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Electrocardiography of Complex Arrhythmias, An Issue of Cardiac Electrophysiology Clinics, E-Book

Electrocardiography of Complex Arrhythmias, An Issue of Cardiac Electrophysiology Clinics, E-Book

Mohammad Shenasa


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Book Details


This issue of Cardiac Electrophysiology Clinics examines electrocardiography of complex arrhythmias. Topics include concealed conduction, right and left atrial macroreentrant tachycardias, focal atrial fachycardias, AV nodal and AV reentrant tachycardia, wide complex tachycardias, ventricular tachycardia in CAD, ECG characteristics of outflow tract VT, fascicular tachycardias, VT in non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy, VT originating from unusual sites, incessant VT and VT storms, ECG characteristics of TdP, VT in ARVC, and ventricular arrhythmia in inherited channelopathies, arrrhythmias in complex congenital heart disease, AV conduction disease and block, electrocardiographic analysis of paced rhythms.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Electrocardiography ofComplex Arrhythmias i
Copyright\r ii
Contributors iii
Contents vii
Cardiac electrophysiology clinics\r xii
Foreword xiii
Not Such a Trivial Pursuit xiii
Preface xv
Electrocardiography of Complex Arrhythmias xv
Reference xv
Concealed Conduction and Allied Concepts 377
Key points 377
Introduction 377
Historical background 377
ECG and EP manifestations 378
Concealment During Antegrade Conduction of Impulses 378
Premature atrial complex 378
Regular high-rate atrial impulses 378
Irregular high-rate atrial impulses 383
ECG perspectives pertinent to atrial fibrillation 384
Concealment During Retrograde Conduction of Impulses 384
Premature ventricular impulse 384
Incremental ventricular pacing 385
CC During Collision of Antegrade and Retrograde Impulses 387
Transseptal CC 387
Perpetuation of CC by Virtue of the Linking Phenomenon 388
Aberrant Ventricular Conduction 392
Development 392
Maintenance 394
Resolution 395
DVR and CC 396
Impact of CC on Different Forms of Tachycardia 399
Reentrant tachycardias 399
Tachycardias with V greater than A 402
Pacemaker-mediated tachycardia 408
Summary 412
Acknowledgments 412
References 413
Electrocardiographic Characteristics of Ventricular Arrhythmia in Inherited Channelopathies 419
Key points 419
Introduction 419
Long-QT syndrome 420
Background 420
Genetics and Pathogenesis 420
Electrocardiographic Characteristics 420
Clinical Manifestation and Diagnosis 422
Management 424
Short-QT syndrome 425
Background 425
Genetics and Pathogenesis 425
ECG Characteristics 425
Clinical Manifestation and Diagnosis 426
Treatment 426
Brugada syndrome 426
Background 426
Genetics and Pathogenesis 426
ECG Characteristics 426
Clinical Manifestation and Diagnosis 427
Management 427
Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia 428
Background 428
Genetics and Pathogenesis 428
ECG Characteristics 428
Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis 429
Management 429
References 429
Electrophysiological Basis of ECG Characteristics of Torsades de Pointes in Long QT Syndrome 433
Key points 433
Introduction 433
ECG characteristics of TdP 434
A paradigm of TdP from ion channels to ECG 437
The mechanism of twisting QRS morphology of TdP 437
Short-long cardiac sequence and the onset of TdP 438
QT/T-wave alternans and TdP 440
The mechanism of perpetuation of TdP: repetitive focal activity versus reentrant excitation 441
Summary 443
References 443
Atrioventricular Conduction Disease and Block 445
Key points 445
Introduction 445
Electrocardiographic pattern 445
First-degree AV Block 445
Second-degree AV Block 445
Mobitz type I, second-degree AV block 446
Mobitz type II, second-degree AV block 447
2:1 AV Block 447
High-degree AV Block 447
Third-degree AV Block and AV Dissociation 448
Paroxysmal AV Block 448
Vagotonic AV Block 450
Noninvasive and invasive testing 450
Causes of AV block 451
Acquired AV Block 451
Drugs 451
Iatrogenic 453
Ischemic 454
Degenerative 454
Systemic diseases 454
Hereditary AV Block and Channelopathies 456
Congenital AV Block 456
Management and treatment 456
Summary 457
References 457
