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The Concise Encyclopedia of Composite Materials, first published as a hardbound edition in 1989, has been updated and revised and is now available as a paperback for individual researchers requiring a fundamental reference source for this dynamic field.
Since 1989, research involving composite materials has advanced rapidly and this revised edition reflects those changes with the addition of new articles, including recent work on nanocomposites, smart composite materials systems, and metallic multilayers.
The 67 articles included in this revised edition are presented in alphabetical order and each provides an introduction to one aspect of composite materials. Every article is extensively cross-referenced and includes a full bibliography. The volume contains over 250 photographs, drawings and tables as well as exhaustive subject and author indexes.
The comprehensive breadth of coverage of the field of composite materials makes this volume an invaluable source of reference for materials scientists and mechanical engineers involved in industrial and academic research into the fabrication, properties and applications of composite materials.
F.N. Cogswell
This revised edition, available in paperback, is excellent value when one considers the quality and quantity of the various contributions. It is good for reading and makes splendid browsing; the individual contributions, some sixty-five of them, are first class essays (typically 2,000 to 5,000 words long) on a range of subjects from nanocomposites to plywood.
Composites Manufacturing
S.A. Urry
The book may be used without reference to the parent encyclopedia and the editor, Professor Kelly, has provided an admirable introduction to composite materials for those new to the field. His editorial influence has also ensured that the writing is clear and succinct throughout. The book is enhanced by a comprehensive index. As a result it is equally valuable to the engineering designer and the researcher. This revised edition includes additional material on metallic multilayers, nanocomposites, three-dimensional composites, smart composite systems, failure of composites and recycling. The team of contributors comprises specialists from industry, universities and research establishments in several countries and the book is unrivalled in the field. It is an essential text for everyone concerned with the development and application of composite materials.
The Aeronautical Journal
...of great value to faculty and graduate students as well as those involved in composite materials research.
High Tech Ceramic News/Diamond and Structural Carbon News
J.P. Neville
...this book is a handy reference for students or workers who want to know more about the properties and uses of composites.... An extensive bibliography is provided at the end of each article. The alphabetical arrangement and cross-referencing make this book very easy to read and use.
Susan B. Ardis
...a good addition to engineering, physics or other libraries that need a relatively inexpensive overview of composites for users to check out.
American Reference Books Annual