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Ross & Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness E-Book

Ross & Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness E-Book

Anne Waugh | Allison Grant


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Book Details


This title is unique among textbooks in its appeal to a wide range of healthcare professionals including nurses, nursing students, students in the allied health professions and complementary / alternative medicine, paramedics and ambulance technicians. Each chapter provides an explanation of the normal structure and functions of the human body and the effects of disease or illness on normal physiology. The text is written in straightforward language and is complemented by over 400 extensive clear, colour illustrations.

carefully refined, clear and unambiguous text which omits the unnecessary detail that can confuse the student new to the subject

highly illustrated with clear line diagrams, mostly in colour

regular sequences of headings, lists and bullet points help with learning and revision

learning outcomes related to the sections within each chapter

a glossary of common prefixes, suffixes and roots commonly used in anatomy and physiology

an Appendix containing useful biological values for easy reference

an accompanying Colouring and workbook that facilitates structured learning and revision of the material in this book.

access to electronic ancillaries offering a fully searchable, customisable electronic version of the text, high quality animations, web links to supplementary websites, MCQs and an audio pronunciation guide

text fully revised and updated with developments in the field

colour photographs


new and revised illustrations

significantly enhanced electronic ancillaries featuring a fully searchable, customisable electronic version of the text, new animations, an electronic colouring in /labelling feature, case studies, over 300 self-assessment exercises such as MCQs, crosswords, drag and drop, ‘hangman’ etc with answers

extra electronic resources for lecturers including the full image bank

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness iii
Copyright Page iv
Contents v
Preface vii
Acknowledgements ix
Common prefixes, suffixes and roots xi
Section 1: The body and its constituents 1
Chapter 1: Introduction to the human body 3
Levels of structural complexity 4
The internal environment and homeostasis 4
Survival needs of the body 7
Introduction to the study of illness 14
Chapter 2: Introduction to the chemistry of life 17
Atoms, molecules and compounds 18
Important biological molecules 22
Movement of substances within body fluids 25
Body fluids 26
Chapter 3: The cells, tissues and organisation of the body 27
The cell: structure and functions 28
Tissues 33
Organisation of the body 41
Disorders of cells and tissues 49
Section 2: Communication 53
Chapter 4: The blood 55
Plasma 56
Cellular content of blood 57
Erythrocyte disorders 66
Leukocyte disorders 69
Haemorrhagic diseases 71
Chapter 5: The cardiovascular system 73
Blood vessels 74
Heart 78
Blood pressure 87
Pulse 90
Circulation of the blood 91
Summary of the main blood vessels (Fig. 5.51) 106
Fetal circulation 108
Shock 111
Thrombosis and embolism 112
Blood vessel pathology 113
Oedema 117
Diseases of the heart 119
Disorders of blood pressure 124
Chapter 6: The lymphatic system 127
Lymph and lymph vessels 129
Lymphatic organs and tissues 130
Lymph vessel pathology 134
Diseases of lymph nodes 134
Disorders of the spleen 135
Diseases of the thymus gland 136
Chapter 7: The nervous system 137
Cells and tissues of the nervous system 139
Central nervous system 145
Peripheral nervous system 158
Disorders of the brain 172
Infections of the central nervous system 177
Demyelinating diseases 178
Diseases of the spinal cord 179
Diseases of peripheral nerves 181
Developmental abnormalities of the nervous system 182
Tumours of the nervous system 182
Chapter 8: The special senses 185
Hearing and the ear 186
Balance and the ear 189
Sight and the eye 190
Sense of smell 199
Sense of taste 200
Disorders of the ear 202
Disorders of the eye 203
Refractive errors of the eye 205
Chapter 9: The endocrine system 207
Pituitary gland and hypothalamus 208
Thyroid gland (Fig. 9.6) 213
Parathyroid glands 214
Adrenal glands 215
Pancreatic islets 217
Pineal gland 219
Thymus gland 219
Local hormones 219
Disorders of the pituitary gland 221
Disorders of the thyroid gland 222
Disorders of the parathyroid glands 224
Disorders of the adrenal cortex 224
Disorders of the adrenal medulla 226
Disorders of the pancreatic islets 227
Section 3: Intake of raw materials and elimination of waste 231
Chapter 10: The respiratory system 233
Nose and nasal cavity 234
Pharynx 236
Larynx 237
Trachea 240
Lungs 242
Respiration 246
Disorders of the upper respiratory tract 254
Obstructive lung disorders 255
Restrictive disorders 258
Lung infections 260
Lung tumours 262
Lung collapse (Fig. 10.31) 262
Chapter 11: Introduction to nutrition 265
The balanced diet 266
Carbohydrates 268
Proteins (nitrogenous foods) 268
Fats 269
Vitamins 270
Minerals, trace elements and water 272
Non-starch polysaccharide (NSP) 273
Disorders of nutrition 274
Conditions with dietary implications 275
Further reading 275
Chapter 12: The digestive system 277
Organs of the digestive system (Fig. 12.1) 279
Basic structure of the alimentary canal (Fig. 12.2) 279
Mouth (Fig. 12.7) 283
Salivary glands (Fig. 12.13) 285
Pharynx 287
Oesophagus (Fig. 12.14) 287
Stomach 289
Small intestine (Figs 12.23 and 12.24) 293
Large intestine, rectum and anal canal 297
Pancreas (Fig. 12.32) 299
Liver 300
Biliary tract 303
Summary of digestion and absorption of nutrients 304
Metabolism 305
Diseases of the mouth 311
Diseases of the pharynx 312
Diseases of salivary glands 312
Diseases of the oesophagus 313
Diseases of the stomach 314
Diseases of the intestines 316
Diseases of the pancreas 323
Diseases of the liver 324
Diseases of the gall bladder and bile ducts 326
Chapter 13: The urinary system 329
Kidneys 330
Ureters 338
Urinary bladder 339
Urethra 340
Micturition 341
Diseases of the kidneys 343
Diseases of the renal pelvis, ureters, bladder and urethra 348
Section 4: Protection and survival 351
Chapter 14: The skin 353
The skin 354
Disorders of the skin 362
Chapter 15: Resistance and immunity 365
Non-specific defence mechanisms 366
Immunity 369
Abnormal immune function 374
Chapter 16: The musculoskeletal system 379
Bone 380
Axial skeleton 385
Appendicular skeleton 396
Joints 401
Muscle tissue 409
Principal skeletal muscles 413
Diseases of bone 421
Disorders of joints 422
Diseases of muscle 424
Chapter 17: Introduction to genetics 427
Chromosomes, genes and DNA 428
Protein synthesis 430
Cell division 431
The genetic basis of inheritance 433
Genetic basis of disease 435
Chapter 18: The reproductive systems 437
Female reproductive system 438
Male reproductive system 447
Sexually transmitted infections 452
Diseases of the female reproductive system 453
Diseases of the male reproductive system 455
Glossary 459
Normal values 465
Bibliography 467
Index 469