Electrocardiographic Characteristics of Focal Atrial Tachycardias 459
Key points 459
Introduction and definition 459
Pathophysiology 459
ECG characteristics of focal AT 460
General principles surrounding the ECG in focal AT 460
ECG characteristics of right atrial sites of origin 461
Crista Terminalis 461
Tricuspid Annulus 461
Right Atrial Appendage 462
CS Ostium 462
Septal and Perinodal Region 462
ECG characteristics of left atrial sites of origin 462
Pulmonary Veins 462
Left Atrial Appendage 462
Mitral Annulus 463
Noncoronary Aortic Sinus of Valsalva 463
CS Body 465
Left Septal Region 465
Differential diagnosis 465
Pharmacologic management 466
Outcomes of EP study and ablation 466
Summary 467
References 467
Right and Left Atrial Macroreentrant Tachycardias 469
Key points 469
Electrophysiology study and ECG characteristics of macroreentrant tachycardias 469
Typical and Reverse Typical AFL 469
RA Upper Loop Reentry and Lower Loop Reentry 470
Left Atrial Macroreentrant Tachycardias 472
Mitral Annular AFL 472
LA Septal Flutter 472
Other LA Flutters 474
Differential diagnosis in 12-lead ECG 475
Management 476
Intervention outcome 477
Discussion 479
Distinguishing Typical AFL from Atypical AFL 479
Macroreentrant Atrial Tachycardias Following AF Ablation 479
Summary 480
References 480
Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardias 483
Key points 483
Introduction 483
History of AVNRT 483
Clinical presentation 484
Electrocardiographic characteristics of AVNRT 485
Dual A-V nodal physiology 486
Types of AVNRT 486
Uncommon or atypical forms of AVNRT 486
Electrophysiologic characteristics of AVNRT 486
Investigation and differential diagnosis of AVNRT and AVRT in the electrophysiology laboratory 489
Timed Ventricular Premature Beats (Premature Ventricular Contractions) During SVT 489
P-wave morphology 490
Management of AVNRT 490
Management of patients with narrow complex tachycardia 490
Catheter ablation of AVNRT 490
Two approaches have been used for AVNRT ablation 490
Advantages of slow pathway ablation 490
End points of slow pathway ablation 490
Imaging during AVNRT ablation 491
Electrophysiologic effects of slow pathway ablation 491
Electrophysiologic effects of fast pathway ablation 491
Cryomapping and ablation of AVNRT 492
End points and outcomes of cryoablation in AVNRT 492
Subthreshold stimulation mapping of AVNRT 492
Complications of AVNRT ablation 492
AVRT 492
Clinical presentation 492
Tachycardias in WPW syndrome 494
Electrocardiographic characteristics of WPW syndrome and related tachycardias 495
Electrocardiographic features of OT 496
Effect of BBB During OT 497
Electrocardiographic features of preexcited tachycardias 499
Patients with multiple APs 502
Electrocardiographic clues to multiple APs 503
AF and atrial flutter in WPW syndrome 503
Other arrhythmias in AVRT 504
Mapping and ablation of APs 504
Summary 508
References 508
Wide Complex Tachycardia 511
Key points 511
Mechanism of WCT 511
VT 512
SVT-A 512
Antidromic AV Reentrant Tachycardia (ART) 512
Nonspecific Intraventricular Conduction Delays 513
Paced Ventricular Rhythm 513
ECG criteria for differential diagnosis of a WCT 513
QRS Duration 513
QRS Axis 513
QRS Concordance 513
Atrioventricular Relationship 515
Capture and Fusion QRS Complexes 515
QRS Morphology 515
Brugada Criteria 516
Lead aVR Criteria 516
ECG Criteria When Baseline ECG Is Available 520
Miscellaneous Criteria 521
Application of various ECG criteria 521
Management of WCT 521
Hemodynamically Unstable WCT 521
Summary 522
References 523
Ventricular Tachycardia in Coronary Artery Disease 525
Key points 525
Pathophysiology of scar-related ventricular tachycardia 525
General principles surrounding the ECG characteristics of VT 526
ECG characteristics of VT in coronary artery disease 526
Previous Inferior Infarction 526
Previous Anterior Infarction 526
Papillary Muscle Infarction 527
Epicardial VT 527
Bundle Branch Reentry VT 527
Differential diagnosis 527
Management 531
Electrophysiology study and catheter ablation 531
Outcomes of catheter ablation 532
Complications 532
Summary 532
References 533
Ventricular Tachycardia in Nonischemic Dilated Cardiomyopathy 535
Key points 535
Introduction 535
Pathology 536
ECG characteristics 536
ECG in SR 537
ECG During Ventricular Arrhythmia 537
