Pulse Oximetry 323
Components of the Pulse Oximeter 324
Monitor 324
Probe 324
Factors Affecting Pulse Oximetry 325
Pulse Oximeter Care and Maintenance 326
Blood Pressure 331
Mechanism of Blood Pressure 331
Interpretation of Blood Pressure 331
Pulse Pressure 331
Factors Affecting Blood Pressure 331
Assessment of Manual Blood Pressure 332
Stethoscope 332
Stethoscope Chest Piece 333
Sphygmomanometer 333
Aneroid Sphygmomanometer 333
Mercury Sphygmomanometer 334
Cuff Sizes 335
Korotkoff Sounds 337
Automated Oscillometric Blood Pressure Device 337
Advantages 337
Disadvantages 339
20 The Physical Examination 348
Chapter Outline 349
Key Terms 349
Introduction to the Physical Examination 349
Definitions of Terms 349
Preparation of the Examining Room 350
Preparation of the Patient 351
Measuring Weight and Height 353
Body Mechanics 361
Principles 361
Application of Body Mechanics 362
Standing 362
Sitting 362
Lifting 362
Positioning and Draping 363
Wheelchair Transfer 372
Assessment of the Patient 376
Inspection 377
Palpation 377
Percussion 377
Auscultation 378
Assisting the Physician 378
21 Eye and Ear Assessment and Procedures 384
Chapter Outline 384
Key Terms 384
Introduction to the Eye 385
Visual Acuity 385
Assessment of Distance Visual Acuity (DVA) 386
Conducting a Snellen Test 387
Assessing Distance Visual Acuity in Preschool Children 387
Assessment of Near Visual Acuity (NVA) 388
Assessment of Color Vision 389
Ishihara Test 389
Eye Irrigation 393
Eye Instillation 393
Introduction to the Ear 397
Assessment of Hearing Acuity 397
Types of Hearing Loss 397
Hearing Acuity Tests 398
Gross Screening Test 398
Tuning Fork Tests 398
Audiometry 398
Tympanometry 399
Ear Irrigation 400
Ear Instillation 400
22 Physical Agents to Promote Tissue Healing 409
Chapter Outline 409
Key Terms 409
Introduction to Tissue Healing 410
Local Application of Heat and Cold 410
Factors Affecting the Application of Heat and Cold 410
Heat 411
Local Effects of Heat 411
Purpose of Applying Heat 411
Types of Heat Applications 411
Heating Pad 411
Hot Soak 411
Hot Compress 412
Chemical Hot Pack 412
Cold 412
Local Effects of Cold 412
Purpose of Applying Cold 412
Types of Cold Applications 412
Ice Bag 412
Cold Compress 412
Chemical Cold Pack 412
Ambulatory AIDS 418
Crutches 418
Axillary Crutch Measurement 418
Crutch Guidelines 418
Crutch Gaits 419
Canes 420
Walkers 420
23 The Gynecologic Examination and Prenatal Care 427
Chapter Outline 428
Key Terms 428
4 Administrative Component 869
36 The Medical Record 869
Chapter Outline 870
Key Terms 870
Introduction to the Medical Record 871
Components of the Medical Records 871
Medical Office Administrative Documents 873
Patient Registration Record 873
Demographic Information 874
Billing Information 874
NPP Acknowledgment Form 874
Correspondence 874
Medical OFFICE Clinical Documents 874
Health History Report 874
Physical Examination Report 875
Progress Notes 875
Medication Record 875
Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medication Record Form 875
Medication Administration Record Form 875
Consultation Report 875
Home Health Care Report 875
Laboratory Documents 876
Diagnostic Procedure Documents 876
Electrocardiogram Report 876
Holter Monitor Report 876
Sigmoidoscopy Report 876
Colonoscopy Report 876
Spirometry Report 878
Radiology Report 878
Diagnostic Imaging Report 878
Therapeutic Service Documents 878
Physical Therapy 878
Occupational Therapy 878
Speech Therapy 879
Hospital Documents 879
History and Physical Report 879
Operative Report 879
Discharge Summary Report 884
Pathology Report 885
Emergency Department Report 885
Consent Documents 887
Consent to Treatment Form 887
Release of Medical Information Form 888
Mailed or Faxed Requests for Release of Medical Information 890
Types of Medical Records 892
Electronic Medical Record 892
Medical Record Formats 892
Source-Oriented Record 892
Problem-Oriented Record 892
Database 893
Problem List 893
Plan 893
Progress Notes 893
Preparing A Medical Record for A New Patient 893
Medical Record Supplies 893
File Folders 893
Folder Labels 894
