Emerging Practice in Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy
Leslie Ellis | Kenichi Itoh | Susanne Vahrenkamp | Shirley Turcotte | Joan Lavender | Isabel Gascon | Joan Klagsbrun | Doralee Grindler Katonah | Eunsun Joo | Mary K. Armstrong | Glenn Fleisch | Astrid Schillings | Salvador Moreno López | Mako Hikasa | Bernadette Lamboy | Emmanuil Vantarakis | Mary Hendricks Gendlin | Greg Madison | Karen Whalen | Mia Leijssen | Catherine Garnett | Heinz-Joachim Feuerstein | Jan Winhall | Jeffrey J. Schiffer | Kevin McEvenue
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Book Details
Emerging Practice in Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy brings together some of the world's most influential contemporary psychotherapists in the field to look at the future of Focusing-oriented approaches.
Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy - a form of therapy that involves listening to the innate wisdom of the body - is a dynamic and growing field that has evolved greatly since Eugene Gendlin first published the text Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy in 1996. This book explores recent innovations such as Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy as a response to trauma, Wholebody Focusing, and how Focusing has been adapted in Japan and South Korea. One section looks at specific contemporary issues and emerging practical applications of Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy, such as how Focusing can be used in wellbeing counselling and to help decision making processes in counselling and therapy. By offering new alternatives to working effectively with difficult issues and specific client groups, this volume will appeal to a broad range of therapists, coaches, and other practitioners.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers also publishes a companion volume, Theory and Practice of Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy: Beyond the Talking Cure, edited by Greg Madison [9781849053242].
The articles in this volume will bring excitement and fresh air. It is in the nature of the Focusing process that it generates new next steps from the body. Therein lies its power for change. The only way to understand Focusing is to be carried forward in one's living by it. You can see this process in each article.
From the foreword by Mary Hendricks-Gendlin, Co-Executive Director, The Focusing Institute, New York, USA
This is a wonderfully written, broadly focused and integrative book. It will be useful for all therapists whatever model they espouse who wish to help their clients move beyond what is explicit to a rich inner world that offers them new meaning and new direction.
Dr Sue Johnson, Professor – Ottawa University Canada & Alliant University, San Diego; Director of the International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy. Author of Love Sense: The revolutionary new science of romantic love (2014)
The present-centred, embodied process of Focusing underlies the healing that occurs through a wide variety of therapies. This rich collection of articles drawn from practitioners across the globe provides a clear understanding of Focusing as well as a range of clinical applications. Like the process of Focusing itself, these volumes will fully engage your heart and mind, leaving you with a fresh sense of our potential to transform.
Tara Brach, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, Founder of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington, USA, and author of Radical Acceptance and True Refuge