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Co-morbidities in Heart Failure, An Issue of Heart Failure Clinics, E-Book

Co-morbidities in Heart Failure, An Issue of Heart Failure Clinics, E-Book

Faiez Zannad


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This issue of Heart Failure Clinics examines co-morbidities in patients with heart failure. Topics include hypertension, diabetes, pulmonary disorders, cardiorenal syndrome, anemia, depression, atrial fibrillation, obesity and cardiac cachexia, peripheral vascular disease, rheumatologic disorders, co-morbidities and polypharmacy, coronary artery disease, and clinical trials.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Co-morbidities in\rHeart Failure i
copyright\r ii
Contributors iii
Contents v
Heart Failure Clinics\r viii
Foreword\r ix
Preface xi
Erratum xiii
Arterial Hypertension in Patients with Heart Failure 233
Key points 233
Introduction 233
HHD as a cause of HF 233
Epidemiologic Aspects 233
Pathophysiologic Aspects 234
Diagnostic Aspects 235
Preventive and Therapeutic Aspects 236
Arterial hypertension as a comorbidity of HF 239
Summary 239
References 239
Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Patients with Heart Failure 243
Key points 243
Introduction 243
Epidemiology and definitions 243
Pathophysiologic interactions 245
Diagnostic issues 246
Therapeutic issues 246
Clinical perspective 247
Summary 247
References 248
Cardiorenal Syndrome 251
Key points 251
Introduction 251
Type-1 CRS 251
Pathophysiology 252
Diagnosis 254
Outcomes and Treatment 255
Type-2 CRS 256
Pathophysiology 256
Diagnosis 257
Outcomes and Treatment 257
Type-3 CRS 259
Pathophysiology 260
Direct mechanisms 260
Indirect mechanisms 261
Electrophysiologic effects 261
Ischemic effects 261
Myocardial effects 262
Diagnosis 262
Outcomes and Treatment 263
Type-4 CRS 263
Pathophysiology 263
Coronary atherosclerotic heart disease 263
Coronary calcification, myocardial calcification, and aortic compliance 264
Left ventricular hypertrophy 264
Uremia and cardiac fibrosis 265
Galectin-3 and cardiac fibrosis 265
Fibroblast growth factor 23 265
Diagnosis 265
Outcomes and Treatment 266
Type-5 CRS 266
Pathophysiology 266
Diagnosis 269
Outcomes and Treatment 271
References 272
Anemia and Iron Deficiency in Heart Failure 281
Key points 281
Introduction 281
Epidemiologic insights 281
Pathophysiologic interaction 282
Proinflammatory Cytokines 282
Decreased EPO Production/EPO Resistance 282
ACE Inhibitors/Angiotensin Receptor Blockers 283
Iron-Deficiency Anemia 283
Diagnostic issues 284
Therapeutic issues 285
Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents 285
Intravenous Iron 291
Treating comorbidities 291
Summary 291
References 291
Heart Failure and Depression 295
Key points 295
Epidemiology 295
Heart failure statistics 295
Heart failure and depression statistics 295
Pathophysiology 296
Prognostic implications 297
Findings of interventional trials 297
Treatment implications 298
Treatment considerations 300
Quality of life 300
Financial implications 302
Summary 302
References 302
Atrial Fibrillation and Congestive Heart Failure 305
Key points 305
Introduction 305
Epidemiology of HF and AF 305
Prognostic significance of HF and AF in combination 306
Pathophysiology of AF and HF 308
How HF Can Cause AF 308
How AF Can Cause HF 309
Diagnosis of AF among patients with HF 309
Diagnosis of HF among patients with AF 310
Treatment of AF and HF 310
Medical Therapy: Anticoagulation 310
Medical Therapy: Rate Control or Rhythm Control 311
Medical Therapy: Symptomatology 312
Medical Therapy: Stroke Prevention 312
Medical Therapy: Non-antiarrhythmic Therapy 312
Catheter-based ablation of the AV node and biventricular pacing (“ablate and pace”) 312
Surgical Therapy for AF 313
Catheter-Based PVI 313
Final comments 314
References 314
Obesity Paradox, Cachexia, Frailty, and Heart Failure 319
Key points 319
Impact of obesity on hemodynamics and ventricular structure and function 320
Obesity and HF prevalence 320
Obesity paradox and HF 320
Mechanisms for obesity paradox in HF 322
Impact of severe or class III obesity 323
Impact of frailty/cachexia on HF 323
Impact of PF in HF 324
Impact of ET in HF 324
Intentional weight reduction in HF 325
Summary 325
References 325
The Impact of Peripheral Arterial Disease on Patients with Congestive Heart Failure 327
Key points 327
Introduction and background 327
Epidemiologic insights between PAD and CHF 328
Pathophysiology and risk factors 328
Diagnostic issues 329
Therapeutic issues 333
Chronic Stable PAD 333
Risk Factor Modification 333
Exercise 333
Pharmacologic 334
Revascularization 334
Treating comorbidities 334
Summary 334
References 335
Cardiovascular Comorbidity in Rheumatic Diseases 339
Key points 339
Introduction 339
RA 339
Epidemiologic Insights 339
Cardiovascular-Related Mortality and Ischemic Heart Disease in RA 339
HF in RA 340
Role of Traditional CV Risk Factors 341
Screening for Traditional CV Risk Factors in RA 342
Prognosis/Outcomes of Patients with RA 342
Pathophysiologic interactions between RA and CVD 342
Abnormal Myocardial Structure and Function in RA 343
Impact of Disease Characteristics of RA 343
Impact of Disease Duration 344
Diagnostic issues 344
B-Type Natriuretic Peptide 344
CV Risk Scores in RA 344
Impact of medications used in treatment of RA on HF 345
Glucocorticoids 345
Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Medications 345
Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs 345
Biologic Response Modifiers 345
SLE 345
HF 346
Traditional CV Risk Factors 346
AS 346
Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis 346
Summary 347
References 347
The Role of Coronary Artery Disease in Heart Failure 353
Key points 353
Introduction 353
Epidemiology/prognosis of CAD in HF 353
Diagnosis of CAD in HF 354
Coronary Angiography 354
Noninvasive Imaging 355
Contributions of CAD to the pathogenesis of HF 355
LV Remodeling and Systolic Dysfunction 355
Myocardial Stunning and Hibernation 355
Ischemic MR 356
Sudden Cardiac Death 356
Treatment of CAD and HF 356
CAD and HFPEF 356
CAD and HFREF 356
Device Therapy 358
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy 358
Selection of patients for revascularization 359
Viability 360
Clinical Practice 360
Summary 362
References 362
Comorbidities and Polypharmacy 367
Key points 367
Introduction 367
Common comorbidities and treatment implications in HF 367
Renal Dysfunction and Failure 368
Anemia 368
Respiratory Disorders 368
Gout and Arthritis 369
Other Comorbidities with Relevance to HF 369
Polypharmacy in HF—scope of the problem 369
Significance of polypharmacy for HF pharmacotherapy 370
Managing polypharmacy in HF patients with comorbidities 370
Summary and concluding remarks 370
References 370
Index 373