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Expert Internet Searching

Expert Internet Searching

Phil Bradley


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Book Details


The highly anticipated new edition of Phil Bradley’s essential guide to internet search (formerly titled The Advanced Internet Searcher’s Handbook) is here. This no-nonsense handbook will give you the tools to find the information that you need more quickly and effectively than ever before. Since the last edition was published internet search has changed dramatically, with both the amount of information to be found online and the diversity of tools to unlock it expanding exponentially. This new edition, rewritten from scratch, gives readers the information and guidance they need to choose the right search tools and strategies for each information need. From searching social media effectively to tracking down an expert or a news story, and from searching by image to searching multimedia, Bradley introduces the best search engines and tools and explains how to get the most out of them. Whether you are a casual searcher or an expert information retriever, you will find information on a wide variety of search engines that you’ve never tried before and lists of tools and resources that will make you an even better searcher than you already are. Key topics include: an introduction to the internet; an introduction to search engines; the Google experience; other free-text search engines; directory- and category-based search engines; multi- and meta-search engines; social media search engines; visual searching; finding people; people-based resources; academic and other specialized search engines; news-based search engines; multimedia search engines; sample searches with hints and tips on better searching; search utilities and resources to make life easier; the future of search. This book will be an invaluable guide for anyone searching the internet for information, whether you are taking your first steps or are becoming more expert. Those teaching others how to search the internet efficiently will find suggestions and strategies and an eloquent rebuttal of the claim that “it’s all on Google”.
This book will give you all the information you need to use the internet as an information source with confidence.
If you haven't already come across this book, it is very comprehensive, and is written in an unthreatening, easy-to-read way that will appeal to both novice and experienced searchers.
New Library World
Phil Bradley is a renowned information specialist, internet consultant and conference speaker specialising in search. He has worked with a number of search engine companies to help them improve their products, and has a blog on internet search that is widely read. He teaches internet search and social media skills to librarians and information professionals both within the UK and abroad. He also writes a column in the CILIP Update magazine, and previous titles with Facet Publishing include How to Use Web 2.0 in Your Library. Phil has been CILIP (the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals) President for 2012–13.