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Geology Of The Modern Cancer Epidemic, The: Through The Lens Of Chinese Medicine

Geology Of The Modern Cancer Epidemic, The: Through The Lens Of Chinese Medicine

Lahans Tai


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Book Details


Cancers are on the rise across the world. Except for viral-based cancers, overall cancers are diseases that may be preventable. This book looks at the many levels of determined, probable, and possible causation for several common cancers. These causes include realities found in culture, anthropology, sociology, politics, the environment, agriculture and food, beliefs, and the modern lifestyle. These realities are filtered through the perennial science of Chinese medicine — an ecological system of knowing and understanding the human body as it relates to the world around us.The book covers lung, colorectal, breast, prostate, and virally-caused cancers. It interweaves conventional medical knowledge of these cancers with modern realities of everyday life we all live, and with Chinese medicine interpretations and strategies for treating probable pre-cancerous conditions. This makes it a book that is useful for the practitioner of Chinese medicine. It is also useful for the patient suffering a cancer diagnosis in terms of survivorship and for other medical practitioners who wish to understand how integrated care for cancerous diseases and conditions may relate to Chinese medicine and prevention.The final chapters of the book are dedicated to finding answers for a cure for cancer through making connections between how we live, what we believe, the environment we are creating based on those beliefs, and the social and political mechanisms we now have in place that keep us from change and, therefore, from the cure for cancer.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents ix
Dedication v
Endorsement vii
Foreword xiii
Introduction 1
The Importance of Cancer Prevention 1
The Internal/External Mechanisms of Disease 6
Historical Underpinnings 7
The Great Chain of Being 13
Responsibility 15
Chapter One: Water — The San Jiao 21
Water and Africa 22
Water Around the World 25
Fish 27
The World’s Largest Hydraulic Civilization 29
Water and Erosion 31
Water Quality — Petrochemicals, Fertilizers, and Pesticides 34
Water Depletion 36
Water Safety 38
Water and Plastics 39
The Law of Ceaseless Cycles 41
A New Consciousness 43
Chinese Medicine 46
Etiological Factors in Cancer Pathogenesis 49
1. The Emotions 49
2. Dampness and Phlegm Accumulations 53
3. Toxic Heat Pathogens, Latent Pathogenic Factors, and Fire Poisons 54
4. Organ Deficiencies 55
The San Jiao and the Source 56
Modern Analogs 59
The San Jiao and Osteopathy 59
The San Jiao and Neuropharmacology 60
The San Jiao and Cancer Etiology 62
Some Conclusions 65
References 65
Chapter Two: Air — Lung Cancer 75
Introduction 75
Epidemiology and History 75
The Medium is the Messenger — Air Pollution 77
Examples 78
Lung Patterns and Cancer Prevention 84
The Lung–liver Relationship and Smoking Cessation 84
Lung Pathologies 88
Blood Stasis Patterns 89
Yang-deficient Lung Patterns 90
Asthma 92
Conventional Medicine 92
Structural Signs and Acupuncture Interventions in Asthma 95
Classical Theory and Asthma 97
Blood Stasis Patterns 99
Yang Deficiency Asthma 101
Wind Spasm as an Additional Mechanism in Asthma 104
Yin Fire Asthma 106
Binding Phlegm 109
Cold Phlegm 110
Hot Phlegm 110
Lung Qi Deficiency with Phlegm 111
Lung and Kidney Qi Deficiency with Phlegm 111
Cough and Phlegm 111
Chronic Bronchitis, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, and Emphysema 112
Rules of treatment 119
Conclusion 120
References 123
Chapter Three: Earth — Colorectal Cancer 131
Introduction 131
Colorectal Cancer 139
Mechanisms of CRC 142
Some solutions 144
Chinese Medicine 148
Spleen Patterns in Detail 153
Spleen-Yin deficiency 153
Spleen Yin deficiency with heat in the bladder 155
Stomach Yang deficiency with heat in the chest 155
Stomach Yang deficiency with water stagnation 156
Spleen Yang deficiency with severe spleen Yin deficiency 156
Spleen deficiency and liver excess 157
Spleen deficiency with liver excess and blood stasis 157
Spleen deficiency with lung excess 157
Spleen deficiency with kidney Yang deficiency 158
Irritable bowel syndrome; inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, crohn’s disease 158
Type II diabetes 174
Conclusion 188
References 189
Chapter Four: Yin and Qi — Breast Cancer 199
Introduction 199
The Problem 201
Some Examples 202
Drive–Shame Binds 209
Interpersonal Need Shame Binds 211
Purpose Shame Binds 216
Results 218
Chinese Medicine 219
Depression 219
Emotional Constraint 225
Anxiety 229
Insomnia 236
Conclusions 244
External Influences 245
Known Links to Breast Cancer Causation 245
General 248
Known Links to Breast Cancer 249
Ionizing Radiation 249
Chemicals 250
Xenoestrogens 252
Polyvinyl chloride 254
Pesticides 255
Cosmetics and Personal Products 256
Solvents 257
Aromatic Amines 258
1,3-Butadiene 258
Probable Links to Breast Cancer Causation 259
DDT/DDE and PCBs 259
PAHs 260
Dioxin 261
Ethylene Oxide 261
Possible Links to Breast Cancer 261
Heptachlor 261
Triazine Herbicides 262
Sunscreens 263
Phthalates 263
Food Additives 264
Zeranol 265
Electromagnetic Fields 265
Conclusions 266
The Falling Age of Puberty in Girls 267
What Is Happening? 269
Low Birth Weight and Premature Birth 271
Obesity and Weight Gain 272
Hyperinsulinism 274
Formula Feeding 275
Physical Inactivity 276
Family Dysfunction and Child Sexual Abuse 277
Television Viewing and Media Use 278
Environmental Exposures 279
Conclusions 281
References 283
Chapter Five Yin and Yang — Prostate Cancer 301
Introduction 301
Soul Murder 306
Hitler 309
Chinese Medicine 317
Hypertension 322
Treatment 328
Acupuncture Points 330
Blood-Pressure-Lowering Medications 332
Coronary Artery Disease 335
Differential Diagnosis 336
Chinese Medicine Patterns 337
Hyperlipemia or Hypercholesterolnemia 339
Differentiation and Treatment 343
Congestive Heart Failure 344
Etiology According to Chinese Medicine 346
Differentiation 347
Conclusions 349
References 350
Chapter Six Fire — Chronic Viral Infection and Cancer 357
The Public Health Crisis 357
The Privatization of Public Health Services 362
Intellectual Property Rights and Corporate Profits 363
Chronic Viral Infection 364
EBV and HPV 364
HCV and HBV 366
Chinese Medicine 371
Conclusions 392
References 396
Chapter Seven: Epigenetics, the Source, and the Precautionary Principle 401
The Ages of Civilization — The Macrocosm 401
Introduction — The Microcosm 406
The Dynamic Epigenome and Its Implications in Disease 408
Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals 410
Chinese Medicine 415
Thoughts 420
What Is Needed 422
The Precautionary Principle 424
Principles of the Precautionary Principle — the Wingspread Conference 425
Some Conclusions 432
References 434
Chapter Eight The Geology of Hope 439
Introduction 439
Reconnecting Science and Religion 440
The Now 447
Natural Selection for Human Agency and the Sacred 449
Capitalism 450
How do We Harness Economic Forces for Sustainability and Sufficiency? 452
Natural Capitalism 453
Modern Capitalism 454
The Environment 458
Why are We Losing? 459
How can the Market be Transformed Into a Benign and Restorative Force? 460
Moving to a Postgrowth Society 462
Well-Being 464
Corporations 467
Beyond Capitalism 472
A Profound Reorientation 475
Now 477
The Earth Charter Preamble 480
The Precautionary Principle Again 481
References 484
Chapter Nine Connections 489
What Is Health? 489
The Carbon-Based Economy 494
Corporate Culture and Globalization 496
Redefining the Commons 499
Repairing the Split Between Humanity and the Natural World 505
The Earth-Centered Model 510
Article 2. Fundamental rights of mother Earth 511
Article 3. Fundamental rights and freedoms for all beings 512
References 513
Addendum 517
Index 521