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Book Details
This book Fractures of the Calcaneus offers an unparalleled overview of calcaneal fracture management principles, emergency and complication management practices, and is illustrated throughout with many highly informative drawings, photographs, radiographs, and even a video of the operative demonstration by the best in the world. The format is simple and self-explanatory, and focuses on the needs of both the average orthopedic surgeon and the specialist foot consultant. Experts in the field discuss the best way to diagnose and initially stabilize calcaneal fractures, the recommended imaging studies, a variety of operative and nonoperative management protocols and present evidence-based treatment guidelines. The contributors to this book hail from all over the world and represent the current thinking of surgeons, thus offering the reader the best of the world scenarios. One unique feature of the book is rehabilitation aspects as well as outcome evaluation methodology; these are not a part of conventional orthopedic tomes, and modern management strategies should include a comprehensive knowledge of these issues as well. The standard fracture management has been extended to include chapters on complication management, and special attention has been focused on malunion treatment, a problem that is endemic all over the world.