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This new edition of Nick Moore's highly successful "How to do Research" offers an accessible guide to the complete research process. It focuses on the day-to-day requirements of project, managing a piece of research right through from the formulation of the initial idea, to the development of a research proposal and then to the writing up and disseminating of results. Updated throughout, it also contains new and expanded sections on in-house research; the use of sub-contractors and market-research companies; the use of the internet as a research tool; and ethical issues. The book provides practical help and guidance to anyone undertaking academic or social research, whether through work or study. Part One of the book follows a step-by-step guide to the research process itself: develop the research objectives; design and plan the study; write the proposal; obtain financial support for the research; manage the research; draw conclusions and make recommendations; write the report; and; disseminate the results. Part Two offers an introduction to some of the more common research methods, and takes the reader through the processes of collecting and analysing data, including sampling, surveys, interviewing, focus groups and capturing data. This book offers a wealth of invaluable guidance to both new and experienced researchers, presented in a clear, simple style. It is ideal for professionals undertaking research and the evaluation of services; for undergraduate and postgraduate students undertaking dissertations and other research projects; and as an introductory text on research methods courses in any social science discipline.
"...it is refreshing to read this clear and logical approach to the research process." - New Library World
Nick Moore is Managing Director of Acumen Research and Consultancy Ltd, based in Somerset. He is also a Visiting Professor at the University of Brighton and an Associate of the Personal Finance Research Centre at the University of Bristol. He has broad international experience of commissioning, managing and conducting social research, and until recently was Principal Fellow at the Policy Studies Institute.
"As a guide to managing the research process and producing results it is a worthwhile companion to more comprehensive reseach methodology texts." - Australian Library Journal