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The Soil Mites of the World

The Soil Mites of the World

J. Balogh | S. Mahunka


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Soil mites are of great biological importance both in natural and in cultivated soils. Recently much attention has been paid to them especially because of their sensitivity to a number of chemicals used in agriculture. Of the soil mites, the Oribatids represent the largest number of both individuals and species. Unfortunately, the study of Oribatids has been greatly hampered by the lack of modern reference works from which they can be identified, and it was this great lack that stimulated the authors to launch this new series of books.
The first volume, after a short morphological treatment, gives the method of collection, preparation, and mode of study of prepared specimens. The work is designed to discuss critically all recognizable species and is amply complemented with differential diagnoses and entirely new figures from supercohorts down to species. The book also includes an index of taxa.
...the book will be greatly welcomed as a valuable attempt to bring order out of chaos.
Journal of Natural History
...the volume represents a great effort and will be a valuable reference for those engaged in both systematic and ecological research.