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Psychiatric Diagnosis and Management in Primary Care, An Issue of Medical Clinics, E-Book

Psychiatric Diagnosis and Management in Primary Care, An Issue of Medical Clinics, E-Book

Genevieve Pagalilauan


Additional Information


This issue of the Medical Clinics of North America is devoted to Psychiatric Diagnosis and Management in Primary Care and is edited by Dr. Genevieve Pagalilauan. Articles in this issue include: Psychopharmacology; Office-based Screening of Common Psychiatric Conditions; Depression; Anxiety Disorders; Bipolar Disorder; Borderline Personality Disorder; Grief Reaction, Adjustment Disorder, Seasonal Affective Disorder; Somatiform Disorders; Addiction Disorders; Sleep disorders; Geriatric Psychiatry; Autism Spectrum Disorders in Adults; and Medical Conditions with Neuropsychiatric Manifestations.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Psychiatric Diagnosis\rand Management in\rPrimary Care\r i
Copyright ii
Medical clinics of north america\r v
Contributors vii
Contents xi
Foreword\r xv
Preface\r xvii
Erratum xxi
Psychopharmacology 927
Key points 927
Introduction 927
General approach to treatment 927
Disease-Specific Considerations 928
Antidepressants 928
Antianxiety medications 929
Mood stabilizers 929
Antipsychotics 930
Mood disorder medications 930
Discussion 930
SSRIs 931
SNRIs 934
Unique Mechanism Antidepressants 935
TCAs 936
MAOIs 936
Benzodiazepines 937
Mood stabilizer medications 938
Lithium 938
Anticonvulsants 940
Antipsychotics 942
Antipsychotic medications 943
Use in Schizophrenia 948
Use in Mood Disorders 949
Use in Geriatrics for Dementia-Related Behaviors and Symptoms 950
Summary/future directions 951
References 952
Office-Based Screening of Common Psychiatric Conditions 959
Key points 959
Introduction 959
Screening asymptomatic patients for psychiatric conditions—general considerations 960
Case Definitions 961
Depression 961
Burden of Disease 961
Screening Tools 961
General population 961
PHQ-9 and PHQ-2 961
Other scales 964
Effectiveness of screening for depression 964
Anxiety disorders 964
Burden of Disease 964
Screening Tools 965
Beck anxiety inventory 965
Hospital anxiety and depression scale 966
Generalized anxiety disorder-7 966
Multistage screening tools 966
Effectiveness of Screening for Anxiety 967
Other common psychiatric conditions 967
ADHD 967
Burden of Disease 967
Screening Tools 968
Effectiveness of screening for ADHD 968
Posttraumatic stress disorder 968
Burden of Disease 968
Screening Tools 969
Effectiveness of screening for PTSD 970
Limitations of existing evidence 970
Optimal Cutoffs for Screening Tools 970
Funding Source 971
Screening for One Diagnosis or More 971
The elderly 971
Targeted versus general screening 972
Novel and alternative screening modalities 972
Recommendations 972
General Recommendations 972
Depression Screening 973
Recommendations from major organizations 974
Anxiety Screening 974
Recommendations from major organizations 976
Summary 976
References 976
Major Depression 981
Key points 981
Introduction 981
The syndrome of major depression and its presentation 982
Depression subtypes 982
Determination of degree of impairment 983
Epidemiology and course of MDD 984
Screening 984
Pathophysiology 987
Identification, comorbidity, and differential diagnosis 987
Substance Use Disorder 987
General Medical Conditions 988
Prescription Medications 988
Adjustment Disorders and Demoralization 988
Sleep Disorders 988
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 988
Grief and Bereavement 989
Minor and Persistent Depression 989
Personality 989
Suicide, depression, and assessment 990
Treatment and management 990
Behavioral Interventions and Self-Care 990
Diet 991
Exercise 991
Sleep 991
Alcohol and tobacco use 991
Other lifestyle interventions 992
Psychotherapy for MDD 992
Pharmacotherapy 992
General approach 994
Mechanism of action, efficacy and tolerability 995
Serious side effects 995
