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Advances in Neonatal Neurology, An Issue of Clinics in Perinatology, E-Book

Advances in Neonatal Neurology, An Issue of Clinics in Perinatology, E-Book

Praveen Ballabh


Additional Information


The 16 articles in this issue draw on the expertise of internationally recognized experts who have collectively provided cross-cutting reviews with a broad perspective on the current state of the field. The authors have provided succinct, up-to-date clinical perspectives and highlight current controversies and future challenges. As a result, this issue is a cutting-edge compendium of this complex and fast-moving field. Throughout the issue, the reader is encouraged to acquire a more comprehensive perspective by drawing connections between earlier and later articles that are thematically grouped around issues dealing with pathogenesis, diagnosis, and therapy. This issue underscores the vital importance of continued support to encourage and nurture collaboration among clinicians and scientists.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Advances in Neonatal\rNeurology i
copyright\r ii
Contributors iii
Contents vii
Foreword\r xv
Preface\r xvii
Cerebral White and Gray Matter Injury in Newborns - New Insights into Pathophysiology and Management 1
Preterm survivors show an evolving spectrum of brain injury 1
What defines an insult to the developing brain and why does this matter? 2
A maturation-dependent role for H-I in the pathogenesis of cerebral injury 3
Do disturbances in cerebral autoregulation play a role in the pathogenesis of cerebral injury from H-I? 4
Do vascular end and border zones play a role in the pathogenesis of cerebral injury from H-I? 5
Relative contributions of H-I and oligodendrocyte lineage immaturity to WMI 5
The changing spectrum of human WMI 7
Current limitations for neuroimaging of WMI 8
Dysmaturation of glial progenitors in chronic WMI and myelination failure 10
Clinical implications of potential arrested white matter development 12
An emerging spectrum of gray matter injury and neuronal dysmaturation 12
Susceptibility of preterm cerebral gray matter to H-I 13
Impaired cerebral growth from preterm cerebral H-I can occur without neuronal loss 13
Summary 15
Acknowledgments 16
References 16
Brain Development in Preterm Infants Assessed Using Advanced MRI Techniques 25
Introduction 25
Neonatal brain templates and atlases 26
D-MRI 26
Diffusion tensor imaging 28
d-MRI data analysis 28
d-MRI of brain development 29
d-MRI of the preterm brain 30
Characterizing cortical maturity and thalamocortical connectivity with d-MRI 30
fMRI 33
Task-based fMRI 33
Resting state fMRI 35
Future directions 38
Acknowledgments 38
References 38
Pathogenesis and Prevention of Intraventricular Hemorrhage 47
Introduction 47
Pathogenesis of IVH 48
What Renders the Germinal Matrix Vasculature Fragile? 49
Overall Mechanism of Germinal Matrix Vascular Fragility 52
Disturbance in CBF 54
Genetic Factors and IVH 56
Prevention of IVH 56
Rationale of Preventive Therapies 56
Prenatal Pharmacologic Treatments to Prevent IVH 57
Post-natal Pharmacologic Treatment to Prevent IVH 58
Optimizing Care of Fetuses and Premature Newborns 59
Summary 60
Acknowledgments 60
References 60
Neuroimaging of White Matter Injury, Intraventricular and Cerebellar Hemorrhage 69
CBH 71
WMI 72
Summary 78
References 79
Chorioamnionitis in the Pathogenesis of Brain Injury in Preterm Infants 83
Chorioamnionitis and prematurity 84
Clinical and histologic chorioamnionitis 84
Cystic periventricular leukomalacia, noncystic focal white matter injury, and cerebral palsy 85
Proposed mechanisms of brain injury via FIRS 87
Chorioamnionitis and IVH 93
Relationship between chorioamnionitis and WMI 93
Chorioamnionitis: a risk factor for multiple complications in the preterm infant 94
Perspective and future directions 95
References 96
Fault and Blame, Insults to the Perinatal Brain may be Remote from Time of Birth 105
Introduction 105
Scientific versus legal perspective 105
Legal analogy 106
Single definable insult? 106
Emphasis on the birth period 106
Duration of prenatal insult versus injury 107
Magnetic resonance imaging biomarkers of fetal brain injury 107
