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Crash Course Medical Ethics and Sociology - E-Book

Crash Course Medical Ethics and Sociology - E-Book

Andrew Papanikitas | Daniel Horton-Szar | Carolyn Johnston | David Armstrong


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Medical ethics, sociology and epidemiology rarely arouse one's passion and can, as minor subjects within a busy curriculum, find themselves ignored by vast swathes of students. However, recent times have seen not only a greater general understanding of these subjects but also a greater appreciation of their role within modern medical practice.
In addition, these subjects are increasingly appearing in exams and, more importantly, they will crop up in every field and at every level of future working lives. In writing this book, the authors hope to provide a springboard from which students can develop a reasoned ethical approach to dilemmas as and when they present, both within their practice of medicine and in the exam situation. The sociology and public health sections aim to provide key information on the theories and studies that have helped to shape the practice of these disciplines - topics that are all too often unacknowledged by medical students and doctors alike. In doing so, the authors hope to provide the essential facts on these subjects without leaving readers to wade through irrelevant material. It is hoped that all students might begin to enjoy evidence (as well as experience)-based medicine and appreciate its importance regardless of the medical or surgical careers that they pursue.

    • More than 80 line artworks, tables and boxes present clinical, diagnostic and practical information in an easy-to-follow manner
    • Friendly and accessible approach to the subject makes learning especially easy
    • Written by junior doctors for students - authors who understand exam pressures
    • Contains ‘Hints and Tips’ boxes, and other useful aide-mémoires
    • Succinct coverage of the subject enables ‘sharp focus’ and efficient use of time during exam preparation
    • Contains a fully updated self-assessment section - ideal for honing exam skills and self-testing
  • Self-assessment section fully updated to reflect current exam requirements
  • Contains ‘common exam pitfalls’ as advised by faculty
  • Crash Courses also available electronically!
  • Online self-assessment bank also available - content edited by Dan Horton-Szar!