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Nobel Prizes That Changed Medicine

Nobel Prizes That Changed Medicine

Thompson Gilbert R


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Tony Seed, Gilbert Thompson, Jackie Downs and John MacDermot at the book's launch in LondonThis book brings together in one volume fifteen Nobel Prize-winning discoveries that have had the greatest impact upon medical science and the practice of medicine during the 20th century and up to the present time. Its overall aim is to enlighten, entertain and stimulate. This is especially so for those who are involved in or contemplating a career in medical research.Anyone interested in the particulars of a specific award or Laureate can obtain detailed information on the topic by accessing the Nobel Foundation's website. In contrast, this book aims to provide a less formal and more personal view of the science and scientists involved, by having prominent academics write a chapter each about a Nobel Prize-winning discovery in their own areas of interest and expertise.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Foreword by Sir Keith Peters vii
Preface by Gilbert Thompson ix
Acknowledgements xiii
Contributors xv
Chapter 1 The Discovery of Insulin Robert Tattersall 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 The Pancreas and Diabetes 1
1.3 Banting and Macleod9 4
1.4 The First Clinical Test 10
1.5 The Nobel Prize 13
1.6 The Long-term Impact of the Discovery 15
References 18
Chapter 2 The Discovery of the Cure for Pernicious Anaemia, Vitamin B12 A. Victor Hoffbrand 21
2.1 Introduction 21
2.2 Brief Biographies 22
2.2.1 George Whipple 22
2.2.2 George Minot 23
2.2.3 William Murphy 23
2.3 The Medical Problem 24
2.4 Possible Mechanisms 25
2.4.1 The nutritional deficiency concept 26
2.4.2 Why liver therapy worked 28
2.5 Subsequent Research 29
2.5.1 Isolation of vitamin B12 30
2.5.2 Extrinsic and intrinsic factors 30
2.5.3 Discovery of folic acid 32
2.5.4 Two vitamins 34
2.5.5 Vitamin B12/folate interactions 35
2.5.6 Neurological damage 37
2.5.7 Systemic effects of vitamin and folate deficiencies 37
2.6 Impact of the Discovery of Vitamin B12 on Medical Practice 39
References 40
Chapter 3 The Discovery of Penicillin Eric Sidebottom 45
3.1 Introduction 45
3.2 Biographical Sketches10 48
3.2.1 Alexander Fleming 48 Education and career 48 The antibiotic revolution and the Fleming myth 49 The man and his achievements 50
3.2.2 Howard Florey 51 Move to England 51 Cambridge and early work on lysozyme 51 Chair of Pathology in Oxford and the development of penicillin 52 Recognition and its rewards 52
3.2.3 Ernst Chain 53 Move to Britain 54 Moves to and from Rome 55
3.3 Steps in the Discovery and Development of Penicillin 56
3.4 The Impact of the Introduction of Penicillin into Clinical Practice 61
3.5 From Triumph to Tragedy? 62
3.6 The Creation of the Fleming Myth 63
3.7 Allocation of Credit Due and Conclusions 64
References 66
Chapter 4 The Introduction of Cardiac Catheterisation Tony Seed 69
4.1 Prologue 69
4.2 Introduction 70
4.3 Biographical Background of the Laureates 71
4.3.1 Werner Forssmann 71
4.3.2 André Cournand 73
4.3.3 Dickinson Richards 74
4.4 The Problem: Cardiopulmonary Physiology and Clinical Investigation of the Heart 80 Years Ago 76
4.5 Description of the Research 78
4.6 Impact of Cardiac Catheterisation on Medical Science 83
Acknowledgements 84
References 84
Chapter 5 The Discovery of the Structure of DNA James Scott and Gilbert Thompson 89
5.1 Introduction 89
5.2 Brief Biographies of the Major Protagonists 90
5.2.1 Francis Crick 90
5.2.2 James Watson 91
5.2.3 Maurice Wilkins 92
5.2.4 Rosalind Franklin 93
5.3 Early Discoveries that Paved the Way to Unravelling the Structure of DNA 94
5.4 Complementary Approaches to Analysing the Structure of DNA in the 1950s 95
