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Book Details
The aim of this book is to gather together, in an integrated manner, information on the physiology and technology of contemporary plant breeding. The approach is multidisciplinary, with special emphasis being placed on the application of theoretical knowledge to the solution of practical problems concerned with the improvement of crop yield through the breeding of plants better suited to their environment. The role of modern techniques, such as tissue culture and induced mutation are discussed in detail
...There are chapters dealing with fairly traditional breeding objectives, such as improved drought and disease resistance and low temparature tolerance, but, more importantly in this context and composition, on the search for physiological and biochemical selection criteria as the basis for yield improvement, and the genetic mechanisms for increasing biological nitrogen fixation. To achieve some of these objectives unorthodox and novel approaches are required. Some of these possible pathways are reviewed in this book, for example the production and utilization of haploid plants, the potential role of protoplast techniques, or the use of in vitro methods for conserving germplasm. The editors are to be congratulated for having assembled a capable international team of reviewers to examine these and other current questions.
Field Crop Research 13