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Child Development from Birth to Eight

Child Development from Birth to Eight

Jennie Lindon


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This classic text is invaluable for anyone who needs practical information on under eights and their development, including parents who want to know more about how children learn and develop and practitioners working with young children.

It looks at how adults can help children as they change and develop. It describes what children learn from birth to eight and how they change in the different aspects of their development and aims to make sense of their development.

This best-selling book is recommended reading on many childcare courses.

Jennie Lindon is a chartered psychologist and early years consultant. She has specialised in working with services for children and their families, in particular children under five years old. Jennie has over 30 years' experience of working with the different types of early years provision for children and families and has published widely. She is committed to writing about best practice that shows active respect for the needs and perspective of children. Her books all have a strong underpinning of development and the importance of realistic adult expectations. Jennie has also worked as an education consultant for a variety of successful television programmes, including 'Boo!', 'Rupert Bear', and 'Postman Pat'. In 2010, in recognition of her work, Jennie was awarded The Nursery World lifetime achievement award.