Chart Dividers 894
Taking A Health History 899
Components of the Health History 899
Identification Data 899
Chief Complaint 899
Recording Chief Complaints 899
Correct Examples 899
Incorrect Examples 899
Present Illness 903
Past History 903
Family History 903
Social History 903
Review of Systems 903
Charting in the Medical Record 903
Charting Guidelines 903
Charting Progress Notes 907
Charting Patient Symptoms 907
Other Activities That Need to Be Charted 909
Procedures 909
Administration of Medication 910
Specimen Collection 910
Diagnostic Procedures and Laboratory Tests 910
Results of Laboratory Tests 910
Patient Instructions 910
37 Patient Reception 915
Chapter Outline 915
Key Terms 915
Introduction to Patient Reception 916
Preparing for Patients 916
Opening the Medical Office 916
Checking for Messages and/or Faxes 916
Preparing for the Day’s Activities 916
Making Sure Patient Charts Are Prepared 916
Checking the Office and Waiting Room 916
Checking Equipment and Supplies 917
Closing the Medical Office 917
Patient Check-In 919
Maintaining Confidentiality 919
New Patients 919
Acknowledgement of Receipt of HIPAA Privacy Practices 919
Patient History Form 921
Verifying Insurance and Obtaining Authorizations 921
Verifying a Managed Care Referral 923
Established Patients 923
Accepting Copayments 923
Indicating That the Patient Is in the Waiting Room 925
Orienting Patients to the Medical Office 925
Information for New or Prospective Patients 925
Patient Informational Materials 925
38 Medical Office Computerization 929
Chapter Outline 930
Key Terms 930
Introduction to Medical Office Computerization 931
Computer Concepts 931
Data Processing Cycle 931
Input 932
Processing 932
Output 932
Components of the Computer System 932
Software 932
System Software 932
Application Software 932
Documentation 933
Hardware 934
Main Computer Unit 934
Mainboard 934
Central Processing Unit 934
Main Computer Memory 934
Storage Capacity 935
Other Personal Computer Components 935
Sound Card and Video Card 935
Power Supply 935
Care and Maintenance of the Main Computer Unit 935
Computer Monitor 936
Types of Monitors 936
Screen Size 936
Monitor Resolution 936
Monitor Controls 936
Monitor Ergonomics 936
Monitor Care and Maintenance 937
Computer Keyboard 937
Special Keys 937
Mouse 938
Keyboard Ergonomics 938
Keyboard Care and Maintenance 938
Printer 939
Inkjet Printer 939
Laser Printer 939
Printer Care and Maintenance 940
Storage Devices 940
Hard Disks 940
Hard Disk Drive 941
Optical Discs 941
USB Flash Drive 941
Medical Office Computerization 941
Prerequisite Computer Concepts 941
Impact of Medical Office Computerization 942
Advantages of Computerization 942
Disadvantages of Computerization 942
Computer System Malfunctions 943
Measures to Promote Efficient Computer Operation 943
Medical Practice Management Program 943
Patient Registration System 943
Appointment System 943
Posting Transactions System 944
Patient Billing System 944
Insurance Billing System 944
Reports System 944
File Maintenance System 944
Electronic Medical Record 944
Advantages of the Electronic Medical Record 945
Disadvantages of the Electronic Medical Record 945
Electronic Medical Record Documents 946
Electronic Medical Record Administrative Documents 946
Electronic Medical Record Clinical Documents 946
Electronic Information Transfer 949
Internet 949
E-mail 949
Clinical Messaging 949
Electronic Transmission of Billing and Insurance Information 949
E-Prescribing 949
Medical Assistant’s Use of the Electronic Medical Record 950
Functions Performed by the Medical Assistant 950
Physician’s Use of the Electronic Medical Record 952
Computer Network Security 952
Authentication 952
Levels of Authorization 952
Automatic Logoff 952
Audit Controls 952
Antivirus Software 952
Firewall 952
Backups 952
System Maintenance 953
Disk Cleanup 953
Disk Defragmentation 953
System Administration 953
Service Agreements 953
39 Telephone Techniques 958
Chapter Outline 958
Key Terms 958
Introduction to Telephone Techniques 959
Using the Telephone Effectively 959
Telephone Courtesy 959
