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The Textbook of Traumatic Brain Inury has been written in such a manner that it will benefit young trainee neurosurgeons, trauma experts, medical students, teachers and also academicians practicing in the area of head injury and its management. Fifty-six chapters in this book includes all important academic and clinical aspects involved in management of head injury. Each chapter is written and reviewed by the foremost authorities in neuropsychiatry, neurology, rehabilitation medicine, and the other specialties who assess, diagnose, and treat these patients. It addresses incidence, epidemiology, biomechanics and pathology of the head injuries. Rare aspects, like post-traumatic basal ganglia hematoma, traumatic cerebellar hematoma, dural sinus thrombosis, CSF otorrhea and skull base fractures, facial injuries and atlantoaxial injuries are also included to complete the list of complications of neurosurgical trauma. Some important aspects like fluid and electrolytes management which are usually overlooked are discussed elaborately. This book is richly illustrated with more than 250 coloured images and illustrations.