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Hematology/Oncology Emergencies,  An Issue of Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America, E-Book

Hematology/Oncology Emergencies, An Issue of Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America, E-Book

John C. Perkins


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This issue of Emergency Medicine Clinics edited by Drs. John Perkins and and Jonathan Davis focuses on emergencies related to Hematology/Oncology and covers topics such as: Oncologic Mechanical Emergencies, Neutropenic Fever, Oncologic Metabolic Emergencies, Acute Leukemias, Pediatric Oncologic Emergencies, Chemotherapeutic Medications and their Emergent Complications, Anemia, Thrombotic Microangiopathies (TTP, HUS, HELLP), Congenital Bleeding Disorders, Acquired Bleeding Disorders and Antithrombotic agents, Sickle Cell Disease, and more!

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Hematology/OncologyEmergencies i
Copyright ii
Contributors iii
Contents vii
Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America xi
CME Accreditation Page and Author Disclosure xii
Foreword xv
Preface xvii
Oncologic Mechanical Emergencies 495
Key points 495
Pericardial tamponade 496
Pathophysiology 496
Signs and Symptoms 496
Diagnosis 497
Management 497
Prognosis 498
Superior vena cava syndrome 498
Pathophysiology 498
Signs and Symptoms 498
Diagnosis 498
Management 499
Brain metastasis 500
Pathophysiology 500
Signs and Symptoms 500
Diagnosis 500
Management 500
Prognosis 501
Malignant spinal cord compression 502
Pathophysiology 502
Signs and Symptoms 502
Diagnosis 502
Management 502
Prognosis 503
Hyperviscosity syndrome 503
Pathophysiology 503
Signs and Symptoms 504
Diagnosis 504
Management 504
Summary 505
Acknowledgments 505
References 505
Oncologic Metabolic Emergencies 509
Key points 509
Tumor lysis syndrome 509
Introduction 509
Definition 510
Cairo-Bishop classification 510
Pathogenesis 511
Clinical Manifestations 511
Hyperkalemia 511
Hyperuricemia 513
Hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcemia 513
Management 514
Hydration 515
Antihyperuricemic agents 515
Allopurinol 515
Rasburicase (recombinant urate oxidase) 515
Alkalinization 516
Electrolyte abnormalities 516
Hyperkalemia 516
Hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcemia 516
Acute renal failure and dialysis 516
Risk Factors for Development of TLS 516
Hypercalcemia of malignancy 517
Introduction 517
Pathophysiology 517
Clinical Manifestations 518
Management 519
Hydration 520
Loop diuretics 521
Additional therapies 521
Summary 521
References 522
Pediatric Oncologic Emergencies 527
Key points 527
Introduction 527
Evaluating pediatric patients for malignancy 527
Delivery of a diagnosis of pediatric oncologic disease 528
Pediatric Cancers 529
Retinoblastoma 529
Pediatric Abdominal Tumors 529
Neuroblastoma 529
Wilms tumor 530
Intracranial Tumors 530
Primary Bone Tumors 531
Caring for children with known malignancy 531
Mechanical Emergencies 533
Airway obstruction 533
Superior vena cava syndrome 534
Spinal cord compression 534
Cerebral herniation 535
Gastrointestinal Emergencies 536
Intussusception 536
Bowel perforation 536
Altered stool patterns 536
GI infection 536
Hematologic Emergencies 537
Anemia 537
Thrombocytopenia 538
Thrombosis 539
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 539
Hyperleukocytosis 539
Metabolic Emergencies 540
TLS 540
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion 542
Infectious Emergencies 542
Infection 542
Febrile neutropenia 542
Neurologic Emergencies 543
Seizures 543
Cerebrovascular accidents 544
Summary 544
References 545
Neutropenic Fever 549
Key points 549
Introduction 549
Definitions 550
Causes 551
Clinical scenarios 553
Mortality 553
Clinical considerations 554
History and Physical Examination 554
Diagnostic Testing 555
Antibiotic Treatment 556
Other Considerations 557
Risk Stratification 558
Disposition 558
Summary 559
References 560
Chemotherapeutic Medications and Their Emergent Complications 563
Key points 563
Introduction 563
Drug hypersensitivity and anaphylaxis 564
Chemotherapy-induced disorders of hematopoiesis 564
Anemia 564
Chemotherapy-induced Thrombocytopenia 565
Tumor lysis syndrome 567
Dermatologic injury after chemotherapy 568
Chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity 568
Chemotherapy agents causing neurotoxicity: chemotherapy-induced neuropathy 569
Chemotherapy-related coagulopathic complications 571
Thombotic Microangiopathy 571
Summary 576
References 576
Acute Leukemia 579
Key points 579
Introduction 579
Pathophysiology 579
Epidemiology 581
Classification 581
Prognosis 581
Acute Myelogenous Leukemia 581
Acute promyelocytic leukemia 582
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia 582
Initial presentation of leukemia 582
Acute Myelogenous Leukemia 583
Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia 584
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia 584
Leukemia in the Pediatric Population 584
Life-threatening presentations of acute leukemia 585
Coagulopathy 585
Hyperviscosity/Hyperleukocytosis 588
Diagnosis 588
Treatment 589
Acute Myelogenous Leukemia 589
Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia 590
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia 590
Leukemia in children 591
Stem Cell Transplantation 591
Emergency management of complications of disease 591
APL Differentiation Syndrome 592
Summary 592
References 592
Myeloproliferative Disorders 597
Key points 597
Introduction: nature of the problem 597
Definitions 598
Hematopoiesis 599
A brief genetic interlude 600
Patient history 600
Polycythemia Vera 600