Telephone Personality 959
Effective Telephone Communication 959
Telephone Technology 960
Multiline Phones 960
Special Features 960
Answering Machines and Voicemail 961
Cell Phones and Smartphones 961
Pagers 961
Incoming Calls 962
Centralized or Electronic Routing 962
Managing Incoming Calls 962
Performing Telephone Screening 962
Calls the Medical Assistant Usually Handles 962
Taking Messages 963
Taking Messages Using the Computer 963
Patients Requesting Test Results 963
Patients Reporting Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory Progress 963
Requests for Medication or Prescription Refills 964
Calls for Referrals or Requesting Laboratory or Diagnostic Tests 964
Patients with Medical Questions 964
Calls from Other Physicians 964
Calls from Salespeople 964
Urgent or Emergency Calls 964
Dealing with Problem Calls 965
The Caller Who Refuses to Give Information 965
Complaints 965
Patients with Special Problems 965
Outgoing Calls 969
Local Calls 969
Appointment Reminders 969
Long-Distance Calls 969
Conference Calls 969
40 Scheduling Appointments 973
Chapter Outline 974
Key Terms 974
Introduction to Appointment Scheduling 974
Guidelines for Appointment Scheduling 974
Methods of Scheduling 975
Appointment Book Scheduling 975
Computer Scheduling 975
Daily Appointment Schedule 975
Types of Scheduling 975
Time-Specified (Stream) Scheduling 975
Wave Scheduling 976
Modified Wave Scheduling 976
Double Booking 977
Open Booking 977
Patient Appointment Requests and Self-Scheduling 977
Clustering or Categorization 977
Multiple Offices 977
Setting Up the Appointment Schedule 977
Appointment Intervals 978
Physician’s Preferences and Needs 978
Facilities and Equipment Requirements 979
Guidelines for Scheduling 980
Established Patients 980
Special Situations 980
New Patients 980
Same-Day Appointments 980
Urgent Care and Emergencies 981
Walk-in Patients 981
Individuals Who Are Not Patients 981
Managing the Appointment Schedule 983
Changing Appointments 983
Late Patients 983
Appointment Reminders 983
Storing Appointment Books and Daily Schedules 984
Scheduling Referral Appointments, Diagnostic Tests, Procedures, and Admissions 985
Referrals 985
Scheduling Diagnostic Procedures and Hospital Admissions 986
Scheduling a Diagnostic Procedure 986
Scheduling an Inpatient Admission 986
Scheduling Surgery 987
Giving a Patient Instructions before Surgery 987
Documenting an Appointment for Surgery 987
41 Medical Record Management 992
Chapter Outline 992
Key Terms 992
Introduction to Medical Records 993
Paper-Based Medical Records 993
Electronic Medical Records 993
Equipment and Supplies 994
Storage Equipment 994
File Cabinets 994
Shelf Filing Units 994
Filing Supplies 994
File Folders 994
Folder Labels 995
Chart Dividers 995
Mounting Sheets 996
Other Supplies 996
Filing Systems 996
Alphabetic Filing 996
Rule 1: Individual Names 996
Rule 2: Prefixes 997
Rule 3: Abbreviations and Nicknames 997
Rule 4: Hyphenation 997
Rule 5: Titles and Seniority Terms 997
Rule 6: Names of Married Women 997
Rule 7: Companies and Businesses 998
Rule 8: Identical Names 998
Numeric Filing 998
Terminal Digit Filing Systems 998
Consecutive Filing Systems 998
Subject Filing 998
Chronologic Filing 999
Choosing a Filing System 999
Retrieving OR Filing A Paper Medical Record 1000
Retrieving Patient Records 1000
Filing Records 1000
Filing Reports and Correspondence 1000
Measures to Ensure Accuracy or Locate Misplaced Records 1001
Electronic Medical Record 1002
Storing Medical Records 1002
Active Records 1002
Inactive Records 1002
Retention of Records 1002
Storing Computerized Records 1003
42 Written Communications 1007
Chapter Outline 1007
Key Terms 1007
Introduction to Written Communication 1008
Business Letters 1008
Equipment and Supplies 1008
Parts of a Business Letter 1008
Heading 1008
Inside Address 1008
Salutation or Greeting 1008
Body of the Letter 1008
Complimentary Closing 1008
Signature, Printed Signature, and Title 1008
End Notations 1009
Format of Business Letters 1010
Setting up a Letter 1010
Letter Styles 1010
