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Be Fit For Life: A Guide To Successful Aging - A Wellness, Weight Management, And Fitness Program You Can Live With

Be Fit For Life: A Guide To Successful Aging - A Wellness, Weight Management, And Fitness Program You Can Live With

Gambert Steven R


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Book Details


Be Fit for Life: A Guide to Successful Aging is a self-help book for anyone interested in living a happier and healthier life. Aging is a life-long process and the sooner one accepts this and better prepares for the years ahead, the more successful his/her aging process will be. Dr Gambert, a noted authority in the field of aging and medicine, takes the reader on a journey that provides information and practical advice on how to best prevent an accelerated aging process, avoid disease, and recognize and treat problems early.This book also offers practical information to help the reader choose the right diet, exercise plan and lifestyle that will help promote a more successful aging process.