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In order for you to make a difference to new pharmacists, you must remain challenged and energized by your role as preceptor. ASHP’s Preceptor’s Handbook for Pharmacists, second edition, in a completely revised format, gives new and experienced preceptors, residents, and pharmacy directors the practical advice needed to start new pharmacists on the path to success.In eleven, no-nonsense chapters, you will learn what it takes to be an effective preceptor, mentor, and career advisor.Inside you will learn how to:
- Fit precepting responsibilities into your schedule
- Guide yourself and your site through the new ACPE guidelines
- Ask leading questions
- Calm students’ fears and worries
- Give constructive feedback
- Use the latest assessment tools
- Promote self-directed learning
- Develop effective goals and objectives for your student
- And much more!
Diane B. Ginsburg, M.S., FASHP Diane B. Ginsburg, M.S., FASHP, is Clinical Professor and Assistant Dean for Student Affairs at The University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy. She is Regional Director for the statewide internship program and responsible for student leadership and professional development activities. Her career includes practice in multi-hospital systems, rural institutions, ambulatory care, and academic pharmacy. Ginsburg earned her B.S. from the University of Pittsburgh and M.S. in hospital pharmacy from the University of Houston. She completed a two-year residency at The Methodist Hospital in Houston. ASHP service includes serving as President of ASHP (2010-2011), member of the Board of Directors, Chair, Council on Education Affairs, Co-Chair, Foundation Development Committee, and Texas delegate. In addition to PharmPrep: ASHP’s NAPLEX Review Fourth Edition, and PharmPrep Online: ASHP’s NAPLEX Review she is Co-Editor of ASHP’s Preceptor Handbook for Pharmacists. She is a Past President of the Texas Society of Health-System Pharmacists (TSHP). Ginsburg has received several honors, including the TSHP Pharmacist of the Year.
Lourdes Cuellar, MS, RPh, FASHP Lourdes Cuéllar currently serves as Director of Pharmacy and Clinical Support Services at TIRR Memorial Hermann in the Texas Medical Center in Houston. She is responsible for the leadership and management of the Pharmacy, and administratively responsible for the clinical services departments and patient safety and performance improvement departments at TIRR. She received both her B.Sc. Pharm and M.S. in Pharm Administration from the University of Houston. She is a past-president of the Texas Society of Health-System Pharmacists and of the Gulf Coast Society of Health-System Pharmacists. She is the current President of the TSHP Research & Education Foundation. She also serves on the Texas Statewide Health Coordinating Council by appointment from Governor Rick Perry. In addition, she is an adjunct Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Administration at the University of Houston College of Pharmacy and adjunct Clinical Associate Professor at the University of the Incarnate Word Feik School of Pharmacy. Her professional interests are in the areas of pharmacy practice management, mentoring pharmacy students and residents, leadership development, health care policy, alleviation of health disparities, and health literacy. She is also recognized as a Fellow of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists and of the ASHP/Cardinal Health/University of Boston Leadership Institute.