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Clinical Infertility and In Vitro Fertilization

Clinical Infertility and In Vitro Fertilization

Rizk Botros RMB | Sallam Hassan N


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The reference book is the most illustrated reproductive medicine book that is an essential reading for the gynecologists, infertility specialists, and reproductive endocrinologists. The authors are world-renowned in their respective fields. They have presented a high definition image of almost every disease state and surgical procedure and step by step clinical guideline. Composed of three sections and will easily guide the clinician through every step in the evaluation of the infertile couple as well as their treatment. This clinical infertility book covers imaging, endoscopic and hormonal evaluation of both female and male infertility. It is depth description of the evaluation of the infertile couple and their management by assisted reproduction. The first section deals with the physiology of reproduction, heavily illustrated for the clinician to grasp the physiology of the hypothalamus, the pituitary as well as steroid production. The menstrual cycle is explained and the basis for the different disorders is laid down. Second section extensively covers the evaluation of the cervical, uterine, tubal and ovarian factors in fertility. Elegantly covers the male reproductive functions and dysfunctions covering topics on pelvic endometriosis, uterine fibroids and polycystic ovarian syndrome, which are very well-written. Third section extensively covers assisted reproduction such as topics on intracytoplasmic sperm injection, preimplantation genetic diagnosis, intrauterine insemination. Ethical, moral and religious issues are nicely presented. Strongest features of this book is its clinical and scientific illustrations, more than 20 cases have been used to demonstrate adenomyosis and images for modern surgery such as laparoscopic tubal anastomosis and ovarian transplantation.