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Book Details
Written for all those who use chromatography as an analytical tool, this book covers all areas of gas, liquid, and thin-layer chromatography; no other book offers the same scope. The authors have had considerable experience in teaching graduate-level courses and the material presented here has been tried and tested, having formed the basis for short courses taught to groups of industrial chemists. Emphasis is on the practice of chromatographic methods, including ``how to'' sections and numerous examples of calculation methods. Extensively illustrated, the book contains numerous tables of all useful constants, materials and formulas frequently used by chromatographers. Valuable features are the chapters on sample preparation for chromatographic analysis, on instrumental methods for sample identification, and the comprehensive literature review.
...will remain a standard reference for some time to come.
It is clear that a tremendous amount of work has gone into the writing of this book, and it may be considered to be one of the few volumes of its kind that could be used both as a text by senior students in the field and by analysts in many industries. All academic, research association and appropriate industrial laboratories should buy at least one copy (preferably more, as borrowers will probably wish to keep it on loan for some time).
The Analyst