Medication interactions 997
Treatment-resistant depression 997
Summary 998
References 999
Anxiety Disorders in Primary Care 1007
Key points 1007
Introduction 1007
Methods 1008
Diagnostic challenges 1008
Co-occurring mental disorders 1008
Human and financial cost 1010
Impact of subthreshold symptoms 1010
Increased risk of suicide 1010
Screening tools 1010
Changes from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders-IV to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiat ... 1010
Epidemiology, course of illness, and prognosis 1011
GAD 1011
SAD 1011
PD 1011
PTSD 1012
OCD 1012
Treatment 1012
Pharmacotherapy 1012
Psychotherapy 1014
Combination treatment 1014
Adjunctive treatments 1015
Complementary and alternative medicine 1015
Use of rating scales in treatment 1015
Specific treatments and recommendations 1015
GAD 1015
PD 1017
SAD 1017
OCD 1017
PTSD 1018
Discussion and conclusion 1018
References 1019
Diagnosis and Management of Bipolar Disorder in Primary Care 1025
Key points 1025
Introduction 1025
Epidemiology 1026
Genetics 1026
Impact of BD 1026
Diagnosis 1027
Screening 1028
Medical workup 1029
Psychiatric comorbidities and differential diagnosis 1031
Pharmacologic management 1032
Psychotherapeutic and psychosocial management 1038
Systems of care 1041
Controversies 1041
Summary 1042
References 1043
Borderline Personality Disorder in the Primary Care Setting 1049
Key points 1049
Case 1049
Epidemiology 1050
Remission 1050
Suicide 1051
Criteria and clinical characteristics 1051
Comorbidity 1052
Pathophysiology 1053
Genetics 1053
Brain Abnormalities 1053
Neurohormones 1053
Environmental Factors 1054
Treatment 1054
Psychotherapy 1054
Psychopharmacology 1055
Management in the primary care setting 1056
Future directions 1060
References 1060
Seasonal Affective Disorder, Grief Reaction, and Adjustment Disorder 1065
Key points 1065
Introduction 1065
Seasonal affective disorder 1066
Symptoms 1066
Diagnostic Tests 1066
Who Is at Risk for Developing SAD? 1067
Differential Diagnosis 1067
Treatment 1067
Light therapy is the most studied treatment of SAD 1067
Antidepressants offer another treatment option for SAD 1068
Cognitive-behavioral therapy can be used to augment light therapy 1068
Several complementary and alternative treatments have been suggested for SAD 1068
There is scant evidence comparing available treatments or their use in combination 1068
The duration of treatment should last at least the typical SAD season 1068
Management 1069
Grief reaction 1069
Symptoms 1069
Healthy Grieving Is a Normal Process 1069
Differential Diagnosis 1070
Several Risk Factors Exist for Complex Grief 1070
Diagnostic Tests 1070
Distinguishing Between Grief and Depression 1070
Treatment 1071
Management 1071
Adjustment disorder 1071
Symptoms 1071
Risk Factors for Adjustment Disorder Depend on the Patient or the Stressor 1072
Diagnostic Tests 1072
Differential Diagnosis 1073
Many Other Disorders Can Co-Occur with Adjustment Disorder 1073
Treatment 1074
Management 1074
Summary 1075
References 1075
Approach to the Patient with Multiple Somatic Symptoms 1079
Key points 1079
Introduction 1079
Spectrum of severity of somatic symptoms: a biopsychosocial approach to diagnosis and management 1081
Psychiatric disorders among patients with somatic symptoms 1085
Management recommendations 1087
General Principles of Management 1087
Engagement and building a sound therapeutic alliance with the patient 1087
Biopsychosocial history and physical examination 1087
Diagnostic evaluation to rule out medical illness 1088
Educate patients how psychosocial stressors and symptoms interact 1088
Specific Management Strategies 1088
Screening for depression and anxiety 1088
Evaluate somatic symptom burden 1088
Treatment of comorbid psychiatric disorders 1089
Psychiatric consultation and the role of collaborative care model 1090
Summary 1091
References 1091
Addiction Disorders 1097
Key points 1097
Introduction 1097
SUD assessment and diagnosis 1098
