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Invertebrate Tissue Culture

Invertebrate Tissue Culture

Edouard Kurstak


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Invertebrate Tissue Culture: Applications in Medicine, Biology, and Agriculture comprises the proceedings of the IV International Conference on Invertebrate Tissue Culture, held on June 5-8, 1975 at Mont Gabriel, Quebec, Canada. The conference focuses on invertebrate organ, tissue, and cell culture, as well as cell culture limitations, pitfalls, and applications in medicine, biology, agriculture, neurophysiology, and studies of morphogenesis, differentiation, viruses, symbionts, and parasites.
This reference material specifically provides information on sophisticated laboratory methods and on numerous utilizations of invertebrate cell culture techniques in medicine and biology. This book also elucidates the nutritional requirements and the establishment of cell lines. The study of viruses and protozoa of agricultural and forest importance is also shown.
This book will be useful and stimulating to the readers and will provide in a single volume the results obtained in the diverse areas of research pursued by the leading exponents of invertebrate tissue culture from America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.