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Standing Surgery, An Issue of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice, E-Book

Standing Surgery, An Issue of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice, E-Book

Jeremiah Easley


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This issue explores the latest techniques and advances in standing surgery. Articles will cover topics such as anethesia and analgesia, laparoscopic techniques and instrumentation, ophthalmic surgery, dental surgery, sinus surgery, upper airway surgery, urogenital surgery, orthopedic surgery, and more!

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Standing Surgery i
copyright\r ii
Contributors iii
Contents vii
Veterinary Clinics Of\rNorth America: Equine Practice\r xi
Preface xiii
Anesthesia and Analgesia for Standing Equine Surgery 1
Key points 1
Introduction 1
Patient assessment and preparation 2
Pharmacology 4
Acepromazine 4
α2-Agonists 4
α2-antagonists 7
Opioids 7
Butorphanol 7
Morphine and methadone 8
Buprenorphine 8
Ketamine 9
Lidocaine 9
Sedative combinations 10
Epidural anesthesia/analgesia 10
References 13
Advances in Laparoscopic Techniques and Instrumentation in Standing Equine Surgery 19
Key points 19
Introduction 19
Advances in human and veterinary laparoscopy 20
Endoscopic Imaging System 20
Access and Trocar Instruments 22
Stapling Devices 24
Energy Sources for Coagulation and Dissection 26
Intracorporeal Knot-tying and Tacking Devices 28
Wristed Instrumentation for Intracorporeal Suturing 31
Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery 32
Laparoendoscopic Single-Site Surgery 33
Retrieval Devices 34
Portal Closure 40
Summary 41
References 41
Standing Equine Sinus Surgery 45
Key points 45
Indications for standing sinus surgery 45
Endoscopy Per Nasum 46
Radiography 48
Computed Tomography 49
Oral Examination 51
Preoperative preparation 51
Surgical techniques 53
Sinus trephination 53
Trephination Sites 53
Standing Sinus Flap Surgery 55
Minimally invasive techniques for enlarging the sinonasal ostium 56
Balloon Sinuplasty 56
Laser Vaporization of Dorsal Turbinate 56
Postoperative care 57
Complications of standing sinus surgery 57
Hemorrhage 57
Patient Noncompliance 59
Postoperative Incisional Infections 60
Poor Cosmetic Result 60
Trephination 60
Sinus flap surgery 60
Recurrence of Sinusitis 61
References 61
Standing Equine Dental Surgery 63
Key points 63
Introduction 63
Orthograde endodontic therapy of molariform teeth 64
Introduction: Nature of the Problem 64
Preoperative Planning 65
Preparation and Patient Positioning 66
Surgical Approach 67
Surgical Procedure 67
Immediate Postoperative Care 70
Rehabilitation and Recovery 70
Clinical Results 70
Summary 70
Minimally invasive buccotomy and transbuccal screw extraction techniques 72
Introduction: Nature of the Problem 72
Preoperative Planning 72
Preoperative Preparation and Patient Positioning 73
Surgical Approach 75
Surgical Procedure 76
Complications 79
Immediate Postoperative Care 80
Rehabilitation and Recovery 80
Clinical Results 81
Summary 81
Application of an AO pinless external fixator for mandibular fracture stabilization 81
Introduction: Nature of the Problem 81
Surgical Technique 83
Preoperative planning 83
Patient preparation and positioning 84
Surgical Approach 85
Surgical Procedure 85
Immediate Postoperative Care 86
Rehabilitation and Recovery 86
Clinical Results in the Literature 87
Summary 87
Acknowledgments 87
References 87
Standing Ophthalmic Surgeries in Horses 91
Key points 91
Introduction 91
Analgesia and blocks 92
Surgical instruments used for ophthalmic surgeries on standing horses 96
Eyelid 96
Third eyelid 98
Conjunctival 99
Cornea 101
Anterior chamber 104
Intravitreal injection 105
Standing enucleation 105
References 108
Standing Equine Surgery of the Upper Respiratory Tract 111
Key points 111
Introduction 111
Nasal surgeries 112
Surgical Extirpation of Nasal Atheromas (Epidermal Inclusion Cysts of the Nasal Diverticulum) 112
Dissection and en bloc removal 112
Removal with a laryngeal burr 112
Chemical ablation 112
Advantages and disadvantages 113
Complications 113
Guttural pouch surgeries 113
Transendoscopic Laser Fenestration of the Median Septum of the Guttural Pouches 113
Disease treated 113
Procedure 113
Standing Diagnostic and Therapeutic Equine Abdominal Surgery 143
Key points 143
Standing flank laparotomy 143
Indications 143
