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Business and Professional Skills for Massage Therapists - E-Book

Business and Professional Skills for Massage Therapists - E-Book

Sandy Fritz


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Book Details


Develop the business skills necessary to succeed in massage therapy with help from respected massage educator and business owner, Sandy Fritz! With a user-friendly approach and comprehensive support tools, this authoritative guide delivers a working knowledge of essential concepts for employees or owners of a massage therapy practice and helps you prepare for the professional challenges that await you in the real world.

  • Renowned massage educator and business owner Sandy Fritz presents a practical, proven business philosophy for success in massage therapy practice.
  • Focus on need-to-know business skills for complete success as an employee or the owner of a massage therapy practice.
  • A companion CD with practice management software provides hands-on experience creating client records, setting appointments, entering documentation, and more.
  • Self-Reflection boxes put concepts into a realistic context through Sandy Fritz’s personal experiences in massage practice.
  • Learning Activity boxes reinforce your understanding and challenge you to apply what you’ve learned in an engaging workbook format.
  • Good Stuff from the Government boxes alert you to helpful government resources and help you ensure compliance with federal regulations.
  • Mentor boxes provide real-world insight and advice from experts in massage and business management for successful practice.
  • More than 200 realistic photos and illustrations clarify concepts and familiarize you with typical practice settings and essential forms, records, office equipment, and supplies.
  • Evolve Resources link you to templates for building resumes, letters, advertisements, forms for documentation, and client histories, plus small business resources, annotated web links, a glossary of key terms from the text, and additional exercises and case studies.