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Galicia, A Sentimental Nation

Galicia, A Sentimental Nation

Helena Miguélez-Carballeira


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Book Details


This is the first feminist and postcolonial analysis of Galician cultural nationalism and its relation to the Spanish state and Spanish centralism.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Series editors’ foreword vi
Acknowledgements vii
Note to the reader ix
Introduction: When did we become sentimental? Colonial stereotype, national discourse and gender in Galicia and Spain 1
Shaping Galician femininity: method, metaphorand myth in Augusto González Besada’s cultural writing 37
Purifying the national model: questions of morality and sentimentality in Eugenio Carré Aldao’s writing 69
Competing manhoods: political nationalism versus sentimental regionalism in Antonio Couceiro Freijomil 101
Sexing the national father: between promiscuity and decorum in Ricardo Carvalho Calero 135
Breaking out of the normal: from piñeirismo to normalization in contemporary Galician culture 176
Afterword: The man who married Galicia: towards a postcolonial critique of Galician sentimentality 207
Notes 222
Bibliography 228