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Helping Babies and Toddlers Learn, Second Edition

Helping Babies and Toddlers Learn, Second Edition

Jennie Lindon


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Helping Babies and Toddlers Learn is a practical book for people who work with children under three in childcare settings or in the family home. It aims to help practitioners tune into under-threes, to value what they are learning and enjoying right now, and not rush them on to what might seem more important skills or 'milestones'.
This second edition has been fully updated to reflect new developments in early years provision and guidance. With the support of examples, activities and encouragement for readers to reflect, Jennie Lindon highlights ways to:
* focus on what young children are really learning and ready to explore
* develop good practice that integrates physical care with communication and learning
* build on the 'window of opportunity' for learning in the very early years: through play, shared routines and warm relationships
* work in partnership with colleagues and parents for children's emotional well-being
* use observation and flexible planning to support young children's all-round learning.

Jennie Lindon is a chartered psychologist and early years consultant. She has run her own training and consultancy business for most of her professional career and has specialised in working with services for children and their families, in particular children under five years old. She has written over 30 books, and is committed to writing about best practice that shows active respect for the needs and perspective of children and young people.