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Book Details
The first ever Indian textbook exclusively devoted to medical toxicology with an outstanding track record of more than 15 years of uninterrupted print editions and reprints. The latest (4th) edition has been completely revamped with brand new, current information presented in a totally different format. Incorporation of more than 200 colour images and several hundred tables, boxes and bulleted lists. Every commonly encountered xenobiotic (poison/toxin/drug/chemical) has been dealt with in a comprehensive manner with regard to source, physical appearance, toxicokinetics, fatal dose, signs and symptoms, diagnostic methods, treatment modalities with particular reference to antidotal therapy (if available), and forensic and medicosocial issues. Each chapter ends with a list of 10-30 or more recent references for further reading and research. This book is now directed at: general physicians, emergency physicians, critical care specialists, intensivists, paediatricians, clinical pharmacologists, and of course forensic medical experts and toxicologists.