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Don't you wish relationships came with a manual? Ashley Stanford has written a user's guide to relationships that adopts a practical troubleshooting approach to resolving difficulties that will greatly appeal to the logical minds of individuals on the autism spectrum, as well as offering valuable guidance to their partners.
Troubleshooting identifies problems and makes them fixable. This book presents a three-step troubleshooting process that can defuse even the trickiest relationship dilemma. Specific problem areas are covered in detail including communication, executive functioning, mindblindness, attachment, intimacy, co-habiting, and raising a family. The book offers straightforward solution-focused strategies and additional help is given in the form of bulleted lists, summaries, scripts, and example scenarios.
"Too many variables", Ashley Stanford's husband declares about relationships in her opening paragraph of this different and very comprehensive "manual" to maintaining an autism spectrum relationship. He's so right! This guide takes those variables back to their individual components and helps the reader construct new ways to look and deal with issues that AS couples experience every single day. A thought-provoking book for couples and the professionals who work with them.
Sarah Hendrickx, Hendrickx Associates, freelance trainer, and consultant in autism spectrum conditions, author of several books on Asperger syndrome
Ashley Stanford has worked as a technical writer for 17 years and is the CEO of a successful computer software company. She is the author of Asperger Syndrome and Long-Term Relationships and Business for Aspies, also published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers. She lives with her husband, who is on the autism spectrum, in Berkeley, California.
An excellent reference for any who would handle the dual challenges of a relationship and autism.
Midwest Book Review