Intracardiac EGM characteristics 542
Differences in Substrate Between ICMP and NICMP 542
Basal Perivalvular Location 542
Nonendocardial Substrate 543
Intramural and Periaortic Substrate 547
Unipolar EGM and Irreversibility of NICMP 548
Summary 549
References 549
Electrocardiogram Characteristics of Outflow Tract Ventricular Tachycardia 553
Key points 553
Introduction 553
Pathophysiology 553
Clinical Presentation 553
Distribution 554
ECG characteristics of outflow tract VT 554
RVOT Versus LVOT 554
Localization of Outflow Tract Tachycardia Arising from Superior RVOT 555
Localization of Outflow Tract Tachycardia Arising from the Basal Left Ventricle 556
Localization of Outflow Tract Tachycardia Arising from Aortic Cusps and Surrounding Epicardium 556
Localization algorithm 558
Limitations and additional considerations 558
Lead Placement 558
VT Originating from the Body of the Right Ventricle 559
Mapping and ablation 561
Summary 564
References 564
Fascicular Tachycardia 567
Key points 567
ECG characteristics of fascicular arrhythmias 567
Management 571
Medical Treatment 571
Catheter Ablation 571
Summary 578
References 578
Ventricular Tachycardia Originating from Unusual Sites 581
Key points 581
Introduction 581
Right ventricle 581
Tricuspid Annulus 581
Papillary Muscles of the Right Ventricle 583
Left ventricle 585
Mitral Annulus 585
Papillary Muscles of the Left Ventricle 586
Anterolateral Papillary Muscle 586
Posteromedial Papillary Muscle 586
Cardiac venous system 588
Summary 591
References 591
Electrocardiographic Characteristics of Ventricular Tachycardia in Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia 595
Key points 595
Background 595
Clinical manifestations and epidemiology of ventricular arrhythmias 596
Electrocardiographic differentiation between ARVD/C and right ventricular outflow tract–VT 597
Sinus rhythm 597
Ventricular arrhythmias 598
Single Versus Multiple Forms 598
VT/PVC Morphology 598
Pathophysiology of VT morphology 599
Differentiation between ARVD/C and cardiac sarcoid 599
Summary 599
References 599
Electrocardiographic Recognition of Epicardial Arrhythmias 603
Key points 603
Introduction 603
Ventricular arrhythmias 604
Pseudo-δ Wave 604
Intrinsicoid Deflection Time 604
The Shortest RS Complex 605
QRS Complex Duration 605
MDI 607
Q Wave Status in Lead I and Inferior Leads 607
Precordial Pattern Break 608
Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy Epicardial VT Algorithm 608
Ischemic Cardiomyopathy Epicardial VT Criteria 608
Normal Sinus Rhythm Findings Suggestive of Basal Lateral Scar 608
Decision Algorithm for Epicardial Mapping and Ablation in VT 609
Accessory pathways 610
Posterior Septal Pathways 610
Right Free Wall Pathways 610
Summary 610
References 610
Incessant Ventricular Tachycardia and Fibrillation 613
Key points 613
Introduction 613
Specific contributing factors in electrical storm 613
Electrolyte Imbalance 614
Myocardial Ischemia and Infarction 614
Drug-induced Proarrhythmia 614
VT Storm in Patients with ICDs 614
VT Storm in Inherited Channelopathies 614
Electrical Storm in Patients with Congestive Heart Failure 614
ECG markers of VT storm 615
Infarction electrical storm management 619
Summary 620
References 620
Arrhythmias in Complex Congenital Heart Disease 623
Key points 623
Introduction 623
Case I 624
Case II 624
Case III 627
Case IV 627
Case V 630
Case VI 631
Summary 632
Acknowledgments 632
References 632
Electrocardiographic Analysis of Paced Rhythms 635
Key points 635
Electrograms from implanted devices 635
Unipolar and Bipolar Electrograms 635
Effect of ventricular pacing site on ECG 636
His Bundle and Para-Hisian Pacing 636
BiV Pacing 636
Electrocardiographic characteristics of BiV responders 638
DDD pacing algorithms 640
Ventricular Pacing Avoidance Algorithms 640
Autocapture 640
Ventricular Safety Pacing 641
Atrial Fibrillation Suppression Algorithms 641
Rate Drop Response 642
Rate Smoothing 643
Noncompetitive Atrial Pacing 643
Fusion and Pseudofusion 644
Pacemaker-mediated arrhythmias 644
Repetitive Nonreentrant VA Synchronous Rhythm 645
Device-induced proarrhythmia 646
Pacemaker-Facilitated VT/VF 646
Diagnosis of Arrhythmias by Device Electrograms 647
Summary 648
References 648
Index 651