IAP Color Atlas of Pediatrics (A Publication of Indian Academy of Pediatrics)
A Parthasarathy | Rohit Agrawal | Nitin K Shah | Vijay N Yewale
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Doody Rating : 4 stars : The book “IAP Color Atlas of Pediatrics” provides an unsurpassed visual archive of pediatric illnesses both common and rare, which a health professional dealing with children, encounters in day-to-day practice. The color atlas is quite unique in that it is first Color Atlas of Pediatrics in the country and will be a ready-reckoner for a busy practicing pediatrician and a guide book for postgraduate students. It contains color pictures, X-rays, CT scans and MRI of common pediatric problems affecting all systems. Each colorful image, which speaks volumes for itself, is supplemented with a brief description of the condition and suggested management. The images are well organized under 22 specialty sections and furthermore, the conditions have been arranged in an alphabetical order for easy and convenient reference. Each section has been framed and edited by the most experienced key opinion leaders in the respective pediatric subspecialty field, from across the country. Rather than a highly detailed, academic text, the IAP Color Atlas of Pediatrics is a practical working resource. This rich color atlas features more than 1000 high-quality color images and relevant text details with a brief note on management which spans almost every pediatric specialty. It focuses on early and rapid diagnosis of various pediatric illnesses, and offers an outstanding, must have, ready-reckoner asset for students and in the practitioner’s office shelf.