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Teaching Maths to Pupils with Different Learning Styles

Teaching Maths to Pupils with Different Learning Styles

Tandi Clausen-May


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Book Details


Highly recommended very suitable for maths teachers in primary and secondary schools, SENCOs and teaching assistants'- British Journal of Special Education. This book looks at the different ways maths can be taught to stimulate pupils with different learning styles. It includes suggestions for exciting, visual ways to teach basic concepts that will unlock mathematics for all learners.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
1 Introduction 9
2 Putting evaluation in context 13
3 Traditional and alternative models of evaluation 19
5 Putting evaluation into practice 29
6 Some practical considerations when planning an evaluation 56
7 Using evaluation: feedback and follow-up 69
Appendix 1 Checklists of questions 73
Appendix 2 Developing an evaluation plan 77
Appendix 3 Tasks for the team leader 79
Appendix 4 Suggestions for the content of an evaluation report 81
Appendix 5 Advantages and disadvantages of internal and external evaluators 83
References and further reading 85
Index 91