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Book Details
What are the different theories of grief? What skills do you need for effective counselling? How can you support people experiencing loss and grief?
This handbook provides a comprehensive guide to counselling and supporting people experiencing loss and grief. It introduces the different models and theories of grief, how theory relates to practice and what the essential skills are, and how to work with people in practice. Working with families, understanding diversity and assessing clients are all covered, as well as a chapter on personal and professional development. Case studies and real life examples demonstrate skills in action, and each chapter concludes with notes for trainers.
This essential guide will help all those working with people suffering loss and grief to understand grief and how to help. Counsellors, bereavement support volunteers, palliative care nurses, hospice volunteers and students in these fields will all find this an invaluable resource. It can be used as a training guide as well as a resource for individuals, both as a learning tool and for continuing professional development.
In this highly accessible, well-written book, John Wilson shares not only the breadth of his academic scholarship but also his extensive experience and personal wisdom as a bereavement counselor. One becomes aware of the author's passionate concern to inform and advise us; he is at heart a teacher. But what also makes his volume so valuable is his way of challenging our set beliefs, even our knowledge base: “The reader must decide”, we are told at one point. This way, we are drawn to reflect and to reread classic books and articles with fresh eyes. We stand to learn a great deal, even beyond the knowledge provided in these pages. It is a most valuable addition to the literature for researchers and bereavement supporters alike.
Margaret Stroebe, Ph.D., Professor, University of Utrecht and University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Co-editor of Handbook of Bereavement Research and Practice and Complicated Grief: Scientific Foundations for Health Care Professionals
If you are looking for help in training volunteers for a bereavement service, you will be greatly supported by the content of this book which could help you formulate your sessions and provide guidance along the way. If you are a counsellor, or professional care practitioner, wishing to enhance your understanding of loss and grief as you work with bereaved people you will find much to help you in these pages. There is wisdom and a wealth of good practice here, and I have learnt much along the way from someone who is a good, safe pair of hands.
From the Foreword by Dodie Graves, counsellor and author of Talking with Bereaved People and Setting Up and Facilitating Bereavement Support Groups
Comprehensive, well-researched and easy to read.
Dr Colin Murray Parkes, psychiatrist and author
John Wilson is a bereavement counsellor and trainer at St Catherine's Hospice, Scarborough, UK. He has many years' experience as a counsellor and trainer, and has been using the materials in this book to train bereavement counsellors for several years. He is currently studying for a PhD, researching how bereaved clients make use of counselling.