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Book Details
This book is extremely useful for First Aid Personnel, Diploma, Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students, Teachers of Nursing, Practicing Nurses and Nurses Working in Accident and Emergency Department. This book has 32 chapters; it covers all the specialties, all areas of nursing such as adult health, pediatric, community, reproductive and maternal health and psychiatric (mental health) nursing emergencies, all first aid measures and miscellaneous. Each topic is treated in a systematic and logical manner. The first aid nursing concepts are introduced in a sequential way with full explanations and illustrations. It designed to develop an understanding of the modern approach to emergency situations. Deals with curative, preventive and rehabilitative care to the patient met with accidents and emergencies. This book will be helpful to deal with first aid and emergency nursing that arises for all age groups, students, teachers, and common public will be benefited from this book. This book designed to fulfill requirements of students and teachers.