Anatomy/Landmarks 144
Patient Preparation 144
Abdominal Exploration Through Standing Flank Approach 144
Standing flank incision 145
Standing flank laparoscopy 146
Indications 146
Patient Preparation 146
Biopsy techniques 147
Rectal tears 147
Colostomy 148
Rectal prolapse 149
Surgery 150
Uterine torsion 150
Treatment 151
Flank Approach 151
Prognosis 152
NSS closure 152
Case Selection 152
Surgical Preparation 153
Surgery 153
Outcomes and Comments 155
Other Methods for NSS Closure 155
Standing laparoscopic nephrectomy 156
Outcomes and Comments 157
Other standing laparoscopic procedures 158
Standing flank approach to remove ureteroliths 159
Surgery 160
Aftercare 162
Outcomes and Comments 163
Surgical removal of cystic calculi 163
Surgery 164
References 165
Standing Male Equine Urogenital Surgery 169
Key points 169
Standing laparoscopic cryptorchidectomy 169
Diagnosis 170
Diagnostic techniques 170
Preoperative Preparation 171
Surgical Considerations 172
Insufflation techniques 172
Insertion of the trocar cannula before insufflation 172
Insufflation using a trocar catheter or Veress needle 172
Insertion of an optical trocar 173
Laparoscopic exploration of the inguinal region 174
Techniques for ligation and removal of the abdominal testicle 176
Loop ligation technique 176
Extracorporeal emasculation 177
Electrosurgical 178
Laparoscopic removal of the inguinal testicle 178
Removal of bilateral abdominally retained testicles 179
Postoperative Care 179
Standing laparoscopic castration 179
Standing laparoscopic inguinal hernioplasty 179
Inguinal Hernia Overview 180
Standing Laparoscopic Testicle-Sparing Hernioplasty Techniques 180
Preoperative Preparation 180
Factors to consider when choosing a laparoscopic hernioplasty technique 180
Surgical Considerations 181
Standing peritoneal flap hernioplasty 181
Standing cylindrical mesh prosthesis technique 182
Standing hernioplasty with barbed suture 182
Standing hernioplasty with cyanoacrylate glue 182
Standing routine castration 183
Surgical Considerations 183
Complications 184
Perineal Urethrotomy 184
Surgical Considerations 184
Complications 186
Standing partial phallectomy 186
Surgical Considerations 186
Two possible surgical scenarios for standing modified Vinsot partial phallectomy 186
Complications 187
References 187
Urogenital Surgery Performed with the Mare Standing 191
Key points 191
Sedation and local anesthesia 191
Perioperative medications 192
Ovariectomy 193
Ovariectomy via Colpotomy 193
Flank Ovariectomy 194
Laparoscopic Ovariectomy 194
Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery 196
Uteropexy 197
Clearing an obstructed oviduct 199
Caudal Urogenital Tract 200
Cervical lacerations 200
Rectovestibular lacerations and fistulae 202
Treatments for pneumovagina 206
Treatments for urovagina 206
Removal of uterine cysts 207
Removal of cystic calculi 207
References 208
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Arthroscopy in the Standing Horse 211
Key points 211
Introduction 211
Indications 212
The Metacarpophalangeal Joint 212
The Radiocarpal Joint 212
The Femoropatellar and Femorotibial Joints 212
Other Synovial Structures 212
Restraint 212
Physical 212
Chemical 212
Equipment 213
Recent Advances in Standing Equine Orthopedic Surgery 221
Key points 221
Introduction 221
Fracture repair 222
Transphyseal screw implantation and removal 226
Implant removal 227
Dorsal spinous process impingement, fracture, and osteomyelitis 228
Pedal osteitis/sequestration 231
Harvesting bone marrow–derived mesenchymal stem cells 233
Summary 235
Acknowledgments 235
References 235
New Concepts in Standing Advanced Diagnostic Equine Imaging 239
Key points 239
Introduction 239
Benefits of advanced diagnostic imaging in the standing horse 239
Standing MRI in the horse 240
Magnetic Field Strength and Magnet Configuration 240
Procedure 243
Clinical Applications 244
Tendons and ligaments 244
Synovial structures 246
Penetrating wounds 248
Osseous structures 248
Treatment and Recheck Examinations 251
MR Artifacts 251
Motion 251
Magic angle 252
Magnetic susceptibility 253
Standing CT in the horse 253
Basic CT Technology 253
Procedure 254
Clinical Applications 256
Dental structures 256
Sinonasal region 257
Calvarium 259
Guttural pouch and hyoid apparatus 259
Orthopedic 259
CT Artifacts 261
Motion 261
Photon starvation 262
Metal 262
Limitations of Standing CT 262
The Future of Standing CT 262
Summary 262
References 263
Index 269