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Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection, An Issue of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics, E-Book

Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection, An Issue of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics, E-Book

Norio Fukami



In this issue of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics of North America, we invited pioneers and experts in this field to share recent advancements and expansions of ESD and its technical aspects in different organ systems. In addition, this issue covers the associated techniques of per oral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) and natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) to further advance understanding of the latest breakthroughs in endoscopic therapy. Current trends surrounding ESD around the world—in Asia, Europe, and the United States—are addressed as well. Some articles include videos for readers to watch ESD procedures in action, performed by experts, for easier understanding of ESD techniques. The Guest Editors expect that this issue will inspire more physicians to explore the expanding possibilities of endoscopic therapy such as ESD and POEM and to advocate minimally invasive treatment for patients.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Endoscopic Submucosal\rDissection i
copyright\r ii
Contributors iii
Contents vii
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics\rOf North America\r xii
Foreword\r xiii
Preface\r xv
Expanding Indications for ESD Mucosal Disease (Upper and Lower Gastrointestinal\rTract) 161
Key points 161
Upper gastrointestinal tract 161
Lower gastrointestinal tract 164
References 165
Expanding Indications for ESD 169
Key points 169
Introduction—expansion of indication for ESD 169
SMT 170
Carcinoid tumor 170
ESD for esophageal submucosal tumor 171
ESD for gastric submucosal tumor 173
ESD for colorectal submucosal tumor 175
ESD for submucosal tumor in other organs 177
Future perspectives 177
Acknowledgments 178
References 178
Electrocautery for ESD 183
Key points 183
Introduction 183
ESU description 184
Differences between cut output and coagulation output 184
Features of VIO300D 185
New features of the VIO300D 185
ENDO CUT I and Q 185
Specific settings in the endoscopy unit for VIO300D 187
Case presentation 187
Supplementary data 189
References 189
Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) Versus Simplified/Hybrid ESD 191
Key points 191
Introduction 191
Methods 193
Clinical results 194
Discussion 195
Summary 198
References 198
Esophageal ESD 201
Key points 201
Introduction 201
Endoknives 201
Marking 202
Submucosal injection 202
Mucosal incision 202
Submucosal dissection 205
A Tunneling Method 205
Clip with Line Methods 205
Hemostasis 208
Hemostasis Using Knife 208
Hemostatic Procedures Using Hemostatic Forceps 208
Prevention of bleeding 208
Complications 208
Prevention of stricture after ESD 210
Summary 210
References 210
Gastric ESD 213
Key points 213
Principle of endoscopic resection as a definitive treatment 213
Indications for endoscopic resection 215
Complications 215
Diagnosis 217
Training 218
Practical approach 220
Endoscopes and Endoscope Accessories 220
Dedicated ESD Devices 220
Injection Agents 221
Electrosurgical Generator and Generator Settings 221
ESD Planning Strategy 222
Procedural Steps 222
Determining the lateral extent of the lesion 222
Mucosal markings 222
Submucosal injection 222
Initial mucosal incision (precutting) 222
Circumferential incision 223
Submucosal dissection 223
Innovations for ESD 225
Limitations of Current Standard Endoscopic Surgical Systems 225
Recent Innovations in ESD Instrumentations and Future Possibilities 225
Supplementary data 228
References 228
Duodenal ESD 235
Key points 235
Introduction 235
Factors of difficulty in duodenal ESD 236
Anatomic Features 236
Endoscopic Maneuverability 236
Selection of ESD in the Duodenum 237
Recommended techniques in duodenal ESD 238
How to Overcome the Difficulties 238
Injection Solution 239
Transparent Hood and Dissection Technique 239
ESD Knives 240
Hemostasis 241
Stabilization of Endoscopic Maneuver 241
General anesthesia 241
Double-balloon endoscope 241
ESD for lesions involving the papilla of Vater 242
How to avoid delayed perforation 243
Summary 243
Supplementary data 243
References 243
Colorectal ESD 245
Key points 245
Introduction 245
Indications for colorectal ESD 246
Estimating depth of invasion 247
ESD Procedure at National Cancer Center Hospital 247
Materials 247
Endoscope system 247
ESD knives 247
Distal attachment 247
Carbon dioxide regulator 248
Bipolar hemostatic forceps 248
Submucosal injection solution 248
Electrosurgical generators 249
Colorectal ESD Procedures 249
Clinical outcomes of ESDs at National Cancer Center Hospital 249
Technical progress of colorectal ESD 251
Comparison Between ESD and EMR 251
Comparison of ESD and surgery 251
Post-ESD care recommendations 252
Establishment of systematic training for colorectal ESD 252
Summary 252
References 253
Submucosal Endoscopy 257
Key points 257
Introduction 257
Advancement in technology from endoscopic mucosal resection/ESD to POEM 258
History of achalasia treatment 258
Endoscopic myotomy 259
What are the technical differences between ESD and POEM? 259
The POEM procedure 260
Equipment Required for POEM 260
Endoscope and distal attachment 260
Carbon dioxide insufflator 260
Triangle-tip knife 261
Electrocautery generator 261
Coagulation forceps 261
POEM Procedure 261
Step 1: general anesthesia and CO2 insufflation through the endoscope 261
Step 2: submucosal tunneling 261
Step 3: endoscopic myotomy 262
Step 4: closure of mucosal entry 262
An extension of POEM: submucosal endoscopic tumor resection 263
References 263
Investigating Deeper 265
Key points 265
Introduction 265
Submucosal endoscopy with mucosal flap safety valve technique and off-set access to extraluminal spaces for NOTES 266
Intramural endoscopy for deeper layer visualization 269
Intramural therapeutic inventions: achalasia myotomy, myomectomy for submucosal tumor removal, and submucosal endoscopy wit ... 270
Summary 271
References 271
Regenerative Medicine 273
Key points 273
Introduction 273
Post–endoscopic submucosal dissection esophageal stricture 274
Regenerative medicine in endoscopy 274
Cell sheet technology 274
Treatment using autologous oral mucosal epithelial cell sheets for the prevention of stricture 275
Preparation for transplantation 276
Transplantation technique 277
Future directions 278
Epidermal Epithelial Cell Sheet 278
Allogeneic Cell Sheet 278
Development of a Device for Endoscopic Transplantation 278
Supplementary data 278
References 278
ESD Around the World 283
Key points 283
Introduction 283
Development of ESD 284
Endoscopic and pathologic outcomes of ESD 284
Oncologic outcomes of ESD 288
Ongoing issues and forecast of ESD 288
Management of Noncurative ESD and ESD with High-risk Factors of Recurrence 288
Poorly Differentiated and Undifferentiated Adenocarcinomas 289
ESD with Sentinel Node Navigation 290
Endoscopic Full-thickness Resection/Laparoscopic Intragastric Full-thickness Excision 290
Hybrid Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery 290
Summary 290
References 291
ESD Around the World 295
Key points 295
Introduction 295
Definition of outcome parameters of endoscopic resection 296
ESD of early gastric neoplasia 297
ESD of early esophageal neoplasia 302
ESD of early colorectal neoplasia 303
Training for ESD in Europe 306
Summary 306
References 308
ESD Around the World: United States 313
Key points 313
Issues for ESD training in the United States 314
Current moves and the future of ESD training in the United States 316
Advancement of ESD to further lower the hurdle 318
Summary 318
Acknowledgments 318
References 318
Index 321