Composing a Business Letter 1010
Responding to Written Communication 1012
Grammar and Punctuation 1014
Parts of Speech 1014
Sentence Structure 1014
Sentence Errors 1015
Comma Rules 1015
Spelling and Proofreading 1016
Spelling 1016
Proofreading 1016
Preparing Memoranda 1016
Electronic Data Transmission 1016
E-mail 1016
Clinical Messaging 1018
E-mail Attachments 1018
Fax Transmissions 1018
Fax Machine 1018
Sending a Fax 1019
Photocopying 1020
43 Mail 1023
Chapter Outline 1023
Key Terms 1023
Introduction to Mail and Shipping 1024
U.S. Postal System 1024
ZIP Code and Bar Code Systems 1024
Classifications of Domestic Mail 1024
Express Mail 1025
First-Class Mail 1025
Priority Mail 1025
Standard Mail 1025
Parcel Post and Other Packages 1025
Insurance and Delivery Confirmation Services 1025
Certified Mail 1025
Return Receipt 1025
Signature Confirmation 1025
Certificate of Mailing 1026
Restricted Delivery 1026
Registered Mail 1026
Insured Mail 1027
Special Handling 1027
Collect on Delivery 1027
Postal Money Orders 1027
Other Package Delivery Services 1028
Processing Incoming Mail 1028
Opening Mail 1028
Automated Mail Processing 1030
Postal Addressing Standards 1030
Letters and Large Envelopes 1030
Complete Address 1030
Recipient Line 1031
Optional Attention Line 1031
Delivery Address Line 1031
City, State, and ZIP Code Line 1031
Address Format 1031
Return Address 1033
Outgoing Mail 1034
Preparing Envelopes or Mailing Labels 1034
Folding and Inserting Letters into Envelopes 1034
No. 10 Envelope 1034
No. Envelope 1034
Window Envelope 1034
Adding Postage 1034
Postage Meters 1034
Safety Precautions 1035
Online Postage Services 1035
44 Managing Practice Finances 1039
Chapter Outline 1039
Key Terms 1039
Introduction to Daily Financial Activities 1040
Maintaining Patient Accounts 1040
Components of A Patient Account 1041
Charge Slip 1041
Fee Schedule 1043
Patient Account Ledger 1043
Posting Payments to the Patient Account 1043
Posting Adjustments to the Patient Account 1044
Day Sheet 1044
Printing Day Sheets and Other Reports 1046
Banking Activities 1051
Types of Accounts 1051
Checking Account 1051
Savings Account 1051
Money Market Account 1051
Checks 1051
Types of Checks 1051
Check Format 1051
Business Checkbook with Stubs 1052
Computer-Generated Checks 1052
Online Payment 1052
Preparing a Check 1053
Bank Deposits 1053
Balancing the Cash Drawer 1053
Preparing a Bank Deposit 1053
Precautions for Accepting Checks 1054
Endorsing Checks 1054
Blank Endorsement 1055
Special Endorsement 1055
Restrictive Endorsement 1055
Making a Deposit 1055
Reconciling a Bank Statement 1055
Other Financial Accounts 1059
Accounts Payable or Record of Cash Disbursements 1059
Petty Cash 1059
45 Medical Coding 1063
Chapter Outline 1063
Key Terms 1063
Introduction to Coding 1064
Procedure Coding 1064
Levels of Procedure Codes 1064
Level I Codes 1064
Level II Codes 1064
CPT Manual 1064
Sections of the CPT Manual 1064
Category II Codes 1065
Category III Codes 1065
Appendices 1066
Looking up CPT Codes in the Index 1066
Selecting a Specific CPT Code 1066
Evaluation and Management 1067
Medical History 1068
Physical Examination 1068
Medical Decision Making 1068
Secondary Factors 1068
Anesthesia 1068
Surgery 1069
Radiology 1069
Pathology and Laboratory 1069
Medicine 1070
Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System Level II Codes 1072
Looking up HCPCS Level II Codes 1072
Diagnosis Coding 1073
History of Diagnosis Coding 1073
ICD-9-CM Manual 1073
Format of ICD-9-CM Codes 1073
Numeric Codes (001-999.9) 1073
Codes for Individuals Who Do Not Have a Disease or Injury 1074
Using the Index (Volume 2) 1074
Examples 1074
Using the Tabular List (Volume 1) 1074
Selecting the Correct Fifth Digit 1074
ICD-10-CM Manual 1075
Format of ICD-10-CM Codes 1075
Looking up Diagnosis Codes in the Alphabetic Index 1075
Codes for Individuals Who Do Not Have A Disease or Injury (Z01 to Z99) 1076
External Cause Codes (V01 to Y99) 1076
Using the Alphabetic Index 1076
Examples 1077
Using the Tabular List 1077
Instructional Notations 1077
