RSSDI Textbook of Diabetes Mellitus (Vols 1 & 2)
BB Tripathy | HB Chandalia | AK Das | PV Rao
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Doody Rating : 4 stars : The scope of this book was proposed to be wide so as to be of service to general practitioners as well as to broaden their academic outlook. It was scrupulously designed to target the requirements of family physicians, academicians, clinical researchers and diabetes oriented health professionals at large. This book thoroughly revised, considerably expanded version of the first edition. New contributors include some high profile international figures such as P Dandona, Leif Groop, KM Venkat Narayan, Romesh Khardori and D Sudhaker Rao. Most of the chapters have been rewritten, altered and supplemented as per requirement. 23 new chapters have been added, conspicuous among them are Morphology of Pancreatic Islets, Biology of Insulin Action, Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults, Role of Adipose Tissue, Anti-inflammatory Action of Insulin etc. Epidemiology section has been split to 4 divisions in place of 2, in the first edition. While keeping all these in view, the contents have been designed and presented in a classic Reference book style. Individual chapters are grouped into sections dealing with historical aspects, biochemical basis, pathogenesis, genetics, stages and classes, epidemiology, clinical details, management, complications and prevention. Each chapter is comprehensive and reasonably elaborate. Lists of references are adequate and appropriate.