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Common Symptoms in the Ambulatory Setting , An Issue of Medical Clinics, E-Book

Common Symptoms in the Ambulatory Setting , An Issue of Medical Clinics, E-Book

Douglas S. Paauw


Additional Information


This issue of the Medical Clinics of North America, edited by Douglas Paauw, is devoted to Common Symptoms in the Ambulatory Setting. Articles in this issue include: Evaluation and treatment of chronic cough; Evaluation and treatment of lower back pain; Lower extremity symptoms; Common dermatologic problems; Evaluation and treatment of shoulder pain; Headache; Evaluation and treatment of colonic symptoms; Dyspepsia; Insomnia; Dizziness; Fatigue; Common anal problems; Involuntary Weight Loss; Evaluation and treatment of neck pain; and Multiple unexplained symptoms.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Common Symptoms in\rthe Ambulatory Setting i
copyright\r ii
Medical Clinics Of North America\r iv
Contributors v
Contents vii
Preface\r xi
Reference xii
Evaluation and Treatment of Chronic Cough 391
Key points 391
Introduction 391
A few words on acute cough 392
Impact of chronic cough 392
Differential diagnosis and initial evaluation 393
Overview of treatment 396
Upper airway cough syndrome 397
Cough-variant asthma 397
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 398
Less common causes of chronic cough 399
Cough hypersensitivity syndrome 400
Summary 401
References 401
Low Back Pain 405
Key points 405
Introduction 405
Pathophysiology 406
Anatomy 406
Physiology 406
Acute Low Back Pain 407
Chronic Low Back Pain 407
Differential Diagnosis 411
Diagnostic evaluation 413
Patient History 414
Physical Examination 415
Imaging and Additional Testing 417
Treatment for acute low back pain 419
Activity Recommendations and Self-Care 420
Leg Discomfort 429
Key points 429
Introduction 429
Vascular causes of leg discomfort 430
Lower Extremity Peripheral Arterial Disease 430
Chronic Venous Disease 431
Acute Deep Vein Thrombosis 432
Other Vascular Causes of Leg Pain 434
Neurologic causes of leg discomfort 434
Lumbosacral Radiculopathy and Lumbar Spinal Stenosis 434
Entrapment Neuropathies 436
Distal Symmetric Polyneuropathy 436
Other Neurogenic Causes of Leg Discomfort 437
Musculoskeletal causes of discomfort 437
Stress Fracture 437
Statin Myalgia 437
Cramps 438
Restless legs syndrome 438
Other Musculoskeletal Causes of Leg Discomfort 439
Summary 439
References 440
Common Dermatologic Conditions 445
Key points 445
Introduction 445
Alopecia 446
Androgenetic Alopecia/Female Pattern Hair Loss 448
Alopecia Areata 452
Telogen Effluvium 454
Facial rashes 455
Acne Vulgaris 455
Acne Rosacea 460
Periorificial Dermatitis 462
Seborrheic Dermatitis 463
Erysipelas and Cellulitis 464
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 465
Intertriginous rashes 467
Candidiasis 468
Dermatophyte Infections 470
Erythrasma 471
Inverse Psoriasis 472
The red leg 473
Cellulitis and Erysipelas 474
Stasis Dermatitis 475
Contact Dermatitis 478
Deep Vein Thrombosis 479
Treatment 479
Summary 481
References 481
Evaluation and Treatment of Shoulder Pain 487
Key points 487
Introduction 487
Important Terms 489
Rotator cuff disease 489
Subacromial impingement syndrome 489
Adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder) 489
Symptoms 489
Common Symptom Patterns 490
Diagnostic tests and imaging studies 490
Physical Examination 490
Observing Both Shoulders for Comparison 490
Abduction 490
External rotation 491
Internal rotation 491
Cross-body adduction 492
Anteroposterior and Axillary Plain Radiographs of the Shoulder 493
Ultrasonography of the Shoulder 493
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 493
Bottom Line 495
Differential diagnosis 495
Lateral Shoulder Pain 495
Anterior Shoulder Pain 496
Posterior Shoulder Pain 496
Nonspecific Shoulder Pain 496
Treatment 497
General Measures 497
Menu of Additional Therapeutic Options 499
Condition-Specific Treatment 499
SIS/RCD, subacromial bursitis 499
Rotator cuff tear 500
Adhesive capsulitis 500
Osteoarthritis of the glenohumeral joint 501
Nonspecific shoulder pain/dysfunction 501
Management 501
Education 501
Prevention 501
Cases 501
Case 1 501
Diagnosis and Treatment of Headache in the Ambulatory Care Setting 505
Key points 505
Introduction 505
Patient history 506
Tension Headaches 507
Migraine Headaches 507
Cluster Headaches 511
Chronic Daily Headache 512
Headaches in the Elderly 513
Physical Examination 515
Imaging and additional testing 516
Diagnostic dilemmas and special situations 516
The “Sinus” Headache 516
Menstrual Migraines and Prescription of Oral Contraceptives in Women with Migraines 517
CVS and Abdominal Migraine 518
Treatment 519
Tension Headaches 519
Migraine Headaches 519
Acute therapy 519
Prophylactic therapy 520
Cluster headaches 522
Chronic Daily Headaches 524
Headaches in the Elderly 525
Treatment of Abdominal Migraine and CVS 525
Future considerations and summary 525
References 526
Evaluation and Treatment of Colonic Symptoms 529
Key points 529
Diarrhea 529
Prevention 529
Acute diarrhea 530
Epidemiology 530
Patient History or Examination 530
Diagnostic tests 530
Markers of Inflammation 530
Stool Culture 531