Essential Thrombocythemia 601
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia 602
Primary Myelofibrosis 602
Physical examination 602
Polycythemia Vera 602
Essential Thrombocythemia 602
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia 603
Primary Myelofibrosis 603
Imaging and Additional Testing 603
Polycythemia Vera 603
Essential Thrombocythemia 604
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia 604
Primary Myelofibrosis 605
Treatment and prognosis 606
Polycythemia Vera 606
Essential Thrombocythemia 607
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia 608
Primary Myelofibrosis 608
Summary 610
References 610
Anemia 613
Key points 613
Introduction 613
Background 613
Definition 613
Anatomy 614
Erythropoiesis 614
Hemoglobin 614
Production abnormalities 614
Cause 614
Acute anemia 614
Chronic anemia 615
Epidemiology 615
Clinical presentation 616
History and Physical Examination, Signs and Symptoms 616
History 616
Signs and symptoms 617
Acute blood loss 617
Diagnostic Studies 618
Complete blood count 618
Peripheral smear 618
Other laboratory tests 619
Differential Diagnosis (Morphologic Approach) 620
Microcytic anemia 620
Normocytic anemia 620
Macrocytic anemia 622
Management Plan 623
Overview 623
Unstable patients 623
Stable patients 623
Transfusion trigger 623
Medications 624
Consultations 624
Morbidity and mortality 625
Special Populations: Anemia in Children 625
Disposition 625
References 626
Sickle Cell Disease in the Emergency Department 629
Key points 629
Introduction 629
History 630
Pathophysiology 630
Epidemiology 630
Clinical presentations in the ED 632
Vaso-Occlusive Crisis and Acute Painful Episodes 632
AChS 635
Fever and Infection 637
Pulmonary Hypertension 637
Cerebrovascular Accident 637
Pulmonary Embolism 639
ACS 639
Nephropathy 639
Ophthalmologic 640
Splenic Sequestration 640
Priapism 640
Gall Bladder and Liver 640
Osteonecrosis 640
Aplastic Crisis 641
Key decisions and controversies 641
Acute Pain Versus Other Potential Conditions 641
Use of Narcotics, Concerns About Drug Abuse, Care Coordination, and Compliance 641
Intravenous Fluids 642
Blood Transfusion 642
Hydroxycarbamide (Also Known As Hydroxyurea) 643
On the Horizon 643
Summary 643
References 644
Thrombotic Microangiopathies (TTP, HUS, HELLP) 649
Key points 649
Introduction 649
Thrombotic microangiopathies 651
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura 651
Clinical Presentation 651
Etiology: Pathophysiology and Causes 652
Diagnostic Studies 652
Management Plan 653
Special Considerations: TTP in Pregnancy 654
Complications 654
Prognosis 655
HUS 655
Consultations 656
Disposition 656
Pearls 656
Immune thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP) 656
Clinical Presentation 657
Etiology: Pathophysiology and Causes 657
Diagnostic Studies 658
Management Plan 658
Pediatric Population 659
Prognosis 660
Disposition 660
Pearls 660
Clinical Presentation 660
Etiology: Pathophysiology and Causes 661
Differential Diagnosis 661
Diagnostic Studies 662
Management Plan 662
Prognosis and Complications 663
Consultation and Disposition 664
Pearls 665
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) 665
HIT 665
Summary 668
References 668
Evaluation and Management of Congenital Bleeding Disorders 673
Key points 673
Introduction 673
Physiology and pathophysiology 673
Vasculature 674
Platelets 674
Coagulation Cascade 675
VWD 675
Epidemiology 679
Platelets 679
Coagulation Pathway 679
Diagnosis 679
Platelets 680
Coagulation Pathway 680
ED presentation 681
Hemophilia 681
VWD 682
Management 683
Hemophilia 683
VWD 684
Inhibitors 685
Additional treatment options 685
Antifibrinolytic Medications 685
Topical Medications 685
Disposition 686
Summary 686
References 686
Acquired Bleeding Disorders 691
Key points 691
Pathophysiology of hemostasis 691
Clinical assessment 691
Stabilization 691
History and Physical 692
Diagnostic Testing 693
Platelet disorders 693
General Principles 693
Renal Disease 693
Immune Thrombocytopenia 693
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura and Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome 694
Platelet Inhibitor Use 695
Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia 697
Coagulation cascade disorders 697
General Principles 697
Acquired Coagulation Factor Inhibitors 698
Acute Traumatic Coagulopathy 699
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy 699
Severe Liver Disease 700
Vitamin K Antagonists 700
Parenteral Factor Xa Inhibitors: Heparin, LMWH, and Pentasaccharides 702
Oral Factor Xa Inhibitors 703
Oral Direct Thrombin Inhibitors 704
Summary 706
References 706
Antithrombotic Reversal Agents 715
Key points 715
Introduction 715
Pathophysiology 716
Anticoagulant reversal 717
Vitamin K 717
FFP 720
Prothrombin Complex Concentrate 720
Recombinant Factor VII 721
Protamine Sulfate 722
Novel Reversal Agents 722
Antiplatelet reversal 723
Thrombolytic reversal 723
Summary 724
References 724
Blood Product Transfusions and Reactions 727
Key points 727
Blood products 728
Packed Red Blood Cells 728
Platelets 728
Fresh frozen plasma 728
Cryoprecipitate 729
Blood product typing and antibodies 729
Adverse transfusion reactions 730
Febrile Nonhemolytic Transfusion Reactions 730
Allergic Transfusion Reactions 730
Hemolytic Transfusion Reactions 731
Transfusion-associated circulatory overload and transfusion-related acute lung injury 732
Transfusion-associated sepsis and infection transmission 733
Transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease 735
Transfusion considerations: cultural and religious considerations 735
Special situations: massive transfusion 736
Summary 736
References 737
Index 739