5.4.1 Model building at the Cavendish and X-ray diffraction at King’s 96
5.4.2 The wrong model 97
5.4.3 The correct model 98
5.5 Impact of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA on Medical Science 100
5.5.1 Mendelian genetics 102
5.5.2 The HapMap Project 102
5.5.3 Human history 103
5.5.4 The genomic basis of common diseases and traits 104
5.5.5 Somatic cell genomics and cancer 106
5.5.6 Diagnosis and treatment 106
5.6 The Future 107
References 109
Chapter 6 The Interpretation of the Genetic Code John MacDermot and Ellis Kempner 113
6.1 Introduction 113
6.2 The Scientific Revolution in Medicine 1770–1970 113
6.3 Discovery of the Genetic Code 115
6.4 Implications of the Genetic Code for Clinical Medicine 125
References 129
Chapter 7 The Discovery of Neuropeptides and Radioimmunoassay of Peptide Hormones Jaimini Cegla and Stephen Bloom 133
7.1 Introduction 133
7.2 Background of the Laureates 134
7.2.1 Roger Guillemin 134
7.2.2 Andrew Schally 135
7.2.3 Rosalyn Yalow 137
7.3 Discoveries Concerning the Peptide Hormone Production of the Brain 138
7.3.1 The elusive link between the hypothalamus and pituitary 138
7.3.2 Identification of the first hypothalamic hormone: Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) 139
7.3.3 Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) 140
7.3.4 Somatostatin 141
7.3.5 Endorphins 142
7.4 The Development of Radioimmunoassays of Peptide Hormones 142
7.4.1 Challenges of peptide hormone measurement 142
7.4.2 The basis of radioimmunoassay 143
7.4.3 The development of radioimmunoassay 144
7.4.4 Application of radioimmunoassay 144
7.4.5 Radioimmunoassay and peptides of the brain 146
References 146
Chapter 8 The Development of Computer-Assisted Tomography Adrian M. K. Thomas 151
8.1 Introduction 151
8.2 Brief Biographical Sketches of the Laureates 151
8.2.1 Allan MacLeod Cormack (1924–1998) 151
8.2.2 Sir Godfrey Newbold Hounsfield FRS (1919–2004) 153
8.3 The Medical Problem or Scientific Question 154
8.4 A Description of the Research that was Undertaken to Provide the Solution 155
8.4.1 Mathematical basis of CT scanning 156
8.4.2 Roles of EMI and the Department of Health 159
8.4.3 Neuroradiological applications of CT scanning 160
8.5 The Nature and Scale of the Impact of these Discoveries on Medical Science 164
References 168
Chapter 9 The Discovery of Prostaglandins Rod Flower 171
9.1 Introduction 171
9.2 Lipids: Just Fats? 172
9.3 Bergström’s Work on Prostaglandin Purification 174
9.4 Bergström and Samuelsson’s Work on Prostaglandin Biosynthesis 177
9.5 Samuelsson’s Work on the Role of Oxygen in the Biosynthetic Reaction 178
9.6 Vane’s Work with Prostaglandins 179
9.7 The Discovery of ‘RCS’ 181
9.8 The Aspirin ‘Enigma’ 184
9.9 The Detection and Isolation of an Intermediate in Prostaglandin Biosynthesis and RCS Characterised 188
9.10 Impact of these Discoveries on Medical Science 192
References 193
Chapter 10 The Antibody Problem and the Generation of Monoclonal Antibodies Herman Waldmann and Celia P. Milstein 197
10.1 Introduction 197
10.2 Biographical Details of the Laureates 199
10.2.1 Niels Jerne 199
10.2.2 Georges Köhler 200
10.2.3 César Milstein 201
10.3 The Antibody Problem 202
10.4 Cell Fusion 205
10.5 Why is the Discovery Important? 207
10.5.1 The antibody problem 207
10.5.2 Impact of diagnostics and research tools 207
10.5.3 Therapeutic antibodies 208
10.6 Commercialisation of Monoclonal Antibodies 210
10.7 Translational Research 210
References 210
Chapter 11 The Discovery of the LDL Receptor and Its Role in Cholesterol Metabolism Gilbert Thompson 217
11.1 Introduction 217
11.2 Biographical Background of the Laureates 218
11.2.1 Joseph Goldstein 218
11.2.2 Michael Brown 219
11.3 The Problem: Familial Hypercholesterolaemia 40 Years Ago 220
11.4 The Solution: Discovery of the LDL Receptor and its Partial or Complete Absence in FH 222
11.5 The Scavenger Receptor and Atherosclerosis 226
11.6 Stimulation of Receptor-mediated Catabolism of LDL by Statins 227
11.7 Analysis of the LDL Receptor Gene and Mutations Causing FH 229
11.8 Impact of these Discoveries on Medical Science 231
References 231
Chapter 12 The Invention of the Polymerase Chain Reaction and Use of Site-Directed Mutagenesis Anne K. Soutar 237
12.1 Introduction 237
12.2 Michael Smith (1932–2000) 238
12.2.1 Biographical sketch: early life and education* 238
12.2.2 From postdoctoral fellow to independent scientist 239
12.2.3 Work that led to the Nobel Prize 241
12.3 Kary Mullis (1944– ) 247
12.3.1 Biographical sketch: early life and education 247
12.3.2 Joining the Cetus Corporation: work that led to the Nobel Prize 249
12.4 How these Nobel Prize-winning Discoveries Changed Medicine 253
12.4.1 The impact of PCR and site-directed mutagenesis on medical practice 253
12.4.2 An example of how PCR and site-directed mutagenesis changed research into inherited disease 256
References 258
Chapter 13 The Discovery of the Pathophysiological Role of Nitric Oxide in Blood Vessels Keith M. Channon 263
13.1 Introduction 263
13.2 Biographical Backgrounds of the Laureates 264
13.2.1 Robert Furchgott 264
13.2.2 Ferid Murad 266
13.2.3 Louis Ignarro 267
13.3 Identification of Endothelium-Derived Relaxing Factor 268
13.4 Physiological Significance of Nitric Oxide 272
13.5 Therapeutic Consequences of the Discovery of the Role of Nitric Oxide 274
References 277
Chapter 14 The Discovery of Helicobacter Pylori Chris Hawkey 281
14.1 Synopsis 281
14.2 Biographies 282
14.2.1 Robin Warren 282 Family 282 Education 283 Professional and personal life 283 Personality 283
14.2.2 Barry Marshall 284 Family 284 Education 284 Professional and personal life 285 Personality 285
14.3 The Medical Problem that was Addressed 285
14.3.1 Gastric ulcers 285
14.3.2 Duodenal ulcers 287
14.3.3 Aspirin 288
14.3.4 False theories and treatments 288
14.3.5 H2 antagonists 289
14.3.6 Bismuth 290
14.3.7 Gastric bacteria 290
14.4 The Research 291
14.4.1 September–December 1981 291
14.4.2 1982 291 First culture 291 Bacteria and ulcers 292 First reactions 292
14.4.3 1983 293 First publication 293 Serology and a wild theory 294 Bactericidal bismuth 294
14.4.4 1984 294 Self-ingestion 294 Growing interest 296 Urease testing 297
14.4.5 1985 298 First randomised controlled trial of antibiotic treatments for ulcers 298 Teamwork 298 Resistance 299 Full circle 299
14.5 Impact on Medical Science 300
14.5.1 Peptic ulceration 300
14.5.2 Dyspepsia management 301
14.5.3 NSAIDs and aspirin as a cause of ulcers and the development of selective cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitors 301
14.5.4 Reflux 301
14.5.5 Malignancies 302
14.5.6 Genetic microbiology 302
14.5.7 Evolution 302
14.5.8 History of disease 303
14.5.9 Consequences of H. pylori loss 303
14.5.10 Save the Helicobacter! 303
References 304
Chapter 15 The Discovery of RNA Interference — Gene Silencing by Double-Stranded RNA Richard P. Hull and Timothy J. Aitman 309
15.1 Introduction 309
15.2 Biographical and Scientific Background of the Laureates 310
15.2.1 Andrew Fire 310
15.2.2 Craig Mello 311
15.3 The Discovery of Genetic Interference by Double-Stranded RNA 313
15.4 Understanding the Mechanism Underlying RNAi 315
15.5 RNAi Functions in the Cell and Viral Infection 320
15.6 The Impact of RNA Interference on Biomedical Research and Drug Discovery 321
15.7 The Potential for RNA Interference as a Novel Therapeutic Modality 322
15.8 Conclusions 324
Acknowledgements 325
References 325
Appendix: The First 100 Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine 329
Abbreviations used in Table 333
Index 335