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Acute Management of Autism Spectrum Disorders,  An Issue of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, E-Book

Acute Management of Autism Spectrum Disorders, An Issue of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, E-Book

Matthew Siegel | Bryan H. King


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The “spectrum” in this disorder is Autistic Disorder, Asperger Syndrome, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder. This issue specifically addresses acute management of the extreme behaviors that accompany this disorder spectrum: extreme behaviors, complete lack of communication, inability to learn or express language, etc, and covers in-hospital or residential therapies as well as in-home family involvement. Medical treatment for this disorder is the main focus of discussion in topics such as: Emotional Regulation: Concepts and Practice in ASD; Specialized Inpatient Treatment of ASD; Residential Treatment of Severe Behavioral Disturbance in ASD; Treatment of ASD in General Child Psychiatry Units; Behavioral Approaches to Acute Problems; Communication Strategies for Behavioral Challenges in ASD, along with topics covering Psychiatric Assessment of Acute Presentations in ASD; Sensory Regulation and its Relationship to Acute Problems in ASD; Family Dysfunction, Assessment and Treatment in the context of Severe Behavioral Disturbance in ASD; and Self Injurious Behavior in ASD.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Acute Management of Autism Spectrum Disorders \r i
Copyright\r ii
Contributors iii
Contents vii
Child And Adolescent\rPsychiatric Clinics\r xi
Preface\r xiii
Psychiatric Assessment of Severe Presentations in Autism Spectrum Disorders and Intellectual Disability 1
Key points 1
Introduction 1
Prevalence of psychiatric illness 2
Reasons for referral for psychiatric assessment 3
General assessment issues 4
Language Skills and Communication Development 4
Accommodations Made by Caregivers 4
Clinician Questions 4
Comorbidities 5
Diagnostic considerations 5
Medical considerations 6
Developmental considerations 8
Environmental considerations 9
Summary and future directions in ASD/ID 10
References 11
Emotion Regulation 15
Key points 15
Introduction 15
Emotion Regulation Concepts 15
Role of ER in Autism Spectrum Disorder 16
ASD-Related Factors that Impede Effective ER 16
Illustrative case example 18
Current approaches to practice 18
Summary 20
References 21
Behavioral Approaches to Managing Severe Problem Behaviors in Children with Autism Spectrum and Related Developmental Disorders 25
Key points 25
Introduction 26
Method 28
Study-Selection Criteria 28
Search Methods and Study Selection 28
Variable Definitions and Coding 29
Participants 29
Behavior 29
Interventions 29
Other study characteristics 29
Results 31
General Study Characteristics 31
Settings 31
Periodical 31
Fidelity 31
Assessment 31
Participants 32
Age and gender 32
ASD and ID 32
Behavior Targets, Interventions, and Outcomes 32
Behavioral targets 32
Evidence that problem behavior was severe 32
Behavioral function 32
Response to treatment 32
Type of interventions 33
Interactions Between Behavior Interventions and Other Factors 33
Combinations of interventions 33
Interactions with behavioral targets 33
Interactions with behavior functions 34
Interactions between response to treatment and interventions 34
Interactions with other participant and setting variables 34
Discussion 34
References 37
Using Communication to Reduce Challenging Behaviors in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Intellectual Disability 41
Key points 41
Introduction 41
Communication challenges in ASD/ID 42
Epidemiology of challenging behavior in ASD/ID 43
Using communication to address behavioral challenges 43
Functional Communication Training 44
Interpretive Strategies 44
The PECS and AAC Strategies 45
PRT 46
Review of current evidence 48
FCT 48
Interpretive Strategies 48
PECS and AAC 49
PRT 49
Discussion 49
Summary and future directions 50
References 50
Appendix 55
Kevin’s Social Story 55
Examination of Aggression and Self-injury in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Serious Behavioral Problems 57
Key points 58
Introduction 58
Methods 59
Setting and Subjects 59
Measures 60
Parent target problems 60
Intellectual functioning 60
Clinical Global Impressions scale 60
Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised 61
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales 61
ABC 61
Children’s Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale for PDDs 61
Procedures 61
Classification of parent target problems 61
Analytical Strategy 62
Results 63
Sample Characteristics 63
Discussion 65