Selecting the Code with the Correct Level of Detail 1078
46 Medical Insurance 1083
Chapter Outline 1083
Key Terms 1084
Introduction to Health Insurance 1084
History of Health Insurance 1084
Obtaining Health Insurance 1085
Paying for Health Insurance and Health Care 1085
Factors Affecting Insurance Reimbursement 1086
Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Insurance 1086
Coordination of Benefits 1086
Participating and Nonparticipating Providers 1086
Types of Reimbursement 1087
Types of Insurance 1087
Fee-for-Service Plans 1087
Managed Care Plans 1088
Health Maintenance Organization Models 1088
Staff Model Health Maintenance Organization 1089
Network Health Maintenance Organization 1089
Other Managed Care Models 1089
Preferred Provider Organization 1089
Exclusive Provider Organization 1089
Independent Practice Association 1089
Point-of-Service Plans 1089
Government Plans 1089
Medicare 1089
Medicaid 1090
Children’s Health Insurance Program 1090
Insurance Plans for Dependents of Members of the Armed Services and Veterans 1091
Workers’ Compensation 1091
Insurance and Managed Care Policies and Procedures 1091
Meeting Requirements for Insurance and Managed Care Plans 1091
Obtaining Preauthorization (Precertification) 1092
Referrals 1093
Formulary Exceptions 1095
Insurance Claim Forms 1095
The CMS-1500 Claim Form 1095
Guidelines for Processing Insurance Claims 1095
Completing the Insurance Claim Form 1095
Carrier Information 1095
Patient and Insured Information 1095
Patient Information 1095
Subscriber and Insurance Information 1100
Physician Information 1100
Submitting Insurance Claims 1100
Electronic Claims 1100
Paper Claims 1100
Tracking Insurance Reimbursement 1101
Using a Claims Register 1101
Explanation of Benefits Forms 1102
Follow-up and Resubmission of Claims 1102
47 Billing and Collections 1107
Chapter Outline 1107
Key Terms 1107
Introduction to Billing 1108
Billing Cycle 1108
Billing Process 1108
Billing Problems 1109
Problems with Checks 1109
Insufficient Funds in the Office Account 1109
Stopping Payment 1109
Insufficient Funds in a Patient Account 1110
Overpayments and Refunds 1110
Account Aging 1113
Accounts Receivable Aging Records and Reports 1113
Examining Accounts for Those Overdue 1113
Collection Activities 1114
Past Due Accounts 1114
Collection Letters 1115
Credit Agreements 1117
Truth in Lending Agreements 1117
Policy for Patients with Outstanding Balances 1117
Other Collection Techniques and Special Circumstances 1117
Tracing “Skips” 1117
Sending Accounts to a Collection Agency 1118
Small Claims Court 1120
Billing an Estate 1120
Bankruptcy 1121
48 The Medical Assistant as Office Manager 1124
Chapter Outline 1124
Key Terms 1125
Introduction to Medical Office Management 1125
Maintaining the Office 1125
Administrative Area 1125
Examination and Treatment Rooms 1126
Waiting Room 1126
Security Systems 1126
Routine Maintenance 1127
Temperature and Ventilation 1127
General Cleaning 1127
Cleaning Cabinets and Drawers 1128
Miscellaneous Tasks 1128
Patient and Employee Safety 1128
Safe Work Practices 1129
Signs and Instructions 1129
Monitoring Environmental Safety 1130
Maintaining Equipment 1130
Inventory 1130
Monitoring Equipment Function and Readiness for Use 1131
Service Contracts 1131
Service Calls 1131
New Equipment Purchases 1131
Supplies 1132
Supply Inventory 1132
Restocking 1135
Ordering Supplies 1135
Receiving Supplies 1135
Creating an Environment for Teamwork 1135
Staff Meetings 1136
Orienting and Training Employees 1136
Working with New Employees or Medical Assisting Students 1136
Preparing Payroll 1136
Deductions 1137
Income Taxes 1137
Social Security and Medicare 1137
State Taxes 1137
Employer Obligations 1137
Unemployment Tax 1137
Preparing Payroll Checks 1137
Managing Physician and Employee Schedules 1137
Physician Schedules 1137
Employee Schedules 1138
Providing Resources for Staff and Patients 1138
Office Policy and Procedure Manuals 1138
Medical Office Policies 1138
Written Procedures 1138
Locating Community Resources 1139
Risk Management 1140
Minimizing Risk of Injury or Illness 1140
