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Endocrine and Metabolic Emergencies, An Issue of Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America, E-Book

Endocrine and Metabolic Emergencies, An Issue of Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America, E-Book

George C. Willis


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This issue of Emergency Medicine Clinics edited by Drs. George Willis and Tyson Pillow focuses on Endocrine and Metabolic Emergencies and covers topics such as: Diabetes Mellitus, Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Adrenal Emergencies, Derangements of Pottasium, Derangements of Sodium/Water Balance, Derangements of Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphorus, Metabolic Acidosis, Neonatal Endocrine Emergencies and more.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Endocrine and Metabolic\rEmergencies i
copyright\r ii
Contributors iii
Contents vii
Emergency Medicine\rClinics Of North America\r xi
Foreword\r xv
Preface\r xvii
Hyperthyroidism and Thyrotoxicosis 277
Key points 277
Epidemiology 278
Pathophysiology 278
Causes 279
Clinical presentation 280
Clinical examination 283
Unique populations 284
Thyroid storm 285
Diagnostic assessment 285
Management 287
Disposition 290
Summary 291
References 291
Alcoholic Metabolic Emergencies 293
Key points 293
Introduction 293
Alcohol intoxication 294
Intoxication and the endocrine system 294
Electrolyte derangements 295
Hyponatremia: A Consequence of Beer Potomania 295
Presentation 295
Diagnosis 295
Management 295
Hypomagnesemia 296
Alcoholic Ketoacidosis 296
Pathophysiology 296
Presentation 297
Diagnosis 297
Management 297
Alcoholic Encephalopathy 297
Cause and pathophysiology 298
Diagnosis 298
Treatment 298
Summary 299
References 299
Hypothyroidism 303
Key points 303
Introduction 303
Epidemiology 304
Pathophysiology 304
Emergency department presentation 306
Clinical features 306
Symptoms 307
Physical Examination Findings and Signs 308
Head and neck 308
Cardiovascular 308
Respiratory 308
Abdominal 308
Dermatologic 308
Neurologic 308
Psychiatric 308
Laboratory findings 309
Diagnosis of Hypothyroidism 309
High TSH 309
Normal TSH 309
Low TSH 309
Associated Laboratory Findings 310
Treatment 310
Hypothyroidism 310
Subclinical Hypothyroidism 311
Pregnancy 311
Disposition 311
Myxedema coma 312
Summary 315
References 316
The Changing Face of Diabetes in America 319
Key points 319
Introduction 319
Juvenile-onset type 2 diabetes mellitus 320
Risk Factors 320
Pathophysiology 321
Treatment 322
Latent autoimmune diabetes of adults 323
Prevalence and Proposed Mechanisms 324
Clinical Presentation 324
Treatment 325
Summary 325
References 326
Derangements of Potassium 329
Key points 329
Introduction and pathophysiology 329
Hyperkalemia 333
Etiology 333
Clinical Presentation 335
Diagnostic Testing 335
Treatment 337
Key Points 341
Hypokalemia 341
Etiology 341
Clinical Presentation 343
Diagnostic Testing 343
Treatment 345
Key Points 345
Summary 346
References 346
Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphate Abnormalities in the Emergency Department 349
Key points 349
Introduction 349
Epidemiology 350
Normal physiology 350
Maintaining homeostasis 351
Pathophysiology of calcium, magnesium, and phosphate disorders 352
Calcium abnormalities 352
Hypercalcemia 352
Definition and classification 352
Cause 353
Signs and symptoms 353
Management 353
Hypocalcemia 356
Definition and classification 356
Cause 356
Altered Mental Status and Endocrine Diseases 367
Key points 367
Introduction 367
Evaluation and treatment of the patient 368
History 368
Physical Examination 368
Glucose-related causes of altered mental status 369
Hypoglycemia 369
Diabetic Ketoacidosis/Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Syndrome 371
Thyroid-related causes of altered mental status 372
Myxedema Coma 372
Thyroid Storm 373
Adrenal-related causes of altered mental status 374
Adrenal Insufficiency 374
Pheochromocytoma 376
Summary 376
References 377
