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After years of studying and hard work, you’re almost a licensed pharmacist! The final step is passing the North American Pharmacy Licensure Examination, or the NAPLEX®. For the last decade, PharmPrep: ASHP’s NAPLEX® Review, has been a trusted resource with new graduates preparing for the NAPLEX examination, both as an online product and a print companion.Using real patient cases accompanied by questions that address all NAPLEX® competency statements, the new fully updated PharmPrep: ASHP’s NAPLEX® Review, 4th edition, gives you the flexibility to review information by specific disease state and provides 78 sample cases, as well as calculations and law review sections. As drug therapy becomes more complex, PharmPrep has continued to update and revise cases so they reflect contemporary clinical practice.PharmPrep is an equally important reference for the experienced practitioner as a tool for pharmacists to continue to develop professionally, or for out of practice professionals looking to refresh their skills. Only PharmPrep has case-based questions and detailed explanations that don’t just tell you what answers are right or wrong, but why. It is the the most affordable, trusted resource available to prepare for the NAPLEX® exam. As a book or in a convenient online/book package, PharmPrep goes where you go—on the subway, in the break room, to the coffeehouse. Or, just cozy up to the PharmPrep book from the comforts of home. Wherever you go, its the best resource to get you passed and ready to practice.To learn more about PharmPrep Online, visit www.pharmpreponline.com and sign up for a free trial today. Don’t have an ASHP account? Simply register at www.ashp.org.
Lea S. Eiland, Pharm.D., BCPSLea S. Eiland, Pharm.D., BCPS is an Associate Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice with Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy and a Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics with the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine, Huntsville Regional Medical Campus. She received her Pharm.D. degree from The University of Texas and completed an ASHP-accredited pediatric specialty residency at Texas Tech University. Dr. Eiland has been an active member of ASHP, serving as a member, Vice-Chair and Chair of the Council on Education and Workforce Development; member of the Task Force on Pharmacy’s Changing Demographics; student member of the Task Force for Organizational Structure; Pediatric/OB-GYN/Neonatal Network Facilitator; and alternate state and student delegate. She has published in AJHP and serves as a manuscript and poster reviewer. Eiland is a Past President of AlSHP and faculty advisor for Auburn student chapter. She has also received the AlSHP Outstanding Pharmacy Practitioner Award. Diane B. Ginsburg, M.S., FASHP Diane B. Ginsburg, M.S., FASHP, is Clinical Professor and Assistant Dean for Student Affairs at The University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy. She is Regional Director for the statewide internship program and responsible for student leadership and professional development activities. Her career includes practice in multi-hospital systems, rural institutions, ambulatory care, and academic pharmacy. Ginsburg earned her B.S. from the University of Pittsburgh and M.S. in hospital pharmacy from the University of Houston. She completed a two-year residency at The Methodist Hospital in Houston. ASHP service includes serving as President of ASHP (2010-2011), member of the Board of Directors, Chair, Council on Education Affairs, Co-Chair, Foundation Development Committee, and Texas delegate. In addition to PharmPrep: ASHP’s NAPLEX Review Fourth Edition, and PharmPrep Online: ASHP’s NAPLEX Review she is Co-Editor of ASHP’s Preceptor Handbook for Pharmacists. She is a Past President of the Texas Society of Health-System Pharmacists (TSHP). Ginsburg has received several honors, including the TSHP Pharmacist of the Year.