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Lens Design Fundamentals

Lens Design Fundamentals

Rudolf Kingslake


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A large part of this book is devoted to a study of possible design procedures for various types of lens or mirror systems, with fully worked examples of each. The reader is urged to follow the logic of these examples and be sure that he understands what is happening, noticing particularly how each available degree of freedom is used to control one aberration. Not every type of lens has been considered, of course, but the design techniques illustrated here can readily be applied to the design of other more complex systems. It is assumed that the reader has access to a small computer to help with the ray tracing, otherwise he may find the computations so time-consuming that he is liable to lose track of what he is trying to accomplish.
"...the best text on the subject of classical lens design....The specialist will learn much of value from [the] examples, while the novice will gain an appreciation for the reason that lens types take on the form they do....will likely be the last word on the subject of optical design for several years."
"...will be useful to all new and aspiring lens designers. It should be studied by any designer, aspiring of not, who has not had the benefit of a formal course in optical design....The book is cogent and instructive....Kingslake has the wonderful ability to explain complex matters in a manner that makes them transparently simple."