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The book Quality Hospital Care has been written in easy to understand language. The topics are written order-wise and in step-by-step approach for achieving quality care in hospitals. The concept of quality in health care has been given comprehensive coverage to enhance the doctors, in particular the medical administrators, in understanding of the basic principles involved. It spans right from quality concept up to achieving accreditation of hospitals. Patient Safety Plan has been beautifully outlined. Topics of latest interest in the field of hospital management have found place in the book. Violence in Hospitals highlights reasons of violence and steps to be taken to minimize such episodes. The book has a chapter on Utilization of Operation Theater presenting an easy method to study theatre utilization and also methods of increasing utilization by improving scheduling of surgeries. Crisis Management in Hospital is a topic of current interest and comprehensive plan for crisis management has been outlined. The concept of studying drug utilization on the basis of Defined Daily Dose (DDD) is a new and easy method for medical administrators to keep track of drugs prescribed in their hospitals. Latest trends in much talked about topics have been discussed which will make this book of great interest to Medical Practitioners and Hospital and Health Care Administrators.