Stool Toxin 531
General treatment 531
Supportive 531
Antidiarrheals 532
Probiotics 532
Traveler’s diarrhea 532
Food-borne diarrhea 532
Watery diarrhea 532
Inflammatory diarrhea 532
Chronic diarrhea 533
Patient History 533
Diagnostic tests 534
Watery diarrhea 535
Osmotic 535
Secretory 536
IBS or Functional Diarrhea 536
Microscopic colitis 536
Neuroendocrine 536
Inflammatory 537
Inflammatory Bowel Disease 537
Fatty or malabsorption 537
Celiac Disease 537
Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth 537
Diarrhea summary 537
Constipation 538
Evaluation 539
Physical Examination 540
Laboratory Testing 540
Defecatory disorders 540
Nonpharmacologic Therapy 541
Pharmacologic therapy 541
Laxatives 541
Secretagogues 542
Prokinetics 544
Others 545
Surgical treatment 545
Summary 545
References 545
Further readings 547
Dyspepsia 549
Key points 549
Introduction 549
Pathophysiology 552
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 553
Helicobacter pylori and peptic ulcer disease 554
Non–upper gastrointestinal mimics 556
Treatment of FD 557
Acid-suppression Therapy 557
Prokinetics 558
Anxiolytics and Antidepressants 558
Other Medications 559
Psychotherapy 559
Acupuncture 559
Summary 559
References 560
Insomnia 565
Key points 565
Evaluation and treatment of insomnia 565
Definitions and Presentation 565
Patterns of Insomnia 568
Physiology of Sleep and Pathophysiology of Insomnia 569
Epidemiology of Specific Sleep Disorders Presenting as Insomnia 570
RLS 570
Circadian rhythm disorders 571
Sleep apnea 572
Evaluation 572
History 572
Physical Examination, Laboratory Work, and Sleep Studies 574
Treatment 574
Treatment of RLS and periodic limb movements of sleep 575
Obstructive and central sleep apnea 575
Circadian rhythm disorders 576
Pharmacotherapy for insomnia 577
Melatonin receptor agonists 577
GABAA agonists 577
Nonpharmacologic treatments 578
References 579
Diagnosing and Treating Dizziness 583
Key points 583
Introduction 583
Pathophysiology of vestibular disease 584
Central Vestibular Disease 585
Symptoms 585
Physical examination 585
Special physical examination maneuvers 586
Positional Vertigo 586
Sustained Vertigo 588
Treatment 588
Additional considerations 593
Summary 593
Patient education material 593
Acknowledgments 594
References 594
Fatigue 597
Key points 597
Introduction 597
History 597
Physical examination 600
Laboratory evaluation 601
Management in the setting of a nondiagnostic evaluation 604
Chronic fatigue syndrome 606
References 607
Common Anal Problems 609
Key points 609
Introduction 609
Anatomic Pearls 609
Physiologic Refresher 609
Anal fissures 610
Symptoms 610
Diagnostic Test/Imaging Study 610
Differential Diagnosis 610
Management 611
Hemorrhoids 611
Symptoms 611
Diagnostic Test/Imaging Study 612
Differential Diagnosis 613
Management 614
Perirectal abscesses 615
Symptoms 615
Diagnostic Test/Imaging Study 615
Differential Diagnosis 615
Management 616
Anal fistulas 616
Symptoms 616
Diagnostic Test/Imaging Study 616
Differential Diagnosis 617
Management 617
Fecal incontinence 617
Symptoms 617
Diagnostic Test/Imaging Study 618
Differential Diagnosis 618
Management 619
Pruritis ani 619
Symptoms 619
Diagnostic Test/Imaging Study 619
Differential Diagnosis 620
Involuntary Weight Loss 625
Key points 625
Introduction 625
Is involuntary weight loss a concern? Insights from epidemiology 625
What defines involuntary weight loss? 626
Degree of Weight Loss 627
Assessment of Weight Loss 628
Other syndromes 628
Pathophysiology 628
Incidence and prevalence 629
Differential diagnosis 633
Cardiovascular Disease 633
Respiratory Disease 633
Gastrointestinal 634
Renal 634
Cancer 634
Neurologic 634
Endocrinopathies 634
Inflammatory and Rheumatologic Conditions 634
Infectious Diseases 635
Psychiatric 635
Medications 635
Substance Abuse and Dependence 635
Social 635
Etiology of involuntary weight loss: insights from case series 635
What Causes are Found? 635
What Percentage of Patients are Unknown After an Initial Workup? 636
What About Unintended Weight Loss in the Elderly? 636
What Factors Portend a More Serious Diagnostic Etiology? 636
What is the Prognosis for Patients Who Present with Involuntary Weight Loss? 637
Suggested algorithm 638
Treatment 640
Summary 640
References 640
Identifying and Treating the Causes of Neck Pain 645
Key points 645
Introduction 645
Anatomy 645
Diagnostic Uncertainty 646
Categorization of Neck Pain and Associated Cervical Spine Disorders 646
Radiculopathy 646
Myelopathy 647
Neck pain 647
Summary 648
Symptoms 648
Radiculopathy 648
Myelopathy 648
Mechanical Neck Pain 649
Diagnostic tests/imaging studies 650
Radiculopathy, History, and Physical Examination 651
Myelopathy, History, and Physical Examination 651
Laboratory Tests and Imaging 652
Differential diagnosis 653
Treatment 653
Conservative Treatments 656
Invasive Treatments 657
Surgery 657
Management 657
Summary/future considerations 657
References 658
Medically Unexplained Symptoms 663
Key points 663
Case 1: Ms D 663
Introduction 664
Definitions 664
Pathophysiology 665
Symptoms 665
Case 2: Ms L 666
Diagnostic testing/imaging studies 666
Differential diagnosis 667
Case 3: Mr C 667
Management 668
Future considerations/summary 669
References 669
Index 673