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Hodgkin's Lymphoma, An Issue of Hematology/Oncology, E-Book

Hodgkin's Lymphoma, An Issue of Hematology/Oncology, E-Book

Volker Diehl


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This issue of Hematology/Oncology Clinics is focused on Hodgkin's Lymphoma and covers such topics as First HRS-cell line L428 and the detection of the CD-30 Antigen , “Normal“ CD30-B-lymphocytes, CD-30-Antigen, Combination-Chemo-Radiotherapy, Early intensification (escBEACOPP), Customized/Targeted Therapy, and more.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Hodgkin Lymphoma\r i
Copyright\r ii
Contributors iii
Hematology/Oncology Clinics Of North America \r viii
Preface ix
First Hodgkin Cell Line L428 and the CD30 Antigen 1
Key points 1
Why was it essential to establish a Hodgkin cell line? 1
The establishment of the L428 cell line 1
Features of the L428 Hodgkin Cell Line 2
Discovery of the CD30 antigen and its application in research, diagnostic, and therapy 4
Detection of HRS-cell-related Antigens by Rabbit Polyclonal Antisera 4
Detection of the Proliferation-Associated Antigen Ki-67 and the HRS-cell-Related Antigen Ki-1 4
Ki-1 by the monoclonal antibody approach 4
CD30 as a Diagnostic Target: Identification of a New Lymphoma Entity and Its Detection in Formol-fixed and Paraffin-embedde ... 4
Biosynthesis and Structure of CD30 and Shedding as a Soluble Form 5
Derivation and Molecular Characteristics of HRS Cells 6
Hodgkin Lymphoma Includes 2 Different Entities 7
CD30 as a Therapeutic Target 7
Studies with naked anti-CD30 antibodies and the first anti-CD30-drug conjugate 7
Breakthrough in CD30-targeted antibody therapy 8
References 9
Advancing Antibody Drug Conjugation 13
Key points 13
The CD30 target antigen 14
Development of the drug-linker component for a targeted anti-CD30 therapeutic 15
Evaluation of brentuximab vedotin activity in vitro 18
Evaluation of brentuximab vedotin activity in vivo 20
Clinical experience with brentuximab vedotin 20
References 22
Brentuximab Vedotin for the Treatment of Patients with Hodgkin Lymphoma 27
Key points 27
Introduction 27
Phase I studies 28
Pivotal phase II study 28
Brentuximab vedotin in relapsed pretransplant and transplant-ineligible patients with Hodgkin lymphoma 29
Experience with brentuximab vedotin in patients undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation 29
Brentuximab vedotin in front-line regimens 30
Summary 30
References 31
Combination Chemoradiotherapy in Early Hodgkin Lymphoma 33
Key points 33
Introduction 33
Decades of Successes 33
Background 34
Treatment 34
RT alone is not an option 34
SCs and Late Toxicities 35
Evaluating the late impact of our treatments 35
Caveats in interpreting clinical trials for localized HL 37
Absence of Evidence is Not Always Evidence of Absence 37
Reducing RT 38
Trying to Reduce Side Effects 38
Reducing the size of the RT field 38
Dosimetric model 38
Retrospective study 38
Randomized trials 38
HD8 38
H8-U 39
Milan 39
HD94 39
Reducing the dose of RT 39
The HD10 trial 39
The H9F trial 39
CT alone 40
The Ultimate Reduction of Radiotherapy 40
Interim FDG-PET scan 41
Tailoring the Treatment? 41
Introduction 41
Interim FDG-PET 42
Clinical studies 42
RAPID trial 42
H10 trial 43
iPET conclusion 44
Summary 44
Not One Size Fits All 44
References 44
Balancing Risks and Benefits of Therapy for Patients with Favorable-Risk Limited-Stage Hodgkin Lymphoma 49
Key points 49
Introduction 49
Patient population and current guidelines 51
