Eradicating Child Maltreatment
Alayna Park | BRUCE F. CHORPITA | Harriet Ward | Jane Barlow | Ron Prinz | Jenny Woodman | Donald Findlater | Eric Daleiden | Ruth Gilbert | Arnon Bentovim | Jenny Gray
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Is it possible to overcome the enduring problem of child maltreatment?
In Eradicating Child Maltreatment, leading international figures in the field of child welfare address this enduring and thorny question, setting out a public health approach to prevention. It draws on groundbreaking research and practice on prevention and early intervention from around the globe spanning health, social care, education and criminal justice. Contributors describe what is known about the incidence of child maltreatment, how far we have succeeded in eradicating it, which preventative strategies have been proven to be effective, and offers evidenced recommendations for policy and practice.
Aiming to draw us nearer to the goal of a world free from child maltreatment first articulated by the visionary paediatrician Dr. C. Henry Kempe in 1978, this important book provides new insights for professionals, managers, academics and policymakers across the range of child and family welfare services.
The maltreatment of children is one of the greatest social problems of our time, rarely out of the media, but often lacking in public understanding of what could effectively be done to reduce children's suffering. In this excellent book Arnon Bentovim and Jenny Gray have brought together a highly regarded group of scholars and practitioners to share their knowledge and understanding of the presentation of different forms of childhood maltreatment, and evidence informed approaches to the prevention of, and response to, multiple forms of child harm. The book is an ambitious undertaking, and all the better for being so.
Dr John Devaney, Director of Education, Queen's University Belfast, and Chairperson, British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
The content of each chapter is relevant to all child protection professionals... This is not just a well-researched academic book, as it goes beyond describing why child maltreatment needs to be eradicated and how Case studies are used to bring alive the complex needs of the families we work with. As most of us working is safeguarding would agree this book purports the view that prevention of abuse and neglect is better than the cure... This book is a great read and a very useful reference and resource.
Hilary Schultess-Young, Independent Social Worker
Professional Social Work
This book blends together current thinking about child maltreatment from a group of expert clinicians, researchers and policy makers. Its emphasis on prevention, appropriate use of systems, practical preventive programs and the use of a public heath approach to reduce child abuse is particularly welcome.
Kim Oates MD DSc MHP FRACP, Emeritus Professor, University of Sydney
This is an excellent resource for provision of information about many aspects of child maltreatment... Proposed interventions by authors highlight practices and initiatives in other countries... This book explores many critical issues concerning the need for a wider preventative agenda for child maltreatment. It provokes thoughtful debate about the possibilities for drawing on a full range of responses - from professionals to community and the family... There is some useful (...) attention to the skills base of assessment and intervention, however, anyone reading this book will gain from the breadth and detailed attention throughout to research evidence and examination of theory underpinning knowledge of areas such as attachment and sex offender behaviour... This book is an important resource for students, practitioners and academics.
Cathy Pilkington, Senior Lecturer in Social Work, Canterbury Christ Church University
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