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Emyr Humphreys

Emyr Humphreys

Diane Green


Additional Information


This book explores in detail the novels written by Emyr Humphreys during a timespan of over fifty years, from his first, A Little Kingdom, published in 1946, to The Gift of a Daughter, published in 1998. An early chapter comprises a literary biography with the following chapters devoted to: the early novels including A Toy Epic; a separate examination of Outside the House of Baal, considered by many to be his finest achievement; his use of Celtic myth as a patterning device; similarly his use of Welsh history is covered in 2 chapters; and finally his use of various postcolonial strategies. It also contains an extensive bibliography of work by and about Emyr Humphreys.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Front Cover
Title Page iii
Copyright Page iv
Contents v
General Editor’s Preface vii
Chapter 1: Postcolonialism and Wales:\rthe Effects of Cultural Imperialism 1
Chapter 2: ‘A serious Welsh novelist’: Redressing the Balance 12
Chapter 3: The Emergence of Humphreys as a Postcolonial Writer 46
Chapter 4: The Consolidation of Strategies in Outside the House of Baal 77
Chapter 5: Strategies of Resistance: the Use of Indigenous Myth 101
Chapter 6: Strategies of Resistance: the Use of Indigenous History in ‘The Land of the Living’ Sequence 128
Chapter 7: Strategies of Resistance: the Use of History in the Independent Novels of the 1980s and 1990s 154
Chapter 8: Monstering and Disabling: Paradigms and Tropes of Dispossession 187
Chapter :9 Postscript: Speaking Welsh in English – a Postcolonial Purpose 216
Notes 219
A Selected Bibliography of Emyr Humphreys’s Fiction and Essays 247
A Selected Bibliography of Writing on Emyr Humphreys’s Works 254
Bibliography 262
Index 285
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