Disorders of Sodium and Water Balance 379
Key points 379
Introduction 379
Physiology 380
Hyponatremia 381
Signs and Symptoms 382
Evaluation and Diagnosis 382
Hypovolemic hyponatremia 382
Hypervolemic hyponatremia 383
Euvolemic hyponatremia 383
Treatment 385
Unstable patients 385
Stable patients 385
Cerebral Edema 389
Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome 389
Pediatric Considerations 390
Hypernatremia 390
Signs and Symptoms 391
Evaluation and Diagnosis 391
Hypovolemic hypernatremia 391
Hypervolemic hypernatremia 392
Euvolemic hypernatremia 392
Treatment 392
Unstable patients 392
Stable patients 393
Pediatric Considerations 394
Fluids used for resuscitation 394
Summary 395
References 396
Approach to Metabolic Acidosis in the Emergency Department 403
Key points 403
Introduction 403
Respiratory Physiology 404
Renal Physiology 404
Pathophysiology 404
Approach to acid-base disorders 404
Respiratory Compensation 405
Serum Anion Gap 405
Delta Gap/Ratio 405
Osmol Gap 406
Urinary Anion Gap 406
Elevated anion gap acidoses 407
Carbon Monoxide 407
Cyanide 408
Alcoholic Ketoacidosis (and Starvation Ketoacidosis) 409
Toluene 409
Methanol 410
Uremia 410
Diabetic Ketoacidosis 410
Propylene Glycol, Paraldehyde 411
Isoniazid, Iron 411
Lactic Acidosis 412
Ethylene Glycol, Ethanol 412
Salicylates 413
Normal anion gap (hyperchloremic) acidoses 413
Hyperalimentation 413
Acetazolamide 413
Renal Tubular Acidosis 414
Renal Failure 415
Diarrhea/Diuretics 415
Dilutional (or Volume Expansion) Acidosis 416
Ureteroenterostomy 416
Pancreatic Fistula 416
Treatment of acidosis 416
Summary 417
References 417
Neonatal Endocrine Emergencies 421
Key points 421
Introduction 421
Hypoglycemia 422
Hypothyroidism 424
Hyperbilirubinemia 426
Unconjugated Hyperbilirubinemia 426
Conjugated Hyperbilirubinemia 428
Electrolytes 428
Hyponatremia 428
Hypocalcemia 429
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia 430
Inborn errors of metabolism 432
Summary 433
References 433
Current Diagnosis and Treatment of Hyperglycemic Emergencies 437
Key points 437
Introduction 437
Epidemiology 438
Pathophysiology 438
Causes 439
Differential Diagnosis 439
Clinical Presentation 439
Diagnostic Evaluation 441
Treatment 443
Fluid Resuscitation 443
Insulin 444
Potassium 445
Bicarbonate 446
Phosphate 446
Complications 447
Cerebral Edema 447
Pulmonary Edema 447
Disposition 448
Summary 449
Acknowledgments 449
References 449
Approach to Metabolic Alkalosis 453
Key points 453
Introduction 453
Clinical presentation 453
Diagnosis 454
Cause and management 454
Chloride Depletion Alkalosis 455
Gastrointestinal losses 456
Vomiting or nasogastric suction 456
Congenital chloridorrhea 457
Villous adenoma of the colon 457
High-output ileostomy drainage 457
Renal losses 457
Diuretic administration 457
Impairment of chloride-linked sodium transport 457
Treatment 458
Mineralocorticoid Excess Syndromes 459
The Clinical Manifestations, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Adrenal Emergencies 465
Key points 465
Introduction 465
Emergencies of the adrenal cortex 466
Primary Adrenal Insufficiency (Addison Disease) 466
Epidemiology 466
Anatomy and physiology 466
Clinical presentation 468
Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency 469
Epidemiology 469
Anatomy and physiology 469
Clinical presentation 469
Tertiary Adrenal Insufficiency 472
Epidemiology 472
Anatomy and physiology 472
Clinical presentation 473
Differentiating PAI, SAI, and TAI 473
Differential Diagnosis 473
Adrenal Crisis 474
Epidemiology 474
Clinical presentation 474
Emergency Department Management of Adrenal Insufficiencies and Adrenal Crisis 474
Treatment before diagnostic testing 474
Confirmatory diagnostic testing 475
Disposition 476
Emergencies of the adrenal medulla 476
Pheochromocytomas 476
Epidemiology 476
Anatomy and physiology 477
Clinical presentation 477
Differential diagnosis 479
Surgical and Medical Management of Pheochromocytoma 479
Confirmatory Diagnostic Testing 481
Disposition 481
Incidentalomas 481
References 481
Index 485