Approach to Assessing Patients for Substance Use 1098
Screening 1098
Assessing for SUD 1099
Alcohol use disorders 1099
Brief Interventions 1101
Pharmacotherapy for Alcohol Use Disorders 1103
Ambulatory medically supervised withdrawal 1103
Medication management for relapse prevention 1105
Motivational Interviewing 1107
Harm Reduction 1107
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 1107
12-Step Facilitation and 12-Step Programs 1107
AA 1107
Substance use disorder issues in chronic pain management 1108
Opioid Treatment Risks 1108
Naltrexone 1109
XR Naltrexone IM 1109
Acamprosate 1109
Disulfiram 1109
Topiramate 1109
Gabapentin 1109
Approaching Patients on High-Dose Opioids 1110
Detection and Management of Problems During Opioid Prescribing 1110
General Considerations 1113
Opioids 1113
Stimulants 1113
Cannabis 1113
Benzodiazepines 1113
Alcohol 1113
Other Drugs 1113
Treatment of opioid use disorders 1114
Methadone Maintenance Treatment 1114
Sample Test Panel for Patients on Long-term Opioids for Chronic Pain 1114
Methadone 1115
Buprenorphine/Naloxone 1115
Buprenorphine (mono) 1115
Naltrexone 1115
XR Naltrexone IM 1115
α-2 Adrenergic Agonists 1115
Naloxone with Overdose Education 1115
Buprenorphine Treatment of Opioid Use Disorders 1116
Summary and future directions 1117
References 1117
Psychiatric Disorders and Sleep Issues 1123
Key points 1123
Introduction 1123
Neurobiology common to sleep, wakefulness, and mental health 1124
Insomnia: state of the art 1124
Insomnia and psychiatric illness 1129
Depressive disorders and bipolar disorder 1130
Sleep Deprivation 1130
Insomnia 1130
Circadian Rhythm Disorders 1131
RLS 1132
Obstructive Sleep Apnea 1132
Sleepwalking 1132
Narcolepsy 1132
Isolated Sleep Paralysis 1133
Anxiety disorders 1133
Insomnia 1133
Circadian Rhythm Disorders 1134
RLS 1134
OSA 1134
Sleepwalking 1134
Narcolepsy 1134
ISP 1134
Schizophrenia 1135
Insomnia and Circadian Rhythm Disorders 1135
OSA 1135
Narcolepsy 1135
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder 1135
Insomnia 1135
Circadian Rhythm Disorders 1136
RLS 1136
OSA 1136
Treatment considerations 1136
Summary/future considerations 1137
References 1137
Psychiatric Care of the Older Adult 1145
Key points 1145
Introduction: approach to older adult patients 1145
Delirium 1146
Dementia 1148
Mild Cognitive Impairment 1150
AD 1153
Dementia with Lewy Bodies 1153
Vascular Dementia 1155
Frontotemporal Dementia 1156
Neuropsychiatric Complications of Dementia 1156
Depression 1156
Comorbidity 1158
Suicide 1158
Treatment 1159
Alcohol and substance misuse 1161
Caregivers 1162
Case summary 1162
Summary 1163
References 1163
Primary Care for Adults on the Autism Spectrum 1169
Key points 1169
Introduction 1169
ASD diagnosis in adults 1170
Referrals for assistive technologies and therapies 1171
Associated conditions 1174
Mortality 1175
Epilepsy 1175
Gastrointestinal Disorders 1177
Feeding and Nutrition 1177
Metabolic Syndrome 1177
Mental Health 1177
Sleep Disturbances 1178
Violence and Abuse 1178
Facilitating effective health care interactions 1178
Understanding and addressing behavior change 1184
Challenging Behavior 1184
Pharmacologic and Nonpharmacologic Approaches to Challenging Behavior 1185
Legal and ethical considerations 1186
Decision-Making Capacity; Surrogate Decision Makers 1186
Access to Care 1187
Summary 1187
Acknowledgments 1187
References 1187
Medical Conditions with Neuropsychiatric Manifestations 1193
Key points 1193
Introduction 1193
Infectious 1194
Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1194
Syphilis 1196
Lyme Disease 1197
Rheumatologic 1197
SLE 1198
Sarcoidosis 1199
Endocrinologic 1199
Thyroid Disorders 1199
Cushing Syndrome 1200
Adrenal Insufficiency, Including Primary Adrenal Insufficiency (Addison Disease) 1200
Metabolic 1201
Vitamin Deficiencies 1201
Calcium Disorders 1202
Porphyrias 1202
Wilson Disease 1202
Neoplastic 1203
Paraneoplastic Syndromes 1203
Future considerations/summary 1203
References 1204
Index 1209