Limitations 68
Summary 68
Acknowledgments 69
References 69
Psychopharmacologic Management of Serious Behavioral Disturbance in ASD 73
Key points 73
Introduction 73
Epidemiology of ASD 74
Current evidence 74
Atypical Antipsychotics 74
Clozapine 74
Risperidone 74
Olanzapine 75
Quetiapine 76
Ziprasidone 76
Aripiprazole 77
Paliperidone 77
Alpha2 Adrenergic Agonists 77
Clonidine 77
Guanfacine 78
Mood Stabilizers and Anticonvulsants 78
Lithium 78
Divalproex sodium 78
Lamotrigine 78
Levetiracetam 79
Discussion 79
Conclusion and future directions 79
References 79
Management of Agitation in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders in the Emergency Department 83
Key points 83
Overview 83
Introduction 84
Symptoms of ASD 84
Rapid assessment of crisis behaviors in individuals with ASD 85
Initial Assessment Interview 86
Medical Issues 86
Psychiatric Issues 86
Sensory and Self-regulation Issues 86
Communication Issues 86
Social Skills Deficit 87
Motor Skills Deficit 87
Academic/Cognitive/Adaptive Skill Deficit 87
Family/Community Environment 87
Initial medical evaluation of patients with ASD with acute agitation 87
Medical Causes of Agitation in Patients with Autism 88
Use of psychotropic medications in ED 88
Management of patients with acute agitation 89
Rapid Assessment of Acute Agitation 89
Environmental Adaptations (Stimulation, Lighting, Number of People) 89
Communication 90
Behavioral approaches 91
Somatosensory interventions 91
Restraint and Seclusion for Agitated Patients with ASD in the ED 91
Caution When Using Restraint and Seclusion in Patients with ASD 91
Discussion 92
Summary 92
References 93
Systems of Care for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Serious Behavioral Disturbance Through the Lifespan 97
Key points 97
Introduction 97
Systems of care in ASD across the country 98
The mental health system 101
Family support services 101
The medical system and allied health professionals 102
Illustrative autism program example 102
Early childhood service systems 105
The education system 105
Transition services to adult systems 106
Housing options 107
Summary and future directions 108
References 108
Residential Treatment of Serious Behavioral Disturbance in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability 111
Key points 111
Introduction 111
Epidemiology 113
RTF beginnings and later trends 113
Answering concerns about the effectiveness of RTF treatment 114
Advantages of an RTF for Children with ASD/ID and SBD 114
Evidence-Based Interventions and Practices 115
Best-Practice Strategies 116
The use of ABA instructional methods 116
Environmental milieu expectations 116
Predictable and structured routines with high engagement levels 117
Functional communication and social skills training 117
Use of visual supports 117
Errorless learning 117
Community-based instruction 117
Essential Program Components 117
Family inclusion, engagement, and training 117
Individualized positive behavior support processes 118
Staff training and supervision 118
Intensive treatment services 118
Comprehensive discharge planning 118
Summary and future directions 119
Funding 120
Intensive Case-Management Services 120
Family Intervention 120
Community Involvement 121
References 121
Psychiatric Hospital Treatment of Children with Autism and Serious Behavioral Disturbance 125
Key points 125
Introduction 125
Epidemiology, costs, and access 126
Recent developments in psychiatric hospital care for children with ASD 127
General considerations for psychiatric hospital care of children with ASD 128
Assessment of Presenting Crisis Behaviors 128
Psychiatric Comorbidity 130
Verifying ASD Diagnosis and Cognitive Ability 131
Considering Communication 131
Receptive communication 131
Expressive communication 132
Hospital Environment 132
Staff Training 132
Evidence base for treatment of children with ASD in general psychiatric hospital units 133
Evidence base for specialized psychiatric hospital treatment of children with ASD 133
Adult Studies 133
Child and Adolescent Studies 134
Specialized psychiatric hospital treatment models 134
Model 1: Specialized Inpatient Treatment Unit 134
Model 2: Specialized Inpatient Treatment with Integrated Step-down Model 137
Improving care for all psychiatrically hospitalized individuals with ASD 138
Summary and future directions 139
Acknowledgments 139
References 139
The Family Context of Autism Spectrum Disorders 143
Key points 143
Introduction 143
Expressed emotion and behavioral difficulties 144
Families of adolescents and adults with autism 145
The Transitioning Together Program 148
Composite case of a family who completed the Transitioning Together program 150
Summary and future directions 151
Acknowledgments 152
References 152
Index 157