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Auditory Processing Of Temporal Fine Structure: Effects Of Age And Hearing Loss

Auditory Processing Of Temporal Fine Structure: Effects Of Age And Hearing Loss

Moore Brian C J


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The book is concerned with changes in the perception of sound that are associated with hearing loss and aging. Hearing loss affects about 7% of the population in developed countries, and the proportion is increasing as the average age of the population increases. The audiogram is the most widely used diagnostic tool in audiology clinics around the world. The audiogram involves measuring the threshold for detecting sounds of different frequencies. Sometimes the audiogram is the only diagnostic tool that is used. However, hearing problems are not completely characterized by the audiogram. Two individuals with similar audiograms may show very different abilities in the detection and discrimination of sounds at above-threshold levels. Also, a person may have hearing difficulties despite having an audiogram that is within the range conventionally considered as ‘normal’. One factor that may influence the discrimination of sounds, especially the ability to understand speech in background sounds, is sensitivity to temporal fine structure (TFS).This monograph reviews the role played by TFS in masking, pitch perception, speech perception, and spatial hearing, and concludes that cues derived from TFS play an important role in all of these. Evidence is reviewed suggesting that cochlear hearing loss reduces the ability to use TFS cues. Also, the ability to use TFS declines with increasing age even when the audiogram remains normal. This provides a new dimension to the changes in hearing associated with aging, a topic that is currently of great interest in view of the increasing proportion of older people in the population.The study of the role of TFS in auditory processing has been a hot topic in recent years. While there have been many research papers on this topic in specialized journals, there has been no overall review that pulls together the different research findings and presents and interprets them within a coherent framework. This monograph fills this gap.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents vii
Preface xi
List of Abbreviations xiii
Chapter 1. Processing of Sound in the Auditory System and Neural Representation of Temporal Fine Structure 1
1.1 Introduction and Overview 1
1.2 The Representation of Signals in Terms of ENV and TFS 2
1.3 Analysis of Sound in The Cochlea 4
1.3.1 Basic structure of the cochlea 4
1.3.2 The travelling wave and tuning 4
1.3.3 Nonlinearity of input–output functions 8
1.3.4 Suppression on the BM 9
1.3.5 Responses of the BM to complex sounds 10
1.4 The Hair Cells and Transduction in the Cochlea 10
1.5 Responses of Single Neurons in the Auditory Nerve 13
1.5.1 Spontaneous activity 13
1.5.2 Tuning curves and iso-rate contours 14
1.5.3 Rate versus level functions 15
1.5.4 Phase locking 16
1.6 Effects of Hearing Loss on the Processing of Sounds 18
1.6.1 Effects of cochlear hearing loss on the active mechanism 19
1.6.2 Effects of cochlear hearing loss on phase locking to narrowband sounds 20
1.6.3 Effects of cochlear hearing loss on phase locking to broadband sounds 22
1.7 Possible Ways in Which Hearing Loss and Ageing Might Affect the Neural Coding of TFS 24
1.7.1 Changes in the relative phase of responses at different points along the basilar membrane 25
1.7.2 Mismatch between place and temporal information 26
1.7.3 Complexity of TFS information 27
1.7.4 Loss of central inhibition 28
1.7.5 Relative strength of ENV and TFS coding 28
1.7.6 Reduced number of synapses or neurons 28
1.7.7 Increased temporal jitter in the transmission to higher neural levels 29
Chapter 2. The Role of TFS in Masking 31
2.1 Introduction 31
2.2 Detection Cues in Masking 32
2.3 The Detection of Signals in Fluctuating Maskers 33
2.3.1 The concept of dip listening 33
2.3.2 Masking release for a narrowband fluctuating masker 35
2.3.3 The role of TFS in comodulation masking release 37
2.4 The Role of TFS in the Ability to Hear Out Partials in Complex Sounds 40
2.5 The Role of TFS in Masking for Hearing-Impaired Listeners 43
2.6 Conclusions 44
Chapter 3. The Role of TFS in Pitch Perception 47
3.1 Introduction 47
3.2 The Perception of Pitch for Sinusoids 48
3.2.1 Mechanisms of pitch perception 48
3.2.2 The perception of musical intervals by subjects with normal hearing 49
3.2.3 The perception of musical intervals by subjects with impaired hearing 50
3.2.4 The perception of pitch and musical intervals by hearing-impaired subjects with dead regions 50
3.2.5 The frequency discrimination of sinusoids by normal-hearing people 53
3.2.6 The frequency discrimination of sinusoids by hearing-impaired people 56
3.2.7 The effect of age on frequency discrimination 58
3.2.8 The detection of frequency modulation by subjects with normal hearing 61
3.2.9 The detection of frequency modulation by subjects with impaired hearing 63
3.2.10 The effect of age on frequency modulation detection 65
3.3 The Role of TFS for Perception of Pitch for Complex Sounds 66
3.3.1 TFS and pitch perception for normal-hearing listeners 66
3.3.2 TFS and pitch perception for hearing-impaired listeners 75
3.4 Conclusions 77
Chapter 4. The Role of TFS in Speech Perception 81
4.1 Introduction 81
4.2 Types of Vocoder Processing and their Pitfalls 83
4.2.1 The importance of the number of channels 83
4.2.2 The effect of the method of envelope extraction 84
4.2.3 Processing to disrupt TFS cues while preserving ENV cues 85
4.2.4 Processing to disrupt ENV cues while preserving TFS cues 86
4.3 The Role of ENV and TFS for Speech Perception 89
4.3.1 Studies using ENV speech 89
4.3.2 Studies using TFS speech 94
4.3.3 Studies examining the correlation between speech perception and the ability to use TFS 98
4.4 Conclusions 102
Chapter 5. The Influence of Hearing Loss and Age on the Binaural Processing of TFS 103
5.1 Introduction: Binaural Cues for Localisation and Signal Detection 103
5.2 Effects of Hearing Loss and Age on Localisation and Lateralisation 106
5.2.1 Effects of hearing loss 106
5.2.2 Effects of age 109
5.3 The Effects of Hearing Loss and Age on the Perception of Binaural Pitches 116
5.4 The Effects of Hearing Loss and Age on MLDs 118
5.4.1 Effects of hearing loss 118
5.4.2 Effects of age 121
5.5 Impact of Impaired Binaural TFS Processing on Spatial Hearing for Speech 123
5.6 Conclusions 137
Chapter 6. Overview, Conclusions and Practical Implications 139
6.1 Overview o fChapters1–5 139
6.2 Relevance of Impaired TFS Processing for Hearing Aids 142
6.2.1 Compensating for the effects of impaired TFS processing 142
6.2.2 Exploiting reduced TFS sensitivity to increase battery life 142
6.2.3 Exploiting reduced TFS sensitivity in the design of systems to reduce acoustic feedback 143
6.2.4 Choosing compression speed based on sensitivity to TFS 144
6.3 Acoustical Requirements of Places Where Hearing-Impaired and Older People Meet and Dine 147
6.4 The Use of Background Sounds in Broadcasting and Films 148
6.5 Conclusions 149
References 151
Index 179