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Exodus from Cardiganshire

Exodus from Cardiganshire

Kathryn J Cooper


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Book Details


Was migration from Victorian Cardiganshire simply a flight from rural poverty? This book relates the rate and timing of the outward movements from the county to the prevailing social and economic conditions.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover 1
Title Page 4
Copyright 5
Series Editors' Foreword 6
Dedication 8
Contents 10
Figures 12
Tables 14
Acknowledgements 16
Abbreviations 17
Introduction 18
I: Nineteenth-century Cardiganshire: its economy and society 26
II: The role of the lead-mining industry 57
III: The decision to move 79
IV: Rural out-migration trends: the census evidence 104
V: The move to south Wales 120
VI: The lure of London 148
VII: The move to Liverpool and the north-west 171
VIII: Emigration 196
IX: Conclusion 226
Bibliography 249
Index 261
Back Cover 267