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The role of the cytokine, macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), in the immune response and in the immunopathogenesis of different inflammatory, autoimmune, and infectious disorders is now well established. The aim of this handbook is to provide an authoritative volume covering all aspects of MIF, from basic molecular biology to structure-function relationships, pathophysiology, genetics, and drug development.Recent studies continue to broaden considerably the role of MIF in both normal physiology and pathology, which range from such diverse areas as oncogenesis, cardiac physiology, and neurodevelopment. MIF's molecular mechanism of action in these contexts is becoming increasingly understood and the role of variant MIF alleles in different conditions continues to be defined. Unique structural features of the protein, such as an intrinsic catalytic activity, and the continuing elucidation of its receptor-dependent mechanism of action offer attractive opportunities for therapeutic intervention. This volume will provide a comprehensive synthesis of the state of the art of MIF science.