Incident Reports 1140
Liability Coverage 1140
49 Emergency Protective Practices for the Medical Office 1144
Chapter Outline 1144
Key Terms 1144
Introduction to Disaster and Emergency Planning 1145
Types of System-Wide Disasters and Emergencies 1145
Natural Disasters 1145
Man-made Disasters and Emergencies 1145
Psychological Effects of Serious Emergencies 1145
The Stress Response 1145
Managing Anxiety 1146
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 1147
Fire Safety 1148
Fire Hazards in the Workplace 1148
Fire Protection and Fire Safety Plan 1148
Emergency Response 1150
Emergency Preparedness in the Medical Office 1150
Emergency Action Plan 1150
Evacuation Plan 1150
Orienting and Training Employees 1150
Fire Drills and Disaster Drills 1150
Medical Assistant’s Role 1152
Community and National Disaster Planning 1152
Community and National Organizations 1153
Community Resources 1153
50 Obtaining Employment 1157
Chapter Outline 1157
Learning Objectives 1157
Key Terms 1157
Introduction to Obtaining Employment 1158
Successful Job Search 1158
Setting Goals 1158
Identifying Potential Employers 1158
Tools for A Job Search 1158
Preparing a Résumé 1158
Résumé Styles 1159
Information to Include 1159
Personal Demographics 1159
Objective 1159
Education 1159
Previous Experience 1159
Describing Responsibilities Using Verbs in the Past Tense 1160
Appendix A Medical Abbreviations e1
Appendix B Spanish-English Phrases e10
Hints for Pronunciation of Spanish Words e10
Introductory e10
General e10
Pain e10
Head e11
Appendix C Community Resources for the Medical Assistant e14
Professional Organizations Related to Medical Assisting e14
AHDI (Association for Healthcare Documentation Integrity): e14
Ahima (American Health Information Management Association): e14
American Association of Medical Assistants: e14
American Medical Technologists: e14
American Society of Phlebotomy Technicians: e14
American Society of Podiatric Medical Assistants: e14
Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology: e14
Organizations That Provide CPR Certification e14
American Heart Association: e14
American Red Cross: e14
Accrediting Agencies e14
Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care: e14
Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools: e14
Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs: e15
Joint Commission: e15
Agencies of the United States Government e15
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: e15
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: e15
Drug Enforcement Administration: e15
Food and Drug Administration: e15
National Institutes of Health: e15
Occupational Safety and Health Administration: e15
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: e15
Glossary 1173
Figure Credits 1192
Chapter One 1192
Chapter Four 1192
Chapter Five 1192
Chapter Six 1192
Chapter Seven 1192
Chapter Eight 1192
Chapter Nine 1192
Chapter Ten 1192
Chapter Eleven 1192
Chapter Twelve 1192
Chapter Thirteen 1193
Chapter Fourteen 1193
Chapter Fifteen 1193
Chapter Sixteen 1193
Chapter Seventeen 1193
Chapter Eighteen 1193
Chapter Nineteen 1193
Chapter Twenty 1193
Chapter Twenty-One 1193
Chapter Twenty-Two 1193
Chapter Twenty-Three 1194
Chapter Twenty-Four 1194
Chapter Twenty-Five 1194
Chapter Twenty-Six 1195
Chapter Twenty-Seven 1195
Chapter Twenty-Eight 1195
Chapter Twenty-Nine 1196
Chapter Thirty 1196
Chapter Thirty-One 1196
Chapter Thirty-Two 1196
Chapter Thirty-Three 1196
Chapter Thirty-Four 1196
Chapter Thirty-Five 1196
Chapter Thirty-Six 1197
Chapter Thirty-Seven 1197
Chapter Thirty-Eight 1197
Chapter Thirty-Nine 1197
Chapter Forty 1197
Chapter Forty-One 1197
Chapter Forty-Two 1197
Chapter Forty-Three 1197
Chapter Forty-Four 1197
Chapter Forty-Five 1197
Chapter Forty-Six 1197
Chapter Forty-Seven 1197
Chapter Forty-Eight 1197
Chapter Forty-Nine 1198
Chapter Fifty 1198
Index 1199
A 1199
B 1201
C 1203
D 1207
E 1208
F 1211
G 1212
H 1213
I 1215
J 1216
K 1216
L 1216
M 1218
N 1221
O 1222
P 1223
Q 1227
R 1227
S 1228
T 1232
U 1233
V 1234
W 1235
X 1236
Y 1236
Z 1236