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Book Details
The book of “Dermatologic surgery made easy” has contain 37 chapters and all the 37 chapters are written by renowned experts. It provides detailed information about various dermatologic surgery techniques and procedures such as cryosurgery, electrosurgery, vitiligo surgery, scar revision, dermabrasion, etc. with updated information in the light of present knowledge. Present edition contains a chapter namely ‘evaluation of a patient for dermato-surgery’ in order to appraise the academic component of a particular patient(s). Number of references have been enlarged and reorganised. It depicts a step-by-step didactic content to easy way to understand, profusely illustrated with more than 300 illustrations and coloured as well as black and white photographs. The conventional Vancouver style has been the corner stone. A book of immense value to postgraduates and for those who are practicing dermatologic surgery and a ready reckoner to postgraduates and those practicing dermatologic surgery.