Components of the decision-making process 52
Outcome Measures and Surrogates 52
Therapy that Includes Radiation 53
Therapy with Chemotherapy Alone 54
The present and future 58
References 60
Early Intensification Treatment Approach in Advanced-stage Hodgkin Lymphoma 65
Key points 65
Introduction 65
Efficacy: PFS and OS 66
HD9 66
HD12 66
HD15 66
HD18 67
Acute and long-term toxicities 67
Acute Toxicity 67
Leukopenia 67
Gonadal Toxicity 68
Long-Term Toxicity 68
Challenges in the treatment of older patients with intensified regimens 69
Early or late intensification? Pros and cons 69
References 72
Induction Therapy for Advanced-stage Hodgkin Lymphoma 75
Key points 75
Introduction: nature of the problem 75
Clinical outcomes 77
Overall Results with ABVD Chemotherapy 77
Results with ABVD Compared with More Dose-intense Initial Therapy 77
Results with Subsequent Salvage Chemotherapy After Initial ABVD Chemotherapy 79
Complications and concerns 79
Acute Toxicity 79
Hematologic toxicity 79
Infection 80
Treatment-related mortality 80
Long-Term Toxicity 81
Leukemia risk 81
Infertility 81
Stem cell injury 82
Cardiac toxicity 82
Pulmonary toxicity 82
Toxicity in the elderly 82
Summary 83
References 84
FDG-PET Response–adapted Therapy 87
Key points 87
Introduction 87
The Hodgkin Lymphoma Therapeutic Dilemma 87
Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography in HL 88
Early treatment monitoring with FDG-PET 89
PET response–adapted HL therapy: early-stage disease 90
PET response–adapted HL therapy: advanced-stage disease 94
Completed Trials 94
Ongoing Trials 94
The importance of interpretation criteria 96
Postchemotherapy FDG-PET/CT for selection of patients for consolidation radiotherapy 96
PET/CT before high-dose salvage therapy in relapsed HL 97
PET/CT in patients who relapsed after second-line therapy 98
Summary 98
References 98
Customized Targeted Therapy in Hodgkin Lymphoma 105
Key points 105
Introduction 105
Emerging targets in the biology of HL 106
Targeting molecules expressed on HRS cell surface 107
Targeting CD30 107
Other Cell Surface Targets 112
Targeting the tumor microenvironment 113
Adoptive immunotherapy in HL 114
Targeting downstream signaling and intracellular survival pathways 115
Summary 116
References 117
Relapsed/Refractory Hodgkin Lymphoma 123
Key points 123
Introduction 123
Salvage therapy and HDCT/ASCT 124
Which Prognostic Factors at Progression/Relapse Are Important? 124
Which Salvage Regimen? 124
Why Give HDCT and ASCT? 126
Are There Differences Between Preparative Regimens for ASCT? 127
Why Evaluate Response to Salvage Using FDG-PET Pre-ASCT? 127
Can Results of ASCT Be Improved by Sequential HDCT or Tandem ASCT? 128
Tandem ASCT 129
Can Results of ASCT Be Improved by Incorporating Novel Agents? 130
What is the Prognosis for Patients Who Relapse Post-ASCT? 130
Do we need RIC-alloSCT for RR-HL? 131
What About Myeloablative Allogeneic SCT? 131
What Is the Advantage of RIC-alloSCT Compared to MAC? 131
Which Retrospective Studies of RIC-AlloSCT Are Informative? 131
Are There Prospective Studies of RIC-alloSCT? 134
What Prognostic Factors Before RIC-alloSCT Are Important? 135
Does Donor Type Matter? 135
Are Differences Between RIC-alloSCT Preparative Regimens Relevant? 136
Is There Evidence For a GVL Effect? 136
Are Donor Lymphocyte Infusions Effective? 136
Can We Incorporate Alternative Strategies Into the RIC-alloSCT Approach? 137
PET-adapted approaches 137
Novel agents 137
A treatment algorithm for RR-HL 138
References 139
Index 149