Round-the-clock obstetric vigilance 110
Antenatal events 112
Asystole and death 113
Umbilical cord acidemia 113
H-I is not the only etiologic factor for CP 113
Intermediate end points often used 114
Postnatal events that contribute 114
Summary 114
Acknowledgments 114
References 114
Pharmacologic Neuroprotective Strategies in Neonatal Brain Injury 119
Mechanisms of brain injury: preterm versus term 119
The injury cascade 120
Targeting the injury response 122
Growth factors as neuroprotectants 124
References 128
Stem Cell Therapy for Neonatal Brain Injury 133
Introduction 133
Major types of stem cells 134
Stem cell therapy in animal models of neonatal brain damage 138
Combining hypothermia and stem cells 139
Clinical data and ongoing clinical trials 139
Issues to be addressed 139
Summary 143
References 143
Outcomes of Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy in Neonates Treated with Hypothermia 149
Outcomes of children with birth depression/encephalopathy before hypothermia therapy 149
Outcomes of children with moderate or severe encephalopathy at 18 months of age following hypothermia therapy 150
Meta-analysis of trials with 18 months’ outcome 153
Outcomes in childhood of neonates with hypothermia for moderate or severe HIE 154
The future of hypothermia therapy 156
Summary 157
References 157
Mechanisms of Hypothermic Neuroprotection 161
Introduction 161
The evolution of HI injury 162
What can be learned from the window of opportunity for hypothermia? 162
Mechanisms of action of hypothermia during HI 162
Cooling during reperfusion 163
Are excitotoxicity and free radicals relevant to postinsult cooling? 164
Cell death mechanisms in the latent phase 164
Hypothermia in the secondary phase 168
Summary 170
References 170
Neonatal Seizures 177
Introduction 177
Pathophysiology 179
Management goals 179
Pharmacologic strategies 182
Summary/Discussion 185
Acknowledgments 185
References 185
Steroids and Injury to the Developing Brain 191
Introduction 191
Overview of brain development 192
Neurotrophic effects of steroids 192
Neuroprotection by steroids 193
Antenatal steroids accelerate ontogenic changes in the developing CNS 193
Developmental stage at time of exposure and duration of exposure modulate steroid effects on the CNS 193
Pharmacodynamics of natural versus synthetic glucocorticoids in the brain 194
Glucocorticoid receptors in the brain 195
Hazards of GR occupancy 196
Glucocorticoids and recovery after brain injury 196
Unifying hypothesis 196
Clinical perspectives 197
Postnatal steroids: early administration 198
Postnatal steroids: administration after the first week of life 198
Postnatal steroids: moderately early versus delayed administration 198
Postnatal steroids: prolonged treatment 199
Hydrocortisone and the premature infant 199
Effect modification by risk of BPD 200
Predicting risk of BPD 200
Summary 201
References 202
Neonatal Pain Control and Neurologic Effects of Anesthetics and Sedatives in Preterm Infants 209
Introduction 209
Sucrose for minor procedural pain 210
Anesthetics for major procedural pain 212
Agents used for chronic pain and agitation 215
Conclusions 220
References 220
Neurogenesis and Maturation in Neonatal Brain Injury 229
Introduction 229
Recovery from hypoxic rearing in a mouse model of prematurity 230
Cortical neurogenesis in perinatal injury 230
Inhibitory neuron maturation in perinatal injury 232
Connectivity and cortical network integration in perinatal injury 234
Abnormal development of cortical excitatory/inhibitory networks in prematurity 234
Hypoxic injury induces a delay in maturation 235
Summary 236
Acknowledgments 236
References 237
Neurodevelopmental Outcomes of Extremely Preterm Infants 241
Challenges of interpreting neurodevelopmental outcome studies 241
Survival 243
Developmental and cognitive outcomes 244
Motor and CP outcomes 250
Hearing and vision 251
Summary 251
References 251
The Role of Neuroimaging in Predicting Neurodevelopmental Outcomes of Preterm Neonates 257
Introduction 257
Standard of care: cranial ultrasonography 258
Conventional MRI 258
Comparison of cUS and MR strategies 269
Promising new MRI strategies 270
MRS 275
